Evolution And Intelligent Design in the Secret Doctrine

Book Description

The pendulum of thought oscillates between extremes. Having now finally emancipated herself from the shackles of theology, Science has embraced the opposite fallacy; and in the attempt to interpret Nature on purely materialistic lines, she has built up that most extravagant theory of the ages-the derivation of man from a ferocious and brutal ape. So rooted has this doctrine, in one form or another, now become, that the most Herculean efforts will be needed to bring about its final rejection. The Darwinian anthropology is the incubus of the ethnologist, a sturdy child of modern Materialism, which has grown up and acquired increasing vigour, as the ineptitude of the theological legend of Man's 'creation" became more and more apparent. It has thriven on account of the strange delusion that-as a scientist of repute puts it-'All hypotheses and theories with respect to the rise of man can be reduced to two (the Evolutionist and the Biblical exoteric account).. There is no other hypothesis conceivable."! The anthropology of the secret volumes is, however, the best possible answer to such a worthless contention. "The Secret Doctrine," "ii 689"

Icons of Evolution

Book Description

Everything you were taught about evolution is wrong.

The Origins of Self-Consciousness in The Secret Doctrine

Book Description

Any attempt to explain the mysterious connections between consciousness and matter, and self-consciousness in particular, necessarily involves much complexity. Because all levels of relative reality are present here and now, the human being embodies the whole hierarchy of the cosmos: a microcosm of the macrocosm, to use an insightful Renaissance expression. Besides the physical human body, there is the dynamic structural plan of that body (called the 'astral body'), the desire nature, the life force that permeates all living creatures, consciousness involved in sense perception and practical operations, consciousness capable of universal thought and awareness, and pure consciousness manifest in pristine intuition. Above these six principles of human nature broods the luminous spirit called the Atman. Many people are seldom aware of anything more in themselves than the first five of these principles, although many also have intuitive glimpses of universal understanding, often as transcendent experiences which cannot be sustained. Because understanding cannot be separated from experience, and experience cannot be divorced from the way we live, think, feel and have our being, various spiritual traditions have offered practices to nurture these inner awakenings to our higher natures and to a greater awareness of spiritual reality. Theosophy connects together how we live our lives, what we think and how we focus our attention, the bold exploration of our inner natures, how we react to what comes to us (karma), and how we can build depth of awareness across lifetimes, with Enlightenment. Theosophy, therefore, connects ethics and action, including both physical action in the world and the action of our own thoughts. Where we are ignorant of all the dimensions of our circumstances-and, short of Enlightenment, we are all ignorant-motive for thought and action is fundamental for altering one's karmic trajectory and future incarnations. The selections from The Secret Doctrine in this book are gathered with a focus on the consciousness exhibited in Nature, its origin and destiny, and on human self-consciousness, in particular. This book therefore explores one vital current in the Ocean of Wisdom that is Theosophy. A thoughtful and persistent reading of these texts will radically transform one's understanding of the unity of self-consciousness and the world around us, and of one's place in the greater scheme of things.

The Astrological and Numerological Keys to The Secret Doctrine, Volume 1

Book Description

H.P. Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine is the foundational text for the dissemination of the esoteric tradition, as promulgated by the Masters of Wisdom for this new epoch. The Theosophical Society, the writings of Alice Bailey, Helena Roerich and other esotericists, are founded upon the basis of the advanced esoteric doctrines promulgated in that text. Here, for the first time, a proper exposition of the mode of the coding of the esoteric texts presented by the Masters is revealed. The object being to assist serious students of the esoteric doctrines to gain much deeper insights as to the nature of the hidden wisdom of the revelatory writings emanating from the Hierarchy of enlightened beings. This book consequently presupposes that the reader is familiar with the context of the writings of the above authors, and also my writings, because of the nature of the advanced esotericism that needs to be explicated. The focus of this analysis is upon the Stanzas of Dzyan (stanzas for meditation), the backbone of The Secret Doctrine. Those that take the time to properly study the texts will comprehend the vastness of the philosophy and awareness attained by enlightened beings, and so hopefully aspire to likewise gain enlightenment.

Symbols of the Eternal Doctrine

Book Description

The remarkable essays in this volume were written for the expressed purpose of helping both the newcomer to spiritual thinking as well as the skilled practitioner to see the everyday objects - from the wind and ships to deserts and lakes - and subjects - from dogs and ravens to dolphins and whales - surrounding us as concrete embodiments and living symbols of the fundamental spiritual Essence from which everything has evolved. These universal symbols are not just accidental mental constructs but are living realities that not only point to spiritual dimensions far beyond themselves but profoundly embody those spiritual realities. Learning to see the world around us afresh in the light of its spiritual dimension reorients us to taking up again the age-old task of treading the Path and aids us in activating our higher spiritual capacities which, when awakened, shed the pristine light of universal Theosophy on the path of spiritual self-regeneration in the service of humanity. The 28 wide-ranging articles in this volume span a wide spectrum of human thought: from the Tetraktys to the Cross, from the Altar to the Mirror, from the Pentagram to the Dodecahedron, from the Dog to the Dwarf, from the Heart to the Fool; indeed, from Shamballa to Paradise. These essays reveal the fundamental religious, philosophical, and scientific aspects to the most mundane and most refined realities of our common, everyday world. Both the serious reflection upon and casual reading of these essays is a joyous expedition through the all-too-common truncated perceptions we have of our world to a higher level of awareness of the myriad ways in which the life of the universal Spirit is made manifest.

Wisdom in Action

Book Description

The title of this book, Wisdom in Action, indicates the slightly different emphasis in this second volume of Raghavan Iyer's HERMES essays than the fi rst volume, The Dawning of Wisdom. In truth, these jeweled essays in Buddhi Yoga could be gathered together into any number of confi gurations simply because the writings themselves are so multifaceted and universal in scope. As they embody Universal Good, so too they lend themselves to the purposes of the highest good under whatever name or form. The constant, underlying theme of all these essays is the crucial need for unconditional devotion to Universal Good as a prerequisite for traveling on the spiritual Path. There is simply nothing else that can serve as a substitute for the highest of noble motives for living the spiritual life. But these writings also bear upon the crucial and thorny problem of translating theoria into praxis, and they shed a pristine light upon the obstacles and diffi culties encountered by every aspirant who self-consciously chooses to tread the Path of Renunciation.

The Dawning of Wisdom

Book Description

The spiritually penetrating essays in this volume were written for the expressed purpose of shedding the pristine light of universal Theosophy on the path of spiritual self-regeneration in the service of humanity. The Theosophical philosophy is predicated on the ageless truth that divine wisdom exists, and that wise beings exist who dynamically embody it in world history; that sages and seers still grace the globe and continually oversee the spiritual, mental and physical evolution of man and nature. The secret Society of Sages that guides human progress periodically sends forth one of their own to sound afresh the Divine Philosophy and exemplify the spiritual life in all its richness and mystery. Such an enlightened spiritual teacher articulates eternal but forgotten truths in ingenious ways, adopting modes that inspire the mind, release soul perception, and cut through the miasma of an age. The wide-ranging articles in this volume span the spectrum of human thought from the metaphysical to the mystical, the ethical to the psychological, the spiritual to the material. They reveal the fundamental basis of religion, philosophy and science. The assimilation of these essays turns us back upon ourselves and releases that laser-like insight that allows us to increasingly discern the true, the good, and the beautiful in all religious teachings, philosophical musings, and scientific discoveries. When carefully meditated upon and skillfully applied to the realm of self-chosen duties, they purify the mind, cleanse the heart, and uplift the human condition.

Signature in the Cell

Book Description

"This book attempts to make a comprehensive, interdisciplinary case for a new view of the origin of life"--Prologue.

Why Evolution is True

Book Description

For all the discussion in the media about creationism and 'Intelligent Design', virtually nothing has been said about the evidence in question - the evidence for evolution by natural selection. Yet, as this succinct and important book shows, that evidence is vast, varied, and magnificent, and drawn from many disparate fields of science. The very latest research is uncovering a stream of evidence revealing evolution in action - from the actual observation of a species splitting into two, to new fossil discoveries, to the deciphering of the evidence stored in our genome. Why Evolution is True weaves together the many threads of modern work in genetics, palaeontology, geology, molecular biology, anatomy, and development to demonstrate the 'indelible stamp' of the processes first proposed by Darwin. It is a crisp, lucid, and accessible statement that will leave no one with an open mind in any doubt about the truth of evolution.