Evolutionary Dynamics and Sustainable Development

Book Description

This work offers an approach to socio-economic systems which emphasizes their evolutionary nature. Economic development is shown as a process of structural change. The discussion in the book includes the use of decision tools which can simultaneously handle spatial and temporal evolution.

Complex Evolutionary Dynamics in Urban-Regional and Ecologic-Economic Systems

Book Description

Drawing on the middle chapters from the first edition of J. Barkley Rosser's seminal work, From Catastrophe to Chaos, this book presents an unusual perspective on economics and economic analysis. Current economic theory largely depends upon assuming that the world is fundamentally continuous. However, an increasing amount of economic research has been done using approaches that allow for discontinuities such as catastrophe theory, chaos theory, synergetics, and fractal geometry. The spread of such approaches across a variety of disciplines of thought has constituted a virtual intellectual revolution in recent years. This book reviews the applications of these approaches in various subdisciplines of economics and draws upon past economic thinkers to develop an integrated view of economics as a whole from the perspective of inherent discontinuity.

Eco-evolutionary Dynamics

Book Description

In recent years, scientists have realized that evolution can occur on timescales much shorter than the 'long lapse of ages' emphasized by Darwin - in fact, evolutionary change is occurring all around us all the time. This work provides an authoritative and accessible introduction to eco-evolutionary dynamics, a cutting-edge new field that seeks to unify evolution and ecology into a common conceptual framework focusing on rapid and dynamic environmental and evolutionary change.

Systems and Models

Book Description

A multitude of complex systems and actors pursuing their own agenda shape the dynamics of our world. Better understanding of their actions and interactions is crucial, and can be achieved by a profound knowledge of systems and their properties, and their representation in models allowing simulation of probable behavior. Drawing on his extensive research and teaching experience in modeling and simulation of a wide range of systems - from engineering to social systems and ecosystems - the author presents the fundamental concepts and approaches for understanding and modeling the complex systems shaping the dynamics of our world. The book applies state space analysis and system dynamics to deal with the dynamic processes of "causal systems," discusses information processing approaches for modeling decision processes of "actors" and "agents," and uses aspects of the coevolutionary development of systems in their environment to deal with normative orientation, ethics, and evaluation of policies and long-term development. The concepts are applied in particular to the issue of sustainable development of human society in an evolving world. The book is complemented by a survey of system topics and of models from many fields, and by an extensive bibliography on the many systems-related subjects covered. Hartmut Bossel is Professor Emeritus of environmental systems analysis. He taught for many years at the University of California in Santa Barbara and the University of Kassel, Germany, where he was director of the Center for Environmental Systems Research until his retirement. He holds an engineering degree from the Technical University of Darmstadt, and a Ph.D. degree from the University of California at Berkeley. With a background in engineering, systems science, and mathematical modeling, he has led many research projects and future studies in different countries, developing computer simulation models and decision support systems in the areas of energy supply policy, global dynamics, orientation of behavior, agricultural policy, and forest dynamics and management. He has written numerous books on modeling and simulation of dynamic systems, social change and future paths, and has published widely in the scientific literature in several fields. Bossel is author of a System Zoo containing over one hundred simulation models of diverse systems.

Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics

Book Description

The theme of this volume is to discuss Eco-evolutionary Dynamics. Updates and informs the reader on the latest research findings Written by leading experts in the field Highlights areas for future investigation

Evolutionary Economics and Environmental Policy

Book Description

Offers an evolutionary economics perspective on energy and innovation policies in the wider context of the transition to sustainable development. This work also includes an analysis of the environmental policy implications of evolutionary economics; and a critical examination of Dutch environmental and innovation policies and policy documents.

Innovation, Catch-up and Sustainable Development

Book Description

This volume presents selected contributions from the 2018 conference of the International Schumpeter Society (ISS). The selected chapters in this volume reflect the state-of-the-art of Schumpeterian economics dedicated to the three conference topics innovation, catch-up, and sustainability. Innovation is driving catch-up processes and is the condition for a transformation towards higher degrees of sustainability. Therefore, Schumpeterian economics has to play a key role in these most challenging fields of human societies’ development in the 21st century. The three topics are well suited to capture the great variety of issues, which have the potential to shape the scientific discussion in economics and related disciplines in the years to come. The presented contributions show the broadness and high standard of Schumpeterian analysis. The ideas of dynamics, heterogeneity, novelty, and innovation as well as transformation are the most attractive fields in economics today and offer the most prolific interdisciplinary connections now and for the years to come when humankind, our global society, has to master the transition towards sustainable economic systems by solving the grand challenges and wicked problems with which we are confronted today. Therefore, the book is a must-read for scholars, researchers, and students, interested in a better understanding of innovation, catch-up, and sustainability, and Schumpeterian economics in general. The chapter “Industrial life cycle: relevance of national markets in the development of new industries for energy technologies – the case of wind energy” is available open access under a CC BY 4.0 License via link.springer.com.


Book Description

of ecological (also biological) variables b which interact in their dynamic t evolution: det dbt dt = f (et, bt)' dt = 9 (et, bt)· Among the solution paths to this interaction between economic and ecologi cal variables, we look for those which are sustainable. Sustainable paths are typically those along which the values of certain key stocks are always pos itive, these key stocks being important environmental resources. The types of paths on which certain variables can be positive forever include station ary solutions with appropriate positivity conditions, or limit cycles or chaotic attractors satisfying the same positivity conditions. These paths, and the paths which approach them, constitute the set of sustainable paths. From amongst these we have to choose one or more which are in some sense the best. Note that rather than imposing positivity of certain stocks in the long run as a condition for sustainability, we would prefer to derive this as a characteristic of optimal solutions from more fundamental judgements about the valuation of stocks and flows: this is the route pursued by the papers in this volume. The introductory paper by Heal in Section I reviews these matters in gen eral terms, not going into technical details: it discusses the precedents for a concept of sustainability in welfare economics, and reviews alternative opti mality concepts and their connection to sustainability.


Book Description

This book contains a series of outstanding contributions on ecodynamics that appeared in limited editions before the emergence of the International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics, which has now become the primary focus for this area of research.The aim of ecodynamics is to relate ecosystems to evolutionary thermodynamics, which can lead to appropriate solutions for sustainable development. The contributions published in this volume relate to all aspects of ecosystems and sustainable development, ranging from physical sciences to economics and epistemology.The world of ecosystems has been dominated by the towering personality of Ilya Prigogine to whom this volume is dedicated. The first article is an extract from his autobiography written shortly before he died.Prigogine's ideas are directly reflected in many of the contributions in this volume. He helped set up numerous research groups all around the world, including that at Siena University headed by the late Enzo Tiezzi. He also influenced the work of Sven Jorgensen, Bernard Patten, Robert Ulanowicz, Simone Bastianoni, Nadia Marchettini, Ricardo Pulselli, T-S Chon, to name just a few amongst the many authors contributing to this volume.This compilation of influential papers currently unavailable in the open literature will make an important contribution to the field of ecodynamics.

Transitions to Sustainable Development

Book Description

Over the past few decades, there has been a growing concern about the social and environmental risks which have come along with the progress achieved through a variety of mutually intertwined modernization processes. In recent years these concerns are transformed into a widely-shared sense of urgency, partly due to events such as the various pandemics threatening livestock, and increasing awareness of the risks and realities of climate change, and the energy and food crises. This sense of urgency includes an awareness that our entire social system is in need of fundamental transformation. But like the earlier transition between the 1750's and 1890's from a pre-modern to a modern industrial society, this second transition is also a contested one. Sustainable development is only one of many options. This book addresses the issue on how to understand the dynamics and governance of the second transition dynamics in order to ensure sustainable development. It will be necessary reading for students and scholars with an interest in sustainable development and long-term transformative change.