Evolution Unredacted

Book Description

What do you know about evolutionary theory? Or, maybe there are two questions here: (1) What do you think you know; (2) What do you actually know? Quite irrespective of whether individuals believe in evolution or they are opposed to it, most people probably would have to acknowledge that they know almost nothing at all about the actual nuts and bolts of the technical issues at the heart of evolutionary theory. Their beliefs concerning this matter -- whatever the character of those beliefs might be -- is, for the most part, likely to be framed by, and filtered through, two themes: (a) a largely unexamined acceptance of the opinion of others; (b) the extent to which evolutionary theory makes carrying on with the rest of their philosophical or religious perspective either easier or more difficult to continue to do. Seeking the truth should neither be a function of blindly following the beliefs of other individuals, nor should that process be a function of what one finds easy or difficult to do, Therefore, irrespective of what your conceptual orientation concerning evolution might be, this book was written to challenge readers to critically reflect on various problems so that individuals might be able to work their way toward gaining greater insight into a variety of issues that swirl about the topic of evolution. Finally, Evolution Unredacted offers a critical analysis of several landmark legal decisions involving the dispute between proponents of evolution and advocates for creationism -- namely, McLean v. Arkansas Board of Education and Kitzmiller, et al v. Dover Area School District, et al. More specifically, the final chapter of Evolution Unredacted engages the evolution v. creationism debate through the filters of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment and Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution. The results of the foregoing analysis are likely to surprise the reader. Moreover, those results tend to entail a variety of implications for the process of education.

Die Before You Die

Book Description

This book explores the significance of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad -- namely, "Die before you die" -- from the perspective of an individual who has been journeying along a path of discovery for more than 50 years. The contents of this book might be one of the most unique, intriguing, and challenging accounts of Islam and the Sufi path that has been published in North America. Just a little over a year ago, the author of this book died -- several times -- in the emergency room of a local hospital. This book starts with those events and, then, expands outward to talk about an array of experiences (including spiritual abuse) that has shaped his understanding of Islam, the Sufi path, life, ands himself. In addition, the book critically reflects on a series of issues that have relevance in today's world. These ideas range from: Sam Harris, to topics such as: Education, religion, mysticism, science, and shari'ah. While each of the book’s four sections has something to offer readers with respect to assisting a person to work toward developing a deeper understanding of Islam and its mystical dimension (as well as a number of other topics), the book's section on shari'ah might prove to be the most illuminating and thought-provoking facet of the book. More specifically, Dr. Whitehouse introduces readers to a way of engaging the topic of shari'ah that is quite different from what is normally thought of in conjunction with that term and, if God wishes, could serve as a way of helping to bring the Muslim world and the West closer together in a variety of constructive and harmonious ways.

Spirit of Religion

Book Description

The current volume explores a variety of topical themes within the general field of religion -- defined as the search for the truth concerning the nature of one's relationship with Being/Reality. Among the topics explored are: Evolution, the origins of faith, conceptual viruses, suffering, irreligion, the new atheism, nihilism, sacredness, the nature of the self, mythology, Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, free will, epistemology, and spiritual abuse. All of the foregoing topics are critically examined against a backdrop that helps orient the discussion. More specifically, most human beings wonder, in one way or another, about the nature of reality ... that is, they seek to deal, as best they can, with the reality problem. The Final Jeopardy challenge refers to the task of trying to work toward providing a best-effort final response to the reality problem that resonates with, and reflects to varying degrees, the character of reality, before the sands in the hourglass of time run out in a person's life.

Educational Horizons

Book Description

‘Educational Horizons' explores the nature of the relationship between education and the reality problem from a variety of perspectives. In the process of doing so, a variety of topics that shape, orient, and influence the manner in which education is understood and applied are engaged through critical reflection. Some of the topics explored during this process of critical reflection are: The life and ideas of John Holt; cognitive development; human nature; the construction of social reality; reason; several landmark court cases involving the evolution v. creationism debate; Noam Chomsky; Sam Harris; propaganda, sovereignty; qualities of a teacher; epistemology; hermeneutical field theory, as well as some rather revolutionary ideas concerning education and the Constitution..

Varieties of Psychological Inquiry - Volume 1

Book Description

'Varieties of Psychological Inquiry' (Volumes 1 and 2) consists of twenty-five essays (distributed across two volumes) that venture into various facets of psychology - ranging from: Freud. Jung and Sullivan, to: Piaget, Sheldrake, and beyond. Among the topics explored are: Anxiety, dissociation, abuse, charisma, developmental psychology, the 'God gene', SSRIs, memory, chronobiology, neurobiology, consciousness, and holographic theories of mind. While no particular theory of psychology is espoused during the pages of this two volume work, a variety of theoretical and empirical issues are critically explored and reflected upon in considerable detail. In a sense, the direction in which the essays in these two books point is toward epistemological horizons where what is known (possibly) seeks to merge with what is not, yet, known.

Paradigm Shift

Book Description

This book outlines a paradigm shift concerning education, schools, learning, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. The book explores numerous themes ranging from: religion and science: to: issues of public policy and, in the process, puts forth a perspective which argues that much of what goes on with respect to education is inconsistent with a variety of principles inherent in both the amended Constitution as well as our intuitive ideas about basic human rights. Some of the topics explored in various chapters are: grading, homework, educational purpose, qualities of a teacher, and much more.

Framing 9/11, 3rd Edition

Book Description

One of the readers of the first edition of this book considered it to be the best work that has been written on the subject of 9/11. The 3rd edition seeks to make a very good book even better. Framing 9/11, 3rd Edition contains all of the material that was present in the first two editions. This includes critical discussions on: The collapse of Building 7; the no-planes issue; controlled demolition; the work of Dr. Judy Wood; commentary on the views of Bill Maher and Matt Taibi concerning 9/11; Conspiracy and other 'C' words, as well as a series of 'Did You Know?' features. The current, updated edition of Framing 9/11 involves more than 150 pages of new material, and much of this is contained in chapter of this book entitled: ‘Unscientific America: 9/11, Sam Harris, and Noam Chomsky’. The penultimate chapter of this book also contains new material. It consists of an overview of, and introduction to, the work of Rebekah Roth which is given expression in her Methodical trilogy as well as through a variety of interviews. The final chapter of the 3rd Edition gives expression to an exploration of ‘The 9/11 Delusion and Its Consequences.” This discussion will critically examine the etiology of our current dilemma and provide an outline concerning how the very first step taken toward the pathology in which we are mired today began when Americans (both leaders and ordinary citizens) ceded their moral and intellectual agency to something other than the truth and, in the process became vulnerable to the 9/11 delusion. By becoming entangled in that delusion, all too many people were prepared to commit crimes against peace (i.e., unprovoked aggression against other people and nations) which, in turn, led to war crimes and crimes against humanity. However, our nightmare began when people (both leaders and ordinary citizens) denied themselves and others the opportunity (a) to establish the truth about, among other things, 9/11 and (b) to use that truth to work to create conditions that are conducive to the realization of “inalienable sovereignty” for everyone.

Unscientific America: 9/11, Harris and Chomsky

Book Description

This book serves as a concise and incisive introduction into various aspects of the 9/11 issue and does so in a unique fashion. Among other things, it gives expression to an overview of the transformation that took place in the understanding of Peter Michael Ketchum, a former employee of NIST, with respect to the issue of 9/11, and the book also pursues a fairly extensive round of critical reflection in relation to the rather disturbing views of Sam Harris and Noam Chomsky on matters pertaining to 9/11. More specifically, despite the fact that both Dr. Harris and Professor Chomsky are considered -- at least by some people -- to be scientists, nonetheless, rather surprisingly -- if not shockingly -- in the matter of 9/11, neither of the foregoing two gentlemen seems to exhibit the basic qualities one might expect from a scientist -- namely, curiosity, rigor, insight, methodology, attention to detail, concern for the quality of evidence, logical analysis, or the capacity to ask probing questions, but, instead, they appear to be preoccupied with manufactured conspiracies of one kind or another. This book -- Unscientific America: 9/11, Harris, and Chomsky -- will present a substantial amount of evidence to demonstrate that in the matter of 9/11, neither Dr. Harris nor Professor Chomsky appears to know all that much about the actual facts of 9/11. Yet, such a lack of knowledge has not prevented either of those two individuals from making all manner of allegations concerning the events of that tragic day that seem to be unsubstantiated. In the matter of 9/11, both Dr. Harris and Professor Chomsky behave in a way that suggests that they -- each in his own inimitable style -- appear to have become deeply entangled in a process of willful blindness in which they could have known relevant facts concerning 9/11 and should have known those facts but, instead, seem to have taken active steps to ignore such information and, as a result, bear a certain amount of responsibility for the ensuing tragedies that might have been prevented, or lessened to some degree, if Dr. Harris and Professor Chomsky had been less cavalier in their mishandling of the actual evidence of 9/11 and, in the process, appear to have misled millions of other individuals concerning the facts of that occasion.

Evolution and Adaptation

Book Description

What is it about international arbitration that makes it so open to evolution and adaptation? What are the main pressure points today and the unmet needs of stakeholders? What are the opportunities for expansion to new sectors and new audiences? What are the drivers for change, the obstacles and the risks? And equally important, what are the core principles that should never be lost? These were the topics of the Twenty-Fourth ICCA Congress, held in Sydney, Australia, in April 2018, the proceedings of which are collected in this volume. The volume highlights arbitration as a ‘living organism’ that has adapted in the past to various challenges, and that today – under attack from various quarters – might need to demonstrate its adaptability again. Accordingly, the contributions address the evolving needs of users, the impact of the rapidly changing face of technology, the expectations of the public, and the convergence and divergence of different aspects of legal traditions and cultures. Topical issues of interest for practitioners, academics, and students of arbitration include the following: legitimacy and authority of arbitrators, institutions and professional organizations to act as lawmakers; investment treaty reform, with particular reference to the definition of ‘investment,’ the evolution of substantive treaty standards, and sustainable development obligations; commercial arbitration reform, including issues of public and private interest, the development of common law, and cost, delay and transparency concerns; revisiting party autonomy in choosing decision-makers, including through institutional appointments or investment courts; equality of arms, the economics of access, and the role of costs and third-party funding; public-private disputes and special issues that arise when State entities arbitrate; public participation and transparency, and their effect on both ISDS and commercial arbitration; revisiting conventional wisdom in organizing arbitral proceedings; lessons to be learned from other dispute resolution frameworks; technology as friend and enemy, including new tools, new threats, and cybersecurity; arbitration of disputes in conflict and post-conflict zones; inter-generational blame and praise in investment arbitration; and the emergence of sovereign wealth funds as arbitration participants. A special section on ‘New Frontiers in Arbitration’ offers enlightening perspectives on new types of claims and new types of stakeholders likely to affect the future of international arbitration, including the potential for climate change disputes and enlarged participation.


Book Description

Many folks deny their past and are embarrassed by some of the things they have done. While it is easier to ignore one's past and pretend it did not happen, it is, however, imperative that one's past is embraced and celebrated. This is the primary purpose of "Unredacted." People need to understand that their past has made them who they are -- good, bad or otherwise. In everything we have done, even what would be considered by others a breach of morality and social mores, there is a lesson that has been learned and a lesson that others might need to hear. This book is a celebration of the author's past. The essays and stories presented herein will instill in others a sense that they are simply humans on a journey in life -- that they should not be ashamed of the experiences they have lived. Those experiences are part of one's life's tapestry. Denying parts of that tapestry will ultimately betray the denier. They potentially will live in fear of their past and become beholden to those that would seek to do harm to them because of it. Those that do harm, in all likelihood, are the very same people that hide behind their facade of indignant shame and cast judgment on others. The main objective of this book is a message to not let that happen. Live your truth. Our life's experiences are nothing to be ashamed of nor should they be hidden from anyone. The purpose of this book is to reinforce in the reader's mind that their past must be embraced and fully accepted as part of who they are. In a movie entitled, "Supernatural" the tagline said, "He who controls the past controls the future." It is a brilliant assessment of how we all need to live our lives. If we do not fully accept our past whence we came, we will never be in control of our futures because a hidden past will potentially keep reaching forward, lurching at us to try to destroy whatever it is we are pursuing. We need to control our futures by openly accepting the hidden past by facing it squarely and firmly without fear or reservation. Our futures are to be forged with our life's purpose in mind. If we allow those who wish to do us harm, or those who do not have our best interests at heart, to influence that forging, we are doomed to wander aimlessly in the barren desert constantly searching for the escape to the oasis of our inner contentment. The failure to realize the inner peace for which we all fervently search will create frustration, anger, and self-doubt. It will plague our existence every waking moment. We need to overcome these feelings and drive forward through our personal storms until our inherent inner consciousness has manifested as our reality. This defines the essence of this book. It is a look back on a journey toward enlightenment and transformation. By reading this book, the author hopes you relate to the very same things contained in it. If you do and if by the casting off what is holding you in your hidden past, helps you move forward, then, by all means, it is worth every consequence of not remaining silent and embracing all that is YOU!