Evolutionary Pathways and Enigmatic Algae

Book Description

For the first time a book is available devoted to cellular evolution and to the biology of Cyanidium and other enigmatic cells. Twenty international experts present their views and reviews, postulating new theories on compartmental (direct filiation) eukaryogenesis, discussing the endosymbiotic hypothesis, and providing conceptions on molecular RNA and protein sequences of genes for phylogenetic applications. The book contains exclusive reports on additional species (newly discovered) of the Cyanidium group. Special attention is given to the red algae and other enigmatic/unicellular algae including Nanochlorum eucaryotum (a green alga with minimal eukaryotic characteristics). The mystifying taxon of Glaucocystophyta (containing Cyanophora paradoxa -- the endosymbiotic `guinea pig' with cyanelles/host special relationships) is examined. For biologists, post/graduate students in biology, and anyone seriously interested in algae, evolution, cytology, biochemistry and questions of nucleated cell differentiation or cellular endosymbiosis.

Enigmatic Microorganisms and Life in Extreme Environments

Book Description

Modern methods and approaches, such as the analysis of molecular sequences to infer evolutionary relationships among organisms, have provided vast new sets of data to further our understanding ofliving organisms, but there remain enigmas in the biological world that will keep scientists working and thinking for decades. Microorganisms by virtue of their small size and almost unbounded diversity provide ample examples of intriguing mysteries that are being challenged with all of the techniques the modern scientific arsenal can provide. One whole arena of this battle to resolve puzzling mysteries about various microorganisms is the almost unbelievable ability of many micro-organisms to live in extreme environments. Whether the challenge is extreme heat, cold, pressure, hyper salinity, alkalinity or acidity, some micro-organisms live now where no life might seem possible. This fascinating state of affairs is the context for this present volume edited by Joseph Seckbach. This Volume is a compilation of many of the especially interesting questions and biological challenges that arise in the consideration of microorganisms in general and the extremophiles in particular.

Algae and Cyanobacteria in Extreme Environments

Book Description

This collection of essays is devoted to algae that are unexpectedly found in harsh habitats. The authors explain how these algae thrive in various temperature ranges, extreme pH values, salt solutions, UV radiation, dryness, heavy metals, anaerobic niches, various levels of illumination, and hydrostatic pressure. Not only do the essays provide clues about life on the edges of the Earth, but possibly elsewhere in the universe as well.

Red Algae in the Genomic Age

Book Description

r ed Algae in Genome Age book most people reading this book have childhood memories about being enthralled at the beach with those rare and mysterious living forms we knew as seaweeds. We were fascinated at that time by their range of red hues and textures, and most of all, their exotic beauty. t o a scientist, red algae represent much more than apparent features. t heir complex forms have attracted morphologists for centuries; their intricate life cycles have brought more than one surprise to plant biologists familiar only with ferns and fowering plants; their unusual tastes have been appreciated for mill- nia, and their valuable chemical constituents have been exploited for nearly as long, most recently by biotech companies; their diversity in marine, freshwater, and t- restrial environments has offered centuries of engaging entertainment for botanists eager to arrange them in orderly classifcation systems; still, the red algae continue to teach us how many more challenges need to be overcome in order to understand their biodiversity, biological functions, and evolutionary histories.

The Algae World

Book Description

Algal World has been carefully written and edited with an interdisciplinary appeal and aims to bring all aspects of Algae together in one volume. The 22 chapters are divided into two different parts which have been authored by eminent researchers from across the world. The first part, Biology of Algae, contains 10 chapters dealing with the general characteristics, classification and description of different groups such as Blue Green Algae, Green Algae, Brown Algae, Red Algae, Diatoms, Xanthophyceae, Dinophyceae, etc. In , it has two important chapters covering Algae in Extreme Environments and Life Histories and Growth Forms in Green Algae. The second part, Applied Phycology, contains 12 chapters dealing with the more applied aspects ranging from Algal Biotechnology, Biofuel, Phycoremediation, Bioactive Compounds, Biofertilizer, Fatty Acids, Harmful Algal Blooms, Industrial Applications of Seaweeds, Nanotechnology, Phylogenomics and Algal culture Techniques, etc.

Cyanidioschyzon merolae

Book Description

This comprehensive book highlights the importance of Cyanidioschyzon merolae (C. merolae), an ultrasmall unicellular red alga, as a model eukaryote organism. The chapters introduce recent studies on C. merolae, from culture, synchronization and isolation methods of nucleic acids, proteins and organelles for molecular biological and cytological analyses, as well as its application in genetic engineering of environmental-stress-tolerant crops and oil production. In addition to discussing recent advances based on the complete genome information and molecular biological techniques such as genetic modifications and bioinformatics, the book includes visualization aids demonstrating that both classical and recent imaging techniques of fluorescent and electron microscopy can be applied to analyses of C. merolae. This publication offers a definitive resource for both beginners and professionals studying C. merolae, particularly in the field of molecular biology, evolutionary biology, morphology, biochemistry and cell biology, as well as those interested in its applications in medical sciences and agriculture.

Life in the Universe

Book Description

The year 2003 was the 50th anniversary of the seminal experiment of Stanley Miller. This was a unique opportunity for highlighting the current interest in this most interdisciplinary subject. The leading space agencies: the European Space Agency (ESA) as well as NASA, the American Space Agency, have planned missions that will elucidate some of the still unknown questions underlying research in the origin of life. New results are surpassing our ability to keep well informed: the reviews that we were presented at the Trieste meeting will bring the readers of this well-documented and timely book up to date in this fast-moving area. An important component of the conference was the review of the Cassini-Huygens mission due to arrive in the Saturn system just one year after the conference convened in Trieste. There was particular interest in the status of the experiments that will take place inside the atmosphere of Titan, the large satellite, which is a testing ground for the theories and experiments in the field of chemical evolution. The Jovian system is currently under study with the view of investigating the possibility of life underneath the frozen surface of the Galilean moon Europa; the ESA mission "Mars Express" and Mars Odyssey received special attention. Some of the world leaders in the field gathered in Trieste in September 2003 - that was a most timely date for reviewing recent data and discussing the prospects of future research.

Progress in Botany

Book Description

With one volume each year, this series keeps scientists and advanced students informed of the latest developments and results in all areas of the plant sciences. The present volume includes reviews on genetics, cell biology, physiology, comparative morphology, systematics, ecology, and vegetation science.

Thermophiles: Biodiversity, Ecology, and Evolution

Book Description

These are indeed exciting times to be a microbiologist. With one of the buzzwords of the past decade-"Biodiversity," and microbes are reveling in the attention as they represent by far most of the biodiversity on Earth. Microbes can thrive in almost any environment where there is an exploitable energy source, and, as a result, the possible existence of microbial life elsewhere in the solar system has stimulated the imaginations of many. Extremophiles have taken center stage in these investigations, and thermophiles have taken on the lead roles. Consequently, in the past decade there has been a surge of interest and research in the Ecology, Biology, and Biotechnology of microorganisms from thermal environments. Many of the foundations of thermophile research were laid in Yellowstone National Park, primarily by the research of Professor Thomas Brock's laboratory in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The upper temperature for life was debated, the first thermophilic archeum discovered (although it was only later shown to be an archeum by ribosomal cataloging), and the extremes of light, temperature, pH on the physiology of microorga nisms were explored. Interest in thermophiles increased steadily in the 1970s, and with the discovery of deep-sea hydrothermal vents in 1977, thermophilic research began its expo nential explosion. The development of Taq polymerase in the polymerase chain reaction (peR) focused interest on the biotechnological potential of thermophilic microorganisms and on the thermal features in Yellowstone National Park.