Evolutionary Multi-objective Bi-level Optimization for Efficient Deep Neural Network Architecture Design

Book Description

Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are the backbones of deep learning (DL) paradigms for numerous vision tasks, including object recognition, detection, segmentation, etc. Early advancements in CNN architectures are primarily driven by human expertise and elaborate design. Recently, neural architecture search (NAS) was proposed with the aim of automating the network design process and generating task-dependent architectures. While existing approaches have achieved competitive performance, they are still impractical to real-world deployment for three reasons: (1) the generated architectures are solely optimized for predictive performance, resulting in inefficiency in utilizing hardware resources---i.e. energy consumption, latency, memory size, etc.; (2) the search processes require vast computational resources in most approaches; (3) most existing approaches require one complete search for each deployment specification of hardware or requirement. In this dissertation, we propose an efficient evolutionary NAS algorithm to address the aforementioned limitations. In particular, we first introduce Pareto-optimization to NAS, leading to a diverse set of architectures, trading-off multiple objectives, being obtained simultaneously in one run. We then improve the algorithm's search efficiency through surrogate models. We finally integrate a transfer learning scheme to the algorithm that allows a new task to leverage previous search efforts that further improves both the performance of the obtained architectures and search efficiency. Therefore, the proposed algorithm enables an automated and streamlined process to efficiently generate task-specific custom neural network models that are competitive under multiple objectives.

Efficient Neural Architecture Search with Multiobjective Evolutionary Optimization

Book Description

Deep neural networks have become very successful at solving many complex tasks such as image classification, image segmentation, and speech recognition. These models are composed of multiple layers that have the capacity to learn increasingly higher-level features, without prior handcrafted specifications. However, the success of a deep neural network relies on finding the proper configuration for the task in hand. Given the vast number of hyperparameters and the massive search space, manually designing or fine-tuning deep learning architectures requires extensive knowledge, time, and computational resources. There is a growing interest in developing methods that automatically design a neural network ́s architecture, known as neural architecture search (NAS). NAS is usually modeled as a single-objective optimization problem where the aim is to find an architecture that maximizes the prediction ́s accuracy. However, most deep learning applications require accurate as well as efficient architectures to reduce memory consumption and enable their use in computationally-limited environments. This has led to the need to model NAS as a multiple objective problem that optimizes both the predictive performance and efficiency of the network. Furthermore, most NAS framework have focused on either optimizing the micro-structure (structure of the basic cell), or macro-structure (optimal number of cells and their connection) of the architecture. Consequently, manual engineering is required to find the topology of the non-optimized structure. Although NAS has demonstrated great potential in automatically designing an architecture, it remains a computationally expensive and time-consuming process because it requires training and evaluating many potential configurations. Recent work has focused on improving the search time of NAS algorithms, but most techniques have been developed and applied only for single-objective optimization problems. Given that optimizing multiple objectives has a higher complexity and requires more iterations to approximate the Pareto Front, it is critical to investigate algorithms that decrease the search time of multiobjective NAS. One critical application of deep learning is medical image segmentation. Segmentation of medical images provides valuable information for various critical tasks such as analyzing anatomical structures, monitoring disease progression, and predicting patient outcomes. Nonetheless, achieving accurate segmentation is challenging due to the inherent variability in appearance, shape, and location of the region of interest (ROI) between patients and the differences in imagining equipment and acquisition protocols. Therefore, neural networks are usually tailored to a specific application, anatomical region, and image modality. Moreover, medical image data is often volumetric requiring expensive 3D operations that result in large and complex architectures. Hence, training and deploying them requires considerable storage and memory bandwidth that makes them less suitable for clinical applications. To overcome these challenges, the main goal of this research is to automatically design accurate and efficient deep neural networks using multiobjective optimization algorithms for medical image segmentation. The proposed research consists of three major objectives: (1) to design a deep neural network that uses a multiobjective evolutionary based algorithm to automatically adapt to different medical image datasets while minimizing the model’s size; (2) to design a self-adaptive 2D-3D Fully Convolutional network (FCN) ensemble that incorporates volumetric information and optimizes both the performance and the size of the architecture; and (3) to design an efficient multiobjective neural architecture search framework that decreases the search time while simultaneously optimizing the micro- and macro-structure of the neural architecture. For the first objective, a multiobjective adaptive convolutional neural network named AdaResU-Net is presented for 2D medical image segmentation. The proposed AdaResU-Net is comprised of a fixed architecture and a learning framework that adjusts the hyperparameters to a particular training dataset using a multiobjective evolutionary based algorithm (MEA algorithm). The MEA algorithm evolves the AdaResU-Net network to optimize both the segmentation accuracy and model size. In the second objective, a self-adaptive ensemble of 2D-3D FCN named AdaEn-Net is proposed for 3D medical image segmentation. The AdaEn-Net is comprised of a 2D FCN that extracts intra-slice and long-range 2D context, and a 3D FCN architecture that exploits inter-slice and volumetric information. The 2D and 3D FCN architectures are automatically fitted for a specific medical image segmentation task by simultaneously optimizing the expected segmentation error and size of the network using the MEA algorithm. Finally, for the third objective, an efficient multiobjective neural architecture search framework named EMONAS is presented for 3D medical image segmentation. EMONAS has two main components, a novel search space that includes the hyperparameters that define the micro- and macro-structure of the architecture, and a Surrogate-assisted multiobjective evolutionary based algorithm (SaMEA algorithm) that efficiently searches for the best hyperparameter values using a Random Forest surrogate and guiding selection probabilities. The broader impact of the proposed research is as follows: (1) automating the design of deep neural networks’ architecture and hyperparameters to improve the performance and efficiency of the models; and (2) increase the accessibility of deep learning to a broader range of organizations and people by reducing the need of expert knowledge and GPU time when automatically designing deep neural networks. In the medical area, the proposed models aim to improve the automatic extraction of data from medical images to potentially enhance diagnosis, treatment planning and survival prediction of various diseases such as cardiac disease and prostate cancer. Although the proposed techniques are applied to medical image segmentation tasks, they can also be implemented in other applications where accurate and resource-efficient deep neural networks are needed such as autonomous navigation, augmented reality and internet-of-things.

Deep Neural Evolution

Book Description

This book delivers the state of the art in deep learning (DL) methods hybridized with evolutionary computation (EC). Over the last decade, DL has dramatically reformed many domains: computer vision, speech recognition, healthcare, and automatic game playing, to mention only a few. All DL models, using different architectures and algorithms, utilize multiple processing layers for extracting a hierarchy of abstractions of data. Their remarkable successes notwithstanding, these powerful models are facing many challenges, and this book presents the collaborative efforts by researchers in EC to solve some of the problems in DL. EC comprises optimization techniques that are useful when problems are complex or poorly understood, or insufficient information about the problem domain is available. This family of algorithms has proven effective in solving problems with challenging characteristics such as non-convexity, non-linearity, noise, and irregularity, which dampen the performance of most classic optimization schemes. Furthermore, EC has been extensively and successfully applied in artificial neural network (ANN) research —from parameter estimation to structure optimization. Consequently, EC researchers are enthusiastic about applying their arsenal for the design and optimization of deep neural networks (DNN). This book brings together the recent progress in DL research where the focus is particularly on three sub-domains that integrate EC with DL: (1) EC for hyper-parameter optimization in DNN; (2) EC for DNN architecture design; and (3) Deep neuroevolution. The book also presents interesting applications of DL with EC in real-world problems, e.g., malware classification and object detection. Additionally, it covers recent applications of EC in DL, e.g. generative adversarial networks (GAN) training and adversarial attacks. The book aims to prompt and facilitate the research in DL with EC both in theory and in practice.

Evolutionary Neural Architecture Search for Deep Learning

Book Description

Deep neural networks (DNNs) have produced state-of-the-art results in many benchmarks and problem domains. However, the success of DNNs depends on the proper configuration of its architecture and hyperparameters. DNNs are often not used to their full potential because it is difficult to determine what architectures and hyperparameters should be used. While several approaches have been proposed, computational complexity of searching large design spaces makes them impractical for large modern DNNs. This dissertation introduces an efficient evolutionary algorithm (EA) for simultaneous optimization of DNN architecture and hyperparameters. It builds upon extensive past research of evolutionary optimization of neural network structure. Various improvements to the core algorithm are introduced, including: (1) discovering DNN architectures of arbitrary complexity; (1) generating modular, repetitive modules commonly seen in state-of-the-art DNNs; (3) extending to the multitask learning and multiobjective optimization domains; (4) maximizing performance and reducing wasted computation through asynchronous evaluations. Experimental results in image classification, image captioning, and multialphabet character recognition show that the approach is able to evolve networks that are competitive with or even exceed hand-designed networks. Thus, the method enables an automated and streamlined process to optimize DNN architectures for a given problem and can be widely applied to solve harder tasks

Highly Efficient Deep Intelligence Via Multi-Parent Evolutionary Synthesis of Deep Neural Networks

Book Description

Machine learning methods, and particularly deep neural networks, are a rapidly growing field and are currently being employed in domains such as science, business, and government. However, the significant success of neural networks has largely been due to the increasingly large model sizes and enormous amounts of required training data. As a result, powerful neural networks are accompanied by growing storage and memory requirements, making these powerful models infeasible for practical scenarios that use small embedded devices without access to cloud computing. As such, methods for significantly reducing the memory and computational requirements of high-performing deep neural networks via sparsification and/or compression have been developed. More recently, the concept of evolutionary deep intelligence was proposed, and takes inspiration from nature and allows highly-efficient deep neural networks to organically synthesize over successive generations. However, current work in evolutionary deep intelligence has been limited to the use of asexual evolutionary synthesis where a newly synthesized offspring network is solely dependent on a single parent network from the preceding generation. In this thesis, we introduce a general framework for synthesizing efficient neural network architectures via multi-parent evolutionary synthesis. Generalized from the asexual evolutionary synthesis approach, the framework allows for a newly synthesized network to be dependent on a subset of all previously synthesized networks. By imposing constraints on this general framework, the cases of asexual evolutionary synthesis, 2-parent sexual evolutionary synthesis, and m-parent evolutionary synthesis can all be realized. We explore the computational construct used to mimic heredity, and generalize it beyond the asexual evolutionary synthesis used in current evolutionary deep intelligence works. The efficacy of incorporating multiple parent networks during evolutionary synthesis was examined first in the context of 2-parent sexual evolutionary synthesis, then generalized to m-parent evolutionary synthesis in the context of varying generational population sizes. Both experiments show that the use of multiple parent networks during evolutionary synthesis allows for increased network diversity as well as steeper trends in increasing network efficiency over generations. We also introduce the concept of gene tagging within the evolutionary deep intelligence framework as a means to enforce a like-with-like mating policy during the multi-parent evolutionary synthesis process, and evaluate the effect of architectural alignment during multi-parent evolutionary synthesis. We present an experiment exploring the quantification of network architectural similarity in populations of networks. In addition, we investigate the the computational construct used to mimic natural selection. The impact of various environmental resource models used to mimic the constraint of available computational and storage resources on network synthesis over successive generations is explored, and results clearly demonstrate the trade-off between computation time and optimal model performance. The results of m-parent evolutionary synthesis are promising, and indicate the potential benefits of incorporating multiple parent networks during evolutionary synthesis for highly-efficient evolutionary deep intelligence. Future work includes studying the effects of inheriting weight values (as opposed to random initialization) on total training time and further investigation of potential structural similarity metrics, with the goal of developing a deeper understanding of the underlying effects of network architecture on performance.

Automated Deep Learning Using Neural Network Intelligence

Book Description

Optimize, develop, and design PyTorch and TensorFlow models for a specific problem using the Microsoft Neural Network Intelligence (NNI) toolkit. This book includes practical examples illustrating automated deep learning approaches and provides techniques to facilitate your deep learning model development. The first chapters of this book cover the basics of NNI toolkit usage and methods for solving hyper-parameter optimization tasks. You will understand the black-box function maximization problem using NNI, and know how to prepare a TensorFlow or PyTorch model for hyper-parameter tuning, launch an experiment, and interpret the results. The book dives into optimization tuners and the search algorithms they are based on: Evolution search, Annealing search, and the Bayesian Optimization approach. The Neural Architecture Search is covered and you will learn how to develop deep learning models from scratch. Multi-trial and one-shot searching approaches of automatic neural network design are presented. The book teaches you how to construct a search space and launch an architecture search using the latest state-of-the-art exploration strategies: Efficient Neural Architecture Search (ENAS) and Differential Architectural Search (DARTS). You will learn how to automate the construction of a neural network architecture for a particular problem and dataset. The book focuses on model compression and feature engineering methods that are essential in automated deep learning. It also includes performance techniques that allow the creation of large-scale distributive training platforms using NNI. After reading this book, you will know how to use the full toolkit of automated deep learning methods. The techniques and practical examples presented in this book will allow you to bring your neural network routines to a higher level. What You Will Learn Know the basic concepts of optimization tuners, search space, and trials Apply different hyper-parameter optimization algorithms to develop effective neural networks Construct new deep learning models from scratch Execute the automated Neural Architecture Search to create state-of-the-art deep learning models Compress the model to eliminate unnecessary deep learning layers Who This Book Is For Intermediate to advanced data scientists and machine learning engineers involved in deep learning and practical neural network development

Architecture Design for Highly Flexible and Energy-efficient Deep Neural Network Accelerators

Book Description

Deep neural networks (DNNs) are the backbone of modern artificial intelligence (AI). However, due to their high computational complexity and diverse shapes and sizes, dedicated accelerators that can achieve high performance and energy efficiency across a wide range of DNNs are critical for enabling AI in real-world applications. To address this, we present Eyeriss, a co-design of software and hardware architecture for DNN processing that is optimized for performance, energy efficiency and flexibility. Eyeriss features a novel Row-Stationary (RS) dataflow to minimize data movement when processing a DNN, which is the bottleneck of both performance and energy efficiency. The RS dataflow supports highly-parallel processing while fully exploiting data reuse in a multi-level memory hierarchy to optimize for the overall system energy efficiency given any DNN shape and size. It achieves 1.4x to 2.5x higher energy efficiency than other existing dataflows. To support the RS dataflow, we present two versions of the Eyeriss architecture. Eyeriss v1 targets large DNNs that have plenty of data reuse. It features a flexible mapping strategy for high performance and a multicast on-chip network (NoC) for high data reuse, and further exploits data sparsity to reduce processing element (PE) power by 45% and off-chip bandwidth by up to 1.9x. Fabricated in a 65nm CMOS, Eyeriss v1 consumes 278 mW at 34.7 fps for the CONV layers of AlexNet, which is 10× more efficient than a mobile GPU. Eyeriss v2 addresses support for the emerging compact DNNs that introduce higher variation in data reuse. It features a RS+ dataflow that improves PE utilization, and a flexible and scalable NoC that adapts to the bandwidth requirement while also exploiting available data reuse. Together, they provide over 10× higher throughput than Eyeriss v1 at 256 PEs. Eyeriss v2 also exploits sparsity and SIMD for an additional 6× increase in throughput.

Design of Optimization Algorithms for Large Scale Continuous Problems

Book Description

This last decade the complexity of the problems increased with the increase of the CPUs' power and the decrease of memory costs. The appearance of clouds infrastructures provide the possibility to solve large scale problems. However, most of the exact and stochastic optimization algorithms see their performances go down with the increase of the dimension of the problems. Evolutionary approaches and other bio-inspired approaches were widely used to solve large scale problems without lot of success. Indeed, the complexity of large scale problems non convex functions comes from the fact that local minima (and maxima) are rare.In this thesis, we propose to tackle large scale problems by designing a new approach based on fractal decomposition of the search space using hyperspheres. This geometrical decomposition allows the algorithm to be intrinsically parallel for solving large scale problems. The proposed algorithm called Fractal Decomposition Algorithm (FDA). It is a deterministic algorithm with low complexity and easy to implement. FDA has been tested on several functions, compared with competing metaheuristics and showed good results on problems with dimensions from 50 to 1000. Its structure allows it to be naturally parallelized, which resulted in developing two new versions: PFDA for multi-threaded environments and MA-FDA for multi-nodes environments. Then, the proposed algorithm was adapted to solve multi-objective problems. Two algorithms were proposed: the first one is based on scalarization and has been distributed on multi-node architecture virtual environments known as containers. While the second approach is based on sorting non-dominated solutions.Moreover, we applied FDA to the optimization of the hyperparameters of deep learning architectures with a focus on Convolutional Neural Networks. We present an approach using bi-level optimization separating the architecture search composed of discrete parameters from hyperparameter optimization with the continuous parameters. This is motivated by the fact that automating the construction of deep neural architecture has been an important focus over recent years as doing it manually is very time consuming and prone to error.

Embedded Deep Learning

Book Description

This book covers algorithmic and hardware implementation techniques to enable embedded deep learning. The authors describe synergetic design approaches on the application-, algorithmic-, computer architecture-, and circuit-level that will help in achieving the goal of reducing the computational cost of deep learning algorithms. The impact of these techniques is displayed in four silicon prototypes for embedded deep learning. Gives a wide overview of a series of effective solutions for energy-efficient neural networks on battery constrained wearable devices; Discusses the optimization of neural networks for embedded deployment on all levels of the design hierarchy ? applications, algorithms, hardware architectures, and circuits ? supported by real silicon prototypes; Elaborates on how to design efficient Convolutional Neural Network processors, exploiting parallelism and data-reuse, sparse operations, and low-precision computations; Supports the introduced theory and design concepts by four real silicon prototypes. The physical realization?s implementation and achieved performances are discussed elaborately to illustrated and highlight the introduced cross-layer design concepts.

Computational Model for Neural Architecture Search

Book Description

"A long-standing goal in Deep Learning (DL) research is to design efficient architectures for a given dataset that are both accurate and computationally inexpensive. At present, designing deep learning architectures for a real-world application requires both human expertise and considerable effort as they are either handcrafted by careful experimentation or modified from a handful of existing models. This method is inefficient as the process of architecture design is highly time-consuming and computationally expensive. The research presents an approach to automate the process of deep learning architecture design through a modeling procedure. In particular, it first introduces a framework that treats the deep learning architecture design problem as a systems architecting problem. The framework provides the ability to utilize novel and intuitive search spaces to find efficient architectures using evolutionary methodologies. Secondly, it uses a parameter sharing approach to speed up the search process and explores its limitations with search space. Lastly, it introduces a multi-objective approach to facilitate architecture design based on hardware constraints that are often associated with real-world deployment. From the modeling perspective, instead of designing and staging explicit algorithms to process images/sentences, the contribution lies in the design of hybrid architectures that use the deep learning literature developed so far. This approach enjoys the benefit of a single problem formulation to perform end-to-end training and architecture design with limited computational resources"--Abstract, page iii.