Ex-reactor Determination of Thermal Gap Conductance Between Uranium Dioxide--Zircaloy-4 Interfaces. [BWR; PWR].

Book Description

A study of thermal gap conductance between UO2 and Zircaloy-4 has been initiated utilizing a unique transient pulse technique: Modified Pulse Design (MPD)--a technique employing a heat pulse (laser) and signal detector to monitor the energy transmitted through UO2-Zircaloy samples both in contact and separated by a gap. Initial experiments have been conducted as a function of temperature (to 873°K), gas composition (He, He : Ar, Ar), and gap width 6.0 x 10−4 and 2.18 x 10−3 cm). The thermal gap conductance is dependent upon these variables, and comparison with calculated results using existing models for the temperature jump distance is made. A new concept involving direct energy transfer across narrow gaps by individual gas molecules is also considered.

Ex-reactor Determination of Thermal Gap and Contact Conductance Between Uranium Dioxide

Book Description

A study of thermal gap and contact conductance between depleted uranium dioxide (UO2) and Zircaloy-4 (Zr4) has been made utilizing two measurement apparatuses developed as part of this program. The Modified Pulse Design (MPD) apparatus is a transient technique employing a heat pulse (laser) and a signal detector to monitor the thermal energy transmitted through a UO2/Zr4 sample pair which are either physically separated or in contact. The Modified Longitudinal Design (MLD) apparatus is a steady-state technique based on a modified cylindrical column design with a self-guarding sample geometry. Description of the MPD and MLD apparatus, data acquisition, reduction and error analysis is presented along with information on specimen preparation, thermal property and surface characterization. A technique using an optical height gauge to determine the average mean-plane of separation between the simple pairs is also presented.

Ex-Reactor Determination of Thermal Gap Conductance Between Uranium Dioxide and Zircaloy-4

Book Description

An ex-reactor study of the thermal gap conductance between Uranium Dioxide (UO2) and Zircaloy-4 (Zr4) was performed under varying conditions of gas pressure (0.1 to 7 MPa); temperature (283 to 673 K); gas composition (He (100); Ar (100); He:Ar (51.79:48.21); and He:Xe (89.4:10.6)); and, average mean-plane separation distance D{sub mp} = 5.9 {micro}m (light contact); and, D{sub mp} = 23.1 {micro}m). In this report a description of the high pressure autoclave, specimen holder and associated apparatus is given together with experimental results. In conjunction with the experimental apparatus an assessment of determinant and indeterminant errors is made. In this report the predicted gap conductance based on the "ideal" expression for the gap conductance, H{sub g} = K{sub gas}/(d + g1 + g2) and assuming D{sub m}p = d and g1 = g2, is compared to the H{sub g} results and found not to be in agreement. Use of the ideal gap conductance expression under these conditions is seen to under-estimate the value of H{sub g} results. A discussion of possible reasons for the differences between the observed and predicted behavior is made. In addition to experimental errors resulting from gaseous convection, a detailed examination of the ideal gap conductance expression reveals that the basic assumptions (upon which the ideal gap conductance expression is derived) are not valid for real surfaces in close proximity and/or contact.

Thermal Conductivity 15

Book Description

Once again, it gives me a great pleasure to pen the Foreword to the Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Thermal Conductivity. As in the past, these now biannual conferences pro vide a broadly based forum for those researchers actively working on this important property of matter to convene on a regular basis to exchange their experiences and report their findings. As it is apparent from the Table of Contents, the 15th Conference represents perhaps the broadest coverage of subject areas to date. This is indicative of the times as the boundaries between disciplines be come increasingly diffused. I am sure the time has come when Con ference Chairmen in coming years will be soliciting contributions not only in the physical sciences and engineering', but will actively seek contributions from the earth sciences and life sciences as well. Indeed, the thermal conductivity and related properties of geological and biological materials are becoming of increasing im portance to our way of life. As it can be seen from the summary table, unfortunately, proceedings have been published only for six of the fifteen con ferences. It is hoped that hereafter this Series will become increasingly well known and be recognized as a major vehicle for the reporting of research on thermal conductivity.

Thermal Conductivity 16

Book Description

The International Thermal Conductivity Conference was started in 1961 with the initiative of Mr. C. F. Lucks and grew out of the needs of researchers in the field. From 1961 to 1973 the Confer ences were held annually, and have been held biennially since 1975 when our Center for Information and Numerical Data Analysis and Synthesis (CINDAS) of Purdue University became the permanent Spon sor of the Conferences. These Conferences provide a broadly based forum for researchers actively working on the thermal conductivity and closely related properties to convene on a regular basis to ex change their ideas and experiences and report their findings and results. The Conferences have been self-perpetuating and are an example of how a technical community with a common purpose can transcend the invisible, artificial barriers between disciplines and gather togeth er in increasing numbers without the need of national publicity and continuing funding support, when they see something worthwi1e going on. It is believed that this series of Conferences not only will grow stronger, but will set an example for researchers in other fields on how to jointly attack their own problem areas.

Thermal Contact Conductance

Book Description

Heat transfer between two bodies in thermal contact is of fundamental importance in a wide variety of applications ranging from industrial and domestic processes to fundamental biology and chemistry. This book covers both the theoretical and practical aspects of thermal contact conductance. The theoretical discussion covers heat transfer through spots, joints, and surfaces, as well as the role of interstitial materials (both planned and inadvertent). The practical discussion includes formulae and data for use in designing heat-transfer equipment for a variety of joints, including special geometries and configurations.

GAPCON-THERMAL-3 Verification and Comparison to In-reactor Data

Book Description

The GAPCON-THERMAL-3 computer code is an outgrowth of the GAPCON series, written in response to a need to predict the interacting path-dependent thermal and mechanical behavior of oxide fuel rods.