Book Description


Book Description

Conjunto de cuentos que abordan temática de jóvenes, desde amor a aspiraciones profesionales, con un par basados en la historia y que, caprichosamente, sufren un vuelco. Se dan algunos guiños como homenaje a personas y lugares que sirvieron de inspiración y surge un personaje que es un indicio del camino tomado por el autor, la investigación. Es de resaltar que dos de estos cuentos fueron premiados en certámenes de México, el "Certamen Estatal de Expresión Escrita" (categoría Leyenda) 1993 y el de "Los Símbolos Patrios" (categoría Cuento) 1994. .

The Great Dictionary English - Spanish

Book Description

This dictionary contains around 60,000 English terms with their Spanish translations, making it one of the most comprehensive books of its kind. It offers a wide vocabulary from all areas as well as numerous idioms. The terms are translated from English to Spanish. If you need translations from Spanish to English, then the companion volume The Great Dictionary Spanish - English is recommended.

The Great Dictionary Spanish - English

Book Description

This dictionary contains around 60,000 Spanish terms with their English translations, making it one of the most comprehensive books of its kind. It offers a wide vocabulary from all areas as well as numerous idioms. The terms are translated from Spanish to English. If you need translations from English to Spanish, then the companion volume The Great Dictionary English - Spanish is recommended.

Living Room Vignettes

Book Description

A collection of short stories based on tales from Central America. All stories are translated into Spanish and take place in different regions of Guatemala during different decades of the 20th Century.

Annual Report

Book Description

Politeness in Mexico and the United States

Book Description

This book explores the issue of politeness phenomena and socially appropriate behavior in two societies, Mexico and the United States, in three different contexts: refusing invitations, requests, and suggestions. In addition to a state-of-the-art review of the speech act of refusals in numerous languages, the book provides a rigorous analysis of data collection methods utilized to examine speech act behavior at the production and perception levels. Many examples of native speaker interactions illustrate the similarities and differences observed in the realization patterns and the perception of refusals by Mexicans and Americans in formal and informal situations. The data are analyzed in terms of refusal sequences and pragmatic strategies which are strategically used to carry out relational work during the negotiation of face. The results of the quantitative and qualitative analyses are interpreted in light of the notions of face, politeness, and relational work in Mexico and the United States. This publication will be of interest to researchers and students in pragmatics and discourse analysis, cross-cultural communication, and sociology.

Al Otro Lado de La Vida

Book Description

"Al otro lado de la vida", es una emocionante historia de amor, atrapada en el escalofriante escenario de un hogar mancillado por la crueldad y la cobardía de un hombre que maltrata a su esposa. Ella se mueve al límite, y oscila entre la razón y la sinrazón, la cordura y la locura, en un dramático esfuerzo por torcer las líneas del destino. De la mano de sus personajes, el lector podrá vivir aventuras inolvidables, nutridas de una vibrante intriga y pasión, con lo que consigue transmitir al lector todo su realismo. En ella se muestran además escenarios muy distintos al del hogar, destacando entre ellos aventuras en África y en París, entre otros.

Enciclopedia de Lingüística Hispánica

Book Description

The Enciclopedia de Linguistica Hispánica provides comprehensive coverage of the major and subsidiary fields of Spanish linguistics. Entries are extensively cross-referenced and arranged alphabetically within three main sections: Part 1 covers linguistic disciplines, approaches and methodologies. Part 2 brings together the grammar of Spanish, including subsections on phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. Part 3 brings together the historical, social and geographical factors in the evolution of Spanish. Drawing on the expertise of a wide range of contributors from across the Spanish-speaking world the Enciclopedia de Linguistica Hispánica is an indispensable reference for undergraduate and postgraduate students of Spanish, and for anyone with an academic or professional interest in the Spanish language/Spanish linguistics.

ITU y el Templo de Paysandú

Book Description

El primer estudio, titulado ITU (Instituto Teol gico del Uruguay) relata con una visi n inmediata de autocomprensi n, el nacimiento jur dico y los primeros pasos de dicha instituci n. Se basa fundamentalmente en la documentaci n official y en la vivencia del autor. El segundo estudio, titulado templo de Paysand, celebra el centenario del Templo San Benito en la gloriosa ciudad norte a de Paysand . En esta charla, para la familia salesiana, m s que delinear los desarrollos materiales de ese edificio sagrado, se bosquejan los lineamientos humanos y religiosos de sus jefes militares y eclesi sticos, proyectando una imagen pol tica y sacerdotal, que no se conforma totalmente a la vision tradicional.