When is True Belief Knowledge?

Book Description

A woman glances at a broken clock and comes to believe it is a quarter past seven. Yet, despite the broken clock, it really does happen to be a quarter past seven. Her belief is true, but it isn't knowledge. This is a classic illustration of a central problem in epistemology: determining what knowledge requires in addition to true belief. In this provocative book, Richard Foley finds a new solution to the problem in the observation that whenever someone has a true belief but not knowledge, there is some significant aspect of the situation about which she lacks true beliefs--something important that she doesn't quite "get." This may seem a modest point but, as Foley shows, it has the potential to reorient the theory of knowledge. Whether a true belief counts as knowledge depends on the importance of the information one does or doesn't have. This means that questions of knowledge cannot be separated from questions about human concerns and values. It also means that, contrary to what is often thought, there is no privileged way of coming to know. Knowledge is a mutt. Proper pedigree is not required. What matters is that one doesn't lack important nearby information. Challenging some of the central assumptions of contemporary epistemology, this is an original and important account of knowledge.

Everything That Is Not a Belief Is True

Book Description

Free of belief, consciousness shines pure, and anything done or believed with the intention of realising this can only obscure it. This cannot be improved and there are no stages to attaining it; the consciousness of all beings is already pure and complete. Meditation, yoga, fasting or any other spiritual or religious practice can in no way affect the natural purity of consciousness and there are no spiritual or religious texts including this that can in any way change what is already there.The purpose of this book is not to teach or reveal; it is only to disrupt the beliefs that we unintentionally use to obscure consciousness. Our beliefs are naturally being disrupted but this is a slow process that can be considered evolutionary. With this book, it is possible to speed up this process considerably. When belief itself is questioned deeply enough, a point of no return is reached and all false beliefs spontaneously collapse without effort. What we read or hear can be understood on a relative level according to what each of us is capable of understanding. This also applies to this book, but it is important to understand that we cannot fully understand anything until our understanding is free from belief. Free from belief, these words would disappear.A book that aims to dispel many myths in common society today, Everything That is Not a Belief is True will apply to those interested in reading about spirituality, psychotherapy and meditation. Author Ray is inspired by a number of people, most notably Nisargadatta Maharaj whose books include I Am That, The Nectar of Immortality and Seeds of Consciousness.

Why We Need Religion

Book Description

How we feel is as vital to our survival as how we think. This claim, based on the premise that emotions are largely adaptive, serves as the organizing theme of Why We Need Religion. This book is a novel pathway in a well-trodden field of religious studies and philosophy of religion. Stephen Asma argues that, like art, religion has direct access to our emotional lives in ways that science does not. Yes, science can give us emotional feelings of wonder and the sublime--we can feel the sacred depths of nature--but there are many forms of human suffering and vulnerability that are beyond the reach of help from science. Different emotional stresses require different kinds of rescue. Unlike secular authors who praise religion's ethical and civilizing function, Asma argues that its core value lies in its emotionally therapeutic power. No theorist of religion has failed to notice the importance of emotions in spiritual and ritual life, but truly systematic research has only recently delivered concrete data on the neurology, psychology, and anthropology of the emotional systems. This very recent "affective turn" has begun to map out a powerful territory of embodied cognition. Why We Need Religion incorporates new data from these affective sciences into the philosophy of religion. It goes on to describe the way in which religion manages those systems--rage, play, lust, care, grief, and so on. Finally, it argues that religion is still the best cultural apparatus for doing this adaptive work. In short, the book is a Darwinian defense of religious emotions and the cultural systems that manage them.

Belief and Truth

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Belief and Truth: A Skeptic Reading of Plato explores a Socratic intuition about belief, doxa — belief is "shameful." In aiming for knowledge, one must aim to get rid of beliefs. Vogt shows how deeply this proposal differs from contemporary views, but that it nevertheless speaks to intuitions we are likely to share with Plato, ancient skeptics, and Stoic epistemologists.

The Truth About Reality

Book Description

This book is for you! Anti Christ introduces you to yourself, your government and to your god. People, from all walks of life and religion, wonder about the validity of religion. Are physical creatures eternal beings cast in a prison of flesh or did life accidentally spring forth from the absurd and incoherent twists and turns of evolution? The several kinds of reality this book introduces fill the voids of understanding about reality with real knowledge. The book is not about religion, spirituality, occult, or anything concretely physical. It encompasses all the deceitful control schemes laid on you like obedient dogs in their traces. You cannot afford to stay ignorant for your continued existence depends on knowing what and who you are physically and spiritually. The mysteries of life are caused by your belief systems. To believe means that you do not know. Belief is the portal to hell, the permanent state of living death; knowledge is the portal to reality and eternal life. Science and religion cannot give the insight this book brings. Whether you believe the material is for you, or not, you cannot afford to remain ignorant for the route back to true reality is made clear. Ignorance always portrays itself as brilliance. The world is full of brilliant pretenders. My brother, Anti Christ leads you from example to example to understand the hoax on which physical reality is based. The more real life seems the more you are betrayed and trapped. The greatest mystery in the mind is the mystery of yourself. Vaguely, you all believe to be strangers guilty of something not understood. Anti Christ gives you the better outlook on life than any ideology, ism or cult you now subscribe to. Through believing clever deceits mankind never saw physical awareness for what it is. What humanity endlessly searches for lies revealed in the pages of this book. It overrules all human and, so-called, godly knowledge. I could not have said it better. Make it yours. Jesus Christ

Right Belief and True Belief

Book Description

The most important questions in life are questions about what we should do and what we should believe. The first kind of question has received considerable attention by normative ethicists, who search for a complete systematic account of right action. This book is about the second kind of question. Right Belief and True Belief starts by defining a new field of inquiry named 'normative epistemology' that mirrors normative ethics in searching for a systematic account of right belief. The book then lays out and defends a deeply truth-centric account of right belief called `truth-loving epistemic consequentialism.' Truth-loving epistemic consequentialists say that what we should believe (and what credences we should have) can be understood in terms of what conduces to us having the most accurate beliefs (credences). The view straight-forwardly vindicates the popular intuition that epistemic norms are about getting true beliefs and avoiding false beliefs, and it coheres well with how scientists, engineers, and statisticians think about what we should believe. Many epistemologists have rejected similar views in response to several persuasive objections, most famously including trade-off and counting-blades-of-grass objections. Right Belief and True Belief shows how a simple truth-based consequentialist account of epistemic norms can avoid these objections and argues that truth-loving epistemic consequentialism can undergird a general truth-centric approach to many questions in epistemology.

Believing Is Seeing

Book Description

"Nowadays, beliefs rule the day. "Personal truth" is more important than "the truth." In one study, more than 91 percent of the respondents couldn't tell the difference between opinion and fact. For them, in other words, opinions are facts and beliefs are truth. In Believing is Seeing, former ABC News Science Editor and Harvard physics instructor Dr. Michael Guillen explains how every aspect of the human experience, from science to religion, is powered by one thing: faith. That includes your worldview. Powered by faith -- by beliefs you can't prove -- it dictates how you see everything and everyone, all the time. Believing is seeing. Are your beliefs true or untrue? Is your faith enlightened or misguided? The answers to those questions reveal whether your current worldview is dangerous or dependable. As Dr. Guillen explains in the pages of this book, what you believe is not just a matter of what's true or not true; it's a matter of life and death"--

Everything is a Game of Beliefs

Book Description

Attain liberation from beliefs Right from our childhood, we all, without exception, have taken in a myriad of beliefs from our parents, family, friends as well as from our environment. As we grow up, and begin to develop a better understanding of life, we no longer need these beliefs. Many of us, however, continue to live in the prison of these limiting beliefs, blindly following them without ever questioning their validity. This book is an eye-opener to the myths and superstitions we have acquired so far. You may wonder whether a state of complete freedom from these myths is ever possible. Hold on! It is indeed possible for everyone. This book will help you in this endeavour. This book is a conclusive myth buster. It helps you bring out the beliefs that you have been holding onto. In the bright light of understanding, you can discover their reality and transcend them. This book covers myths related to topics like time, money, success, confidence, love, marriage, death, and divinity. It also covers everyday superstitions we, as a society, believe in. As you read this book, you will discover that everything is indeed a game of beliefs… Understanding dispels these beliefs and liberates you.

The Ethics of Belief

Book Description

This book combines the two essays which comprise the famous philosophical exchange between the mathematician William Kingdon Clifford and William James, a psychologist and philosopher. Famous for articulating their arguments and discussing morality surrounding belief, these two papers are united in a single edition.

50 Popular Beliefs that People Think are True

Book Description

"What would it take to create a world in which fantasy is not confused for fact and public policy is based on objective reality?" asksNeil deGrasse Tyson, science popularizer and author ofAstrophysics for People in a Hurry."I don't know for sure. Buta good place to start would be for everyone on earth to read this book." Maybe you know someone who swears by the reliability of psychics or who is in regular contact with angels. Or perhaps you're trying to find a nice way of dissuading someone from wasting money on a homeopathy cure. Or you met someone at a party who insisted the Holocaust never happened or that no one ever walked on the moon. How do you find a gently persuasive way of steering people away from unfounded beliefs, bogus cures, conspiracy theories, and the like?This down-to-earth, entertaining exploration of commonly held extraordinary claims will help you set the record straight. The author, a veteran journalist, has not only surveyed a vast body of literature, but has also interviewed leading scientists, explored "the most haunted house in America," frolicked in the inviting waters of the Bermuda Triangle, and even talked to a "contrite Roswell alien." He is not out simply to debunk unfounded beliefs. Wherever possible, he presents alternative scientific explanations, which in most cases are even more fascinating than the wildest speculation. For example, stories about UFOs and alien abductions lack good evidence, but science gives us plenty of reasons to keep exploring outer space for evidence that life exists elsewhere in the vast universe. The proof for Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster may be nonexistent, but scientists are regularly discovering new species, some of which are truly stranger than fiction.Stressing the excitement of scientific discovery and the legitimate mysteries and wonder inherent in reality, this book invites readers to share the joys of rational thinking and the skeptical approach to evaluating our extraordinary world.