Everything You Know about Evangelicals Is Wrong (Well, Almost Everything)

Book Description

While evangelicals make up a significant portion of American society, they still constitute a mystery for many. They exert considerable influence on virtually every aspect of American life and culture, yet by those who don't appreciate them they're seen as rednecks, crypto-fundamentalists, and people without education. Wilkens and Thorsen contend that evangelicals are tired of being caricatured and provide an insider's look at myths and realities surrounding the movement. They winsomely and sometimes humorously assess the breadth and depth of evangelical beliefs, values, and practices, arguing that evangelicalism is identifiable by a family resemblance, vitality, and relevance that transcends particular theological and political stereotypes that arise inside as well as outside of it. The book provides a synthetic presentation of contemporary evangelical Christianity as well as critiques of it.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Evangelical Christianity

Book Description

The word on spreading the word ... The Evangelical Christian movement is the fastest growing segment of American religion with 42% of all Christians in America identifying themselves as Evangelicals. Now, Evangelical Pastor David Cobia shares the genesis, history, and culture of this religion in America with a balanced, accessible tone. He also touches upon the controversies it's spawned regarding such topics as school curriculum, abortion, gay rights, and family structure. Written both for those inside the movement and those wanting to know more, it gives a clear, factual portrait of what this growing Christian movement is all about. --Balanced, positive yet objective tone and presentation of information --Provides a complete history of the movement, details about specific services and rituals, and interviews with Evangelical Christians about their beliefs and lifestyles --Discusses controversial topics and how Evangelical Christians feel about them

Christians Against Christianity

Book Description

A timely and galvanizing work that examines how right-wing evangelical Christians have veered from an admirable faith to a pernicious, destructive ideology. Today’s right-wing Evangelical Christianity stands as the very antithesis of the message of Jesus Christ. In his new book, Christians Against Christianity, best-selling author and religious scholar Obery M. Hendricks Jr. challenges right-wing evangelicals on the terrain of their own religious claims, exposing the falsehoods, contradictions, and misuses of the Bible that are embedded in their rabid homophobia, their poorly veiled racism and demonizing of immigrants and Muslims, and their ungodly alliance with big business against the interests of American workers. He scathingly indicts the religious leaders who helped facilitate the rise of the notoriously unchristian Donald Trump, likening them to the “court jesters” and hypocritical priestly sycophants of bygone eras who unquestioningly supported their sovereigns’ every act, no matter how hateful or destructive to those they were supposed to serve. In the wake of the deadly insurrectionist attack on the US Capitol, Christians Against Christianity is a clarion call to stand up to the hypocrisy of the evangelical Right, as well as a guide for Christians to return their faith to the life-affirming message that Jesus brought and died for. What Hendricks offers is a provocative diagnosis, an urgent warning that right-wing evangelicals’ aspirations for Christian nationalist supremacy are a looming threat, not only to Christian decency but to democracy itself. What they offer to America is anything but good news.

Getting the Gospel Wrong

Book Description

A study of evangelical soteriology. Includes critiques of proponents of various "gospels": Purpose gospel (Rick Warren, Kerry Shook, Gotlife.org); Puzzling gospel (Billy Graham, Bible colleges, Leonard Sweet); Prosperity gospel (Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes, Kirbyjon Caldwell); Pluralistic gospel (Clark Pinnock, John Sanders); Performance gospel (John F. MacArthur, Bill Bright, D. James Kennedy, David Wells, James Montgomery Boice, R.C. Sproul, John Piper); Promise-only gospel (Zane Hodges, Bob Wilkin).

The Evangelical Imagination

Book Description

"Provides plenty of fodder for those wishing to explore what evangelicalism is and reimagine what it might become. It's an eye-opener."--Publishers Weekly Contemporary American evangelicalism is suffering from an identity crisis--and a lot of bad press. In this book, acclaimed author Karen Swallow Prior examines evangelical history, both good and bad. By analyzing the literature, art, and popular culture that has surrounded evangelicalism, she unpacks some of the movement's most deeply held concepts, ideas, values, and practices to consider what is Christian rather than merely cultural. The result is a clearer path forward for evangelicals amid their current identity crisis--and insight for others who want a deeper understanding of what the term "evangelical" means today. Brought to life with color illustrations, images, and paintings, this book explores ideas including conversion, domesticity, empire, sentimentality, and more. In the end, it goes beyond evangelicalism to show us how we might be influenced by images, stories, and metaphors in ways we cannot always see.

No Place for Truth

Book Description

Has something indeed happened to evangelical theology and to evangelical churches? According to David Wells, the evidence indicates that evangelical pastors have abandoned their traditional role as ministers of the Word to become therapists and "managers of the small enterprises we call churches." Along with their parishioners, they have abandoned genuine Christianity and biblical truth in favor of the sort of inner-directed experiential religion that now pervades Western society. Specifically, Wells explores the wholesale disappearance of theology in the church, the academy, and modern culture. Western culture as a whole, argues Wells, has been transformed by modernity, and the church has simply gone with the flow. The new environment in which we live, with its huge cities, triumphant capitalism, invasive technology, and pervasive amusements, has vanquished and homogenized the entire world. While the modern world has produced astonishing abundance, it has also taken a toll on the human spirit, emptying it of enduring meaning and morality. Seeking respite from the acids of modernity, people today have increasingly turned to religions and therapies centered on the self. And, whether consciously or not, evangelicals have taken the same path, refashioning their faith into a religion of the self. They have been coopted by modernity, have sold their soul for a mess of pottage. According to Wells, they have lost the truth that God stands outside all human experience, that he still summons sinners to repentance and belief regardless of their self-image, and that he calls his church to stand fast in his truth against the blandishments of a godless world. The first of three volumes meant to encourage renewal in evangelical theology (the other two to be written by Cornelius Plantinga Jr. and Mark Noll), No Place for Truth is a contemporary jeremiad, a clarion call to all evangelicals to note well what a pass they have come to in capitulating to modernity, what a risk they are running by abandoning historic orthodoxy. It is provocative reading for scholars, ministers, seminary students, and all theologically concerned individuals.

Christians Are Hate-Filled Hypocrites...and Other Lies You've Been Told

Book Description

According to the media, the church is rapidly shrinking, both in numbers and in effectiveness. But the good news is, much of the bad news is wrong. Sociologist Bradley R. E. Wright uncovers what's really happening in the church: evangelicals are more respected by secular culture now than they were ten years ago; divorce rates of Christians are lower than those who aren't affiliated with a religion; young evangelicals are active in the faith. Wright reveals to readers why and how statistics are distorted, and shows that God is still effectively working through his people today.

Everything You Know Is Wrong

Book Description

How has Christianity arrived at its current state? Should the faith be so thoroughly and antagonistically divided into two camps that are themselves hopelessly fractured? Which side is right? For that matter, is either right? Here, the Reverend Robert McLeod, holder of master's degrees in both political science and divinity, reviews the history of the Church since the Reformation of the sixteenth century and comes to new conclusions about theology, morality, and the role of the Christian faith in the modern world. Shocking, pointed, discomforting, but always thought-provoking, the observations here put forth will change forever the way you view some of the Church's foundational beliefs and their effects on the real world. Open this book only if you have the stomach and, more importantly, the mind, for bold new insight.

The Real Gospel

Book Description

"We're being raised in a world whose pervasive philosophies have had a cumulative effect on the gospel that's being preached, and most Christians are totally oblivious. The grace and love of God have been cheapened, skewed, and miscommunicated. The cross has been belittled, redemption diminished, and the power of Jesus' resurrection disregarded. If you were to honestly examine the American gospel under the scrutiny of the Word of God, you would find critical flaws that are far worse than matters of a twisted 'prosperity gospel.' I believe that even the basic fundamentals of Christian philosophy are being misunderstood. Most of us think we know what it means when we confess that Jesus died for our sins, but we often don't."In his book, Lead Pastor of Valiant Church in New Hope, MN, David Grams, invites to weigh your belief's against the core tenets of the New Testament, guaranteeing you a much deeper understanding of the gospel that easily exposes the many flaws in mainstream Christianity. You'll find that the gospel has very little to do with a mere forgiveness of sin or Jesus' substitutionary death. It has to do with complete freedom from sin and a completely new life, teaching that Christ didn't only die for us, but He died AS us. Some of the most minuscule corrections to our beliefs bring about colossal improvement to our lives. Contrarily, some of the tiniest lies in our doctrine produce destruction. This book will help you identify those lies and bring correction, healing, and spiritual breakthrough to your life.