Excavations Along Hadrian’s Wall 2019–2021

Book Description

This study focuses on the fabric, construction and preservation of stretches of Hadrian's Wall in its more remote locations, providing significant insights into the places between the mile castles and important forts and associated settlements. The Hadrian’s Wall Community Archaeology Project (WallCAP) conducted a series of fieldwork projects along the Hadrian’s Wall corridor between 2019 and 2021. The work focused on sites that were poorly understood or under particular threat and aimed to improve understanding of them so they could be better managed in future. At several sites excavation was followed by conservation and consolidation work. This volume brings together the final reports of these excavations, at six Roman sites in the Wall corridor. As the sites were spread along the length of the Wall the character and afterlife of the Wall in very different landscape locations could be compared. An assessment of the Vallum at Heddon on the Wall identified how earthwork archaeology survived in a sloped, heavily ploughed landscape. Three excavations investigated the condition of the stone Wall curtain: at Port Carlisle, Walltown Crags, and Steel Rigg and Cats Stairs. At each site the Wall builders had responded to the demands of the local terrain and made use of local resources. At each site the Wall had a different post-Roman history. Excavations at the bridging point of the Cam Beck revealed for the first time how the Wall was carried over a ‘minor’ watercourse, and discovered traces of the Turf Wall. Small buildings were also identified just south of the Wall as it approached the bridge. At Corbridge Roman town, excavations on the northern periphery of the settlement demonstrated that from early in its history the most northerly town in Europe was of considerable extent. The area investigated showed that, even at the edge of town, shops lined the roads alongside well-appointed houses with bustling yards. Later on in the Roman period the town contracted behind walls and cremation burials were inserted by the road. Each site is reported on independently, presenting the primary data for each investigation. The volume concludes with a synthetic analysis of what the results of these excavations together reveal about Hadrian’s Wall, considering, amongst other things, construction details and the decay and destruction of the monument in the centuries following Roman occupation.

Excavations Along Hadrian's Wall 2019-2021

Book Description

Results of seven community based excavation and recording projects provide new and significant insights into the construction and state of preservation of Hadrian's Wall.

Community Archaeology on Hadrian’s Wall 2019–2022

Book Description

The Hadrian’s Wall Community Archaeology Project (WallCAP) was funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund to promote the value of heritage – specifically of the Hadrian’s Wall World Heritage Site – to local communities and provide opportunities for volunteers to engage with the archaeology and conservation of the Wall to better ensure the future of the monument. This short book provides a summary of the project, communicating the range of activities undertaken during the project and key results. The structure and aims of the project are communicated, and an overview of the many different people and communities that participated are explored. Archaeological fieldwork resulted in a number of new discoveries and insights into Hadrian’s Wall. Revolutionary new work to explore the stones of Hadrian’s Wall, its source geology and how stones were reused from the monument is also discussed. Each chapter is supported by full color illustrations and contributions from project volunteers also bring the project into a vibrant focus.

Fabric of the Frontier

Book Description

What is Hadrian’s Wall made of, where did this material come from and how has it been reused in other buildings in the communities that emerged in the centuries after the Roman Empire? By studying the fabric of Hadrian’s Wall using a geological approach combined with archaeological methods, is it possible to refine our answers to these questions? This study describes how the relationship between the geology of the Wall’s landscape and its fabric may be used to further understand the Wall and presents a significant set of new geological and archaeological data on the Wall’s stones from across the length of the Wall. This data set has been collected in two complementary ways. First as a citizen-science project, where volunteers from local communities were trained to visually characterize sandstones and resulting in data collecting on large numbers of the Wall’s stones along the length of the Wall. Secondly, analytical research was used to gather in scientific data for a selected sets of rocks and stones. Geochemical data was captured using an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, and petrographic observations made using a petrographic microscope and thin sections. The combined methods provide a framework for geological analysis of the Wall supported by robust data. It builds on earlier work on Roman quarrying and stone preparation highlighting not only stone sources, but the criteria for choosing stone, stone preparation methods, and the implied routes to the Wall. At the heart of this study lies the ability to uniquely identify different sandstone types. Geological methods used to achieve this are explored, as are the ways in which the sandstones form. This highlights both the possibilities and limits of this approach.

Roman Frontier Archaeology – in Britain and Beyond

Book Description

Contributions by leading archaeologists and historians pay tribute to Paul Bidwell, admired for his ground-breaking work both in the south-west and the military north of Roman Britain. This collection will be essential reading for anyone with an interest in either the civil or military aspects of Roman Britain, or the frontiers of the Roman empire.

Frontiers of the Roman Empire: Hadrian's Wall

Book Description

This highly illustrated book offers an accessible summary of Hadrian’s Wall, and an overview of the wider context of the Roman frontiers.

Hadrian’s Wall: A study in archaeological exploration and interpretation

Book Description

Based on the annual Rhind Lectures delivered in May 2019, David J. Breeze presents six papers on Hadrian’s Wall. He first considers the historiographical background before examining specific aspects: its purpose and operation; its later history; and life on and around the Wall. Finally, he considers the Wall today and some aspects of its future.

Hadrian’s Wall: Exploring Its Past to Protect Its Future

Book Description

Celebrating the 1900th anniversary of Hadrian’s visit to Britain and the building of the Wall, this book presents studies from from the point of view of those living, visiting, researching and working along it. The book offers a realistic discussion of current issues and solutions in the exploration, management and protection of Hadrian’s Wall.

Hadrian's Wall 2009-2019

Book Description

An Archaeological Guide to Walking Hadrian's Wall from Wallsend to Bowness-on-Solway (East to West)

Book Description

This is an informative (yet informal) description of the route of Hadrian's Wall and all the remains that can still be seen. For most of the route from east to west, it follows the Hadrian's Wall National Trail Footpath, but with an important difference: where the path veers off the line of the Wall, this account stays with it and allows you to examine the remains most other walkers do not see (and most other guidebooks do not describe). Profusely illustrated with more than 100 photographs and plans, it is the perfect archaeological companion to your walk along Hadrian's Wall, regardless of whether you take it with you on your ebook reader or smartphone, or prefer to sit in the comfort of your favourite armchair and let others experience the rain and blisters whilst you enjoy the text and pictures. Written by an archaeologist who has walked, driven, cycled, flown, illustrated, photographed, and even excavated on Hadrian's Wall, this is the second of a new series of accessible guides to 'that famous wall'.