Every Planar Map is Four Colorable

Book Description

In this volume, the authors present their 1972 proof of the celebrated Four Color Theorem in a detailed but self-contained exposition accessible to a general mathematical audience. An emended version of the authors' proof of the theorem, the book contains the full text of the supplements and checklists, which originally appeared on microfiche. The thiry-page introduction, intended for nonspecialists, provides some historical background of the theorem and details of the authors' proof. In addition, the authors have added an appendix which treats in much greater detail the argument for situations in which reducible configurations are immersed rather than embedded in triangulations. This result leads to a proof that four coloring can be accomplished in polynomial time.

Every Planar Map is Four Colorable

Book Description

In this volume, the authors present their 1972 proof of the celebrated Four Color Theorem in a detailed but self-contained exposition accessible to a general mathematical audience. An emended version of the authors' proof of the theorem, the book contains the full text of the supplements and checklists, which originally appeared on microfiche. The thiry-page introduction, intended for nonspecialists, provides some historical background of the theorem and details of the authors' proof. In addition, the authors have added an appendix which treats in much greater detail the argument for situations in which reducible configurations are immersed rather than embedded in triangulations. This result leads to a proof that four coloring can be accomplished in polynomial time.

The Four-Color Theorem

Book Description

This book discusses a famous problem that helped to define the field now known as topology: What is the minimum number of colors required to print a map so that no two adjoining countries have the same color? This problem remained unsolved until the 1950s, when it was finally cracked using a computer. This book discusses the history and mathematics of the problem, as well as the philosophical debate which ensued, regarding the validity of computer generated proofs.

The Four-color Problem

Book Description

Four Colours Suffice

Book Description

The four-colour problem was one of the most famous and controversial conundrums ever known, and stumped thousands of puzzlers for over a century. It sounded simple- what is the least number of colours needed to fill in any map, so that neighbouring countries are always coloured differently? However, it would take over a hundred years for amateur problem-solvers and mathematicians alike to answer the question first posed by Francis Guthrie in 1852. And, even when a solution was finally found using computers, debate raged over whether this technology could ever provide the proof that traditional pen-and-paper calculations could. This is the gripping story of the race to solve the riddle - a tale of dedicated puzzlers, mind-boggling maps, human ingenuity and the great rhombicuboctahedron

The Four-Color Problem

Book Description

The Four-Color Problem

Mathematics Today Twelve Informal Essays

Book Description

The objective of the present book of essays is to convey to the intelligent nonmathematician something of the nature, development, and use of mathe matical concepts, particularly those that have found application in current scientific research. The idea of assembling such a volume goes back at least to 1974, when it was discussed by the then-newly-formed Joint Projects Committee for Mathematics (JPCM) of the American Mathematical Soci ety, the Mathematical Association of America, and the Society for Indus trial and Applied Mathematics. Currently, the nine members of the JPCM are Saunders Mac Lane (Chairman) of the University of Chicago, Frederick J. Almgren, Jr. of Princeton University, Richard D. Anderson of Louisiana State University, George E. Carrier of Harvard University, Hirsh G. Cohen ofthe International Business Machines Corporation, Richard C. DiPrima of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Robion C. Kirby of the University of California at Berkeley, William H. Kruskal of the University of Chicago, and George D. Mostow of Yale University. The JPCM decided to make production of this volume its first major proj ect and requested the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences (CBMS), of which its three sponsoring societies are all member organiza tions, to approach the National Science Foundation on its behalffor support of the undertaking. A proposal submitted by the C BMS in December 1974 and in revised form in July 1975 was granted by the Foundation in May 1976, and work on assembling the volume got under way.

Topics in Chromatic Graph Theory

Book Description

Chromatic graph theory is a thriving area that uses various ideas of 'colouring' (of vertices, edges, and so on) to explore aspects of graph theory. It has links with other areas of mathematics, including topology, algebra and geometry, and is increasingly used in such areas as computer networks, where colouring algorithms form an important feature. While other books cover portions of the material, no other title has such a wide scope as this one, in which acknowledged international experts in the field provide a broad survey of the subject. All fifteen chapters have been carefully edited, with uniform notation and terminology applied throughout. Bjarne Toft (Odense, Denmark), widely recognized for his substantial contributions to the area, acted as academic consultant. The book serves as a valuable reference for researchers and graduate students in graph theory and combinatorics and as a useful introduction to the topic for mathematicians in related fields.

Mathematical Solitaires and Games

Book Description

A collection of solitaires and games which include sections on Solitiare Games like Knights Interchanges and The Stacked Playing Cards; Competitive games including SIM as a game of Chance and A winning Opening in Reverse Hex and also Solitaire games with toys like the Tower of Hanoi and Triangular Puzzle Peg.

Graph Coloring Problems

Book Description

Contains a wealth of information previously scattered in research journals, conference proceedings and technical reports. Identifies more than 200 unsolved problems. Every problem is stated in a self-contained, extremely accessible format, followed by comments on its history, related results and literature. The book will stimulate research and help avoid efforts on solving already settled problems. Each chapter concludes with a comprehensive list of references which will lead readers to original sources, important contributions and other surveys.