Evolutionary Models in Structured Populations

Book Description

Evolutionary dynamics have been traditionally studied in infinitely large homogeneous populations where each individual is equally likely to interact with every other individual. However, real populations are finite and characterised by complex interactions among individuals. In this work, the influence of the population structure on the outcome of the evolutionary process is explored. Through an analytic approach, this study first examines the stochastic evolutionary game dynamics following the update rules of the invasion process, an adaptation of the Moran process, on finite populations represented by three simple graphs; the complete graph, the circle and the star graph. The exact formulae for the fixation probability and the speed of the evolutionary process under different conditions are derived, and the effect of the population structure on each of these quantities is studied. The research then considers to what extent the change of the strategy update rules of the evolutionary dynamics can affect the evolutionary process in structured populations compared to the process in homogeneous well-mixed populations. As an example, the evolutionary game dynamics on the extreme heterogeneous structure of the star graph is studied analytically under different update rules. It is shown that in contrast to homogeneous populations, the choice of the update rules might be crucial for the evolution of a non-homogeneous population. Although an analytic investigation of the process is possible when the contact structure of the population has a simple form, this is usually infeasible on complex structures and the use of various assumptions and approximations is necessary. This work introduces an effective method for the approximation of the evolutionary process in populations with a complex structure. Another component of this research work involves the use of game theory for the modelling of a very common phenomenon in the natural world. The models developed examine the evolution of kleptoparasitic populations, foraging populations in which animals can steal the prey from other animals for their survival. A basic game-theoretical model of kleptoparasitism in an infinite homogeneous well-mixed population is extended to structured populations represented by different graphs. The features of the population structure that might favour the appearance of kleptoparasitic behaviour among animals are addressed. In addition, a game-theoretical model is proposed for the investigation of the ecological conditions that encourage foraging animals to share their prey, a very common behaviour occurring in a wide range of animal species.

Size-Structured Populations

Book Description

At last both ecology and evolution are covered in this study on the dynamics of size-structured populations. How does natural selection shape growth patterns and life cycles of individuals, and hence the size-structure of populations? This book will stimulate biologists to look into some important and interesting biological problems from a new angle of approach, concerning: - life history evolution, - intraspecific competition and niche theory, - structure and dynamics of ecological communities.

Evolution in Age-Structured Populations

Book Description

The populations of many species of animals and plants are age-structured, i.e. the individuals present at any one time were born over a range of different times, and their fertility and survival depend on age. The properties of such populations are important for interpreting experiments and observations on the genetics of populations for animal and plant breeding, and for understanding the evolution of features of life-histories such as senescence and time of reproduction. In this new edition Brian Charlesworth provides a comprehensive review of the basic mathematical theory of the demography and genetics of age-structured populations. The mathematical level of the book is such that it will be accessible to anyone with a knowledge of basic calculus and linear algebra.

Data-driven Modelling of Structured Populations

Book Description

This book is a “How To” guide for modeling population dynamics using Integral Projection Models (IPM) starting from observational data. It is written by a leading research team in this area and includes code in the R language (in the text and online) to carry out all computations. The intended audience are ecologists, evolutionary biologists, and mathematical biologists interested in developing data-driven models for animal and plant populations. IPMs may seem hard as they involve integrals. The aim of this book is to demystify IPMs, so they become the model of choice for populations structured by size or other continuously varying traits. The book uses real examples of increasing complexity to show how the life-cycle of the study organism naturally leads to the appropriate statistical analysis, which leads directly to the IPM itself. A wide range of model types and analyses are presented, including model construction, computational methods, and the underlying theory, with the more technical material in Boxes and Appendices. Self-contained R code which replicates all of the figures and calculations within the text is available to readers on GitHub. Stephen P. Ellner is Horace White Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Cornell University, USA; Dylan Z. Childs is Lecturer and NERC Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Animal and Plant Sciences at The University of Sheffield, UK; Mark Rees is Professor in the Department of Animal and Plant Sciences at The University of Sheffield, UK.

Stochastic Models for Structured Populations

Book Description

In this contribution, several probabilistic tools to study population dynamics are developed. The focus is on scaling limits of qualitatively different stochastic individual based models and the long time behavior of some classes of limiting processes. Structured population dynamics are modeled by measure-valued processes describing the individual behaviors and taking into account the demographic and mutational parameters, and possible interactions between individuals. Many quantitative parameters appear in these models and several relevant normalizations are considered, leading to infinite-dimensional deterministic or stochastic large-population approximations. Biologically relevant questions are considered, such as extinction criteria, the effect of large birth events, the impact of environmental catastrophes, the mutation-selection trade-off, recovery criteria in parasite infections, genealogical properties of a sample of individuals. These notes originated from a lecture series on Structured Population Dynamics at Ecole polytechnique (France). Vincent Bansaye and Sylvie Méléard are Professors at Ecole Polytechnique (France). They are a specialists of branching processes and random particle systems in biology. Most of their research concerns the applications of probability to biodiversity, ecology and evolution.

Stochastic Models in Population Genetics

Book Description

Pioneering works; Clasical single-locus problems; Molecular population genetics; Multilocus problems; Structured populations; Methematical problems.

Evolutionary Dynamics in Structured Populations

Book Description

Life is that which evolves. Evolutionary dynamics shape the living world around us. At the center of every evolutionary process is a population of reproducing individuals. These individuals can be molecules, cells, viruses, multi-cellular organisms or humans with language, hopes and some rationality. The laws of evolution are formulated in terms of mathematical equations. Whenever the fitness of individuals depends on the relative abundance of various strategies or phenotypes in the population, then we are in the realm of evolutionary game theory. Evolutionary game theory is a fairly general approach that helps to understand the interaction of species in an ecosystem, the interaction between hosts and parasites, between viruses and cells, and also the spread of ideas and behaviors in the human population. Here we present recent results on stochastic dynamics in finite sized and structured populations. We derive fundamental laws that determine how natural selection chooses between competing strategies. Two of the results are concerned with the study of multiple strategies and continuous strategies in a well-mixed population. Next we introduce a new way to think of population structure: set-structured populations. Unlike previous structures, the sets are dynamical: the population structure itself is a consequence of evolutionary dynamics. I will present a general mathematical approach for studying any evolutionary game in this structure. Finally, I give a general result which characterizes two-strategy games in any structured population.

Game-Theoretical Models in Biology

Book Description

Covering the major topics of evolutionary game theory, Game-Theoretical Models in Biology, Second Edition presents both abstract and practical mathematical models of real biological situations. It discusses the static aspects of game theory in a mathematically rigorous way that is appealing to mathematicians. In addition, the authors explore many applications of game theory to biology, making the text useful to biologists as well. The book describes a wide range of topics in evolutionary games, including matrix games, replicator dynamics, the hawk-dove game, and the prisoner’s dilemma. It covers the evolutionarily stable strategy, a key concept in biological games, and offers in-depth details of the mathematical models. Most chapters illustrate how to use Python to solve various games. Important biological phenomena, such as the sex ratio of so many species being close to a half, the evolution of cooperative behaviour, and the existence of adornments (for example, the peacock’s tail), have been explained using ideas underpinned by game theoretical modelling. Suitable for readers studying and working at the interface of mathematics and the life sciences, this book shows how evolutionary game theory is used in the modelling of these diverse biological phenomena. In this thoroughly revised new edition, the authors have added three new chapters on the evolution of structured populations, biological signalling games, and a topical new chapter on evolutionary models of cancer. There are also new sections on games with time constraints that convert simple games to potentially complex nonlinear ones; new models on extortion strategies for the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma and on social dilemmas; and on evolutionary models of vaccination, a timely section given the current Covid pandemic. Features Presents a wide range of biological applications of game theory. Suitable for researchers and professionals in mathematical biology and the life sciences, and as a text for postgraduate courses in mathematical biology. Provides numerous examples, exercises, and Python code.

The Genetic Structure of Populations

Book Description

It is part of the ideology of science that it is an international enterprise, carried out by a community that knows no barriers of nation or culture. But the reality is somewhat different. Despite the best intentions of scientists to form a single community, unseparated by differences of national and political viewpoint, they are, in fact, separated by language. Scientific literature in German is not generally assimilated by French workers, nor that appearing in French by those whose native language is English. The problem appears to have become more severe since the last war, because the ascendance of the United States as the preeminent economic power led, in a time of big and expensive science, to a pre dominance of American scientific production and a growing tendency (at least among English-speakers) to regard English as the international language of science. International congresses and journals of world circulation have come more and more to take English as their standard or official language. As a result, students and scientific workers in the English speaking world have become more linguistically parochial than ever before and have been cut off from a considerable scientific literature. Population genetics has been no exception to the rule. The elegant and extremely innovative theoreticaI work of Malecot, for example, is only now being properly assimilated by population biologists outside France. It was therefore with some sense of frustration that I read Prof.