Evidence from the Minister for Europe on the June European Council

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Evidence from the Minister for Europe on the June European Council : 28th report of session 2007-08, report with Evidence

The Oxford Handbook of the European Union

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The Oxford Handbook of the European Union brings together numerous acknowledged specialists in their field to provide a comprehensive and clear assessment of the nature, evolution, workings, and impact of European integration.

The EU reform treaty

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This progress report presents evidence taken by the Committee during the summer recess on the draft EU Reform Treaty on which negotiations have been proceeding in the Inter Governmental Conference (IGC), as well as correspondence raising questions with the Minister for Europe. The Committee sets out its plan for further in depth analysis of the impact of the reform Treaty on the UK and discusses specific questions of the role of national parliaments. The report notes the tight mandate given to the IGC has had the effect that its work has been largely technical and asks the Government to report to the House on the impact of this procedure.

The conclusions of the European Council and the Council of Ministers

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The Conclusions of the European Council are politically binding on the Member States of the European Union and have a major influence on the direction of EC and EU business. The process of preparing the Conclusions is secretive with Parliament having no opportunity to scrutinise the Conclusions before the Prime Minister commits the UK to them. Whilst the Council of Ministers sometimes has conclusions and sometimes does not ( there are different Council of Ministers, each dealing with a separate policy area), the European Scrutiny Committee believes that a clarification of the Conclusions-process is needed and the objective of this report is to inquire into the arrangements for the preparation, consideration and approval of the Conclusions of the European Council and the Council of Ministers. The Committee has set out a number of conclusions and recommendations, including: that the Government should discuss with other Member States the options of improving the process and removing present inefficiencies and eccentricities of the proceedings of the European Council; that the Government should deposit within the scrutiny process in Parliament the draft Conclusions of the European Council; that the Government presses the case with other Member States for establishing criteria to determine when Conclusions of the Council of Ministers are required.

European Union Committee annual report 2007

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This report describes the work of the House of Lords EU Select Committee and its seven Sub-Committees over the past year, and considers the Committee's work in the coming year. It analyses scrutiny overrides (occasions when Ministers act before the Committee's scrutiny is complete), and urges the Government to ensure that Committees are kept fully informed about the progress of negotiations. It also makes recommendations regarding General Approaches, delays in Ministerial correspondence with the Committee, the contents of Government Explanatory Memoranda, and Commission responses to Committee reports.

Healthcare Across EU Borders: Report

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A report that welcomes the proposal from the European Commission for a Directive on patients' rights to cross-border healthcare but calls for improvements and warns that, due to the unpredictable impact of the provisions in the Directive, it must be carefully monitored upon implementation.

The Single Market

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This report is about the need for the Commission and Member States to take action in order to prevent the Single Market project from failing to achieve expectations. Increased competition, lower prices and a wider choice of products and services are the potential benefits to consumers; access to an enormous home market is the potential benefit to business. In reality the failure of Member States to implement important legislation has maintained barriers and prevented the fuller completion of the Single Market. This failure is aggravated by the growing trend towards economic protectionism in a number of Member States. Misguided attempts to protect domestic industries and safeguard national jobs are preventing consumers and businesses from reaping the full benefits of a truly open Single Market. The EU needs to reassess the tools it uses. The legislative route is not always the most effective means for achieving Single Market goals. The increased use of other, non-legislative tools will help to overcome the difficulties of legislating for an expanded EU. National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) must be independent of government, especially where governments have financial interests in the major market operator or national incumbent. There is no need for a 'super-regulator' at EU-level in any of the sectors considered in this inquiry: energy, telecommunications and financial services. Achieving consistent implementation begins with effective policy-making based on detailed sector-specific understanding. Currently very few SMEs are engaged in cross-border activity and this is largely due to the regulatory barriers which remain in place, and the lack of reliable information to assist businesses. The Committee welcomes the objective of engaging small business in the Single Market.

The future of the Common Agriculture Policy

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The 2003 reform of the Common Agricultural Policy marked the culmination of a gradual reorientation of EU farm subsidies from product support to direct income support. A mid-term "Health Check" of this reform is now underway, exploring what further adjustments may be required for the period 2009 to 2013. The Commission's proposals for short-term adjustments to the CAP merit broad support. The Committee is not convinced of the long-term justification for maintaining direct subsidy payments in their present form, and advocates a phased reduction in direct payments over the course of the next financial period beginning in 2014. A significant proportion of the funds released should remain earmarked for the CAP, but be spent on the rural development element of the policy rather than on farm subsidies. The report also addresses the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for the EU agriculture industry. The sector is a significant contributor to climate change, but also vulnerable to its effects. Climate change may present a business opportunity for the industry, which is uniquely placed to deliver environmental services. Soaring global demand for many agricultural commodities has allowed some sectors of the European farming industry to prosper, while others are grappling with rising input prices and stagnant or falling output prices. Were supply shortages to ensue in future, the Committee expects that food scarcity would be a function of income rather than of production capacity. Those most at risk are consumers on low incomes in the developing world. Further trade liberalisation in the agriculture sector is supported, but if direct payments are withdrawn and import tariffs reduced-as the UK Government advocates-then the production standards that EU producers of agricultural goods are obliged to meet should be re-examined.