Excluding Infinite Clique Minors

Book Description

For each infinite cardinal [lowercase Greek]Kappa, we give a structural characterization of the graphs with no [italic capital]K[subscript lowercase Greek]Kappa minor. We also give such a characterization of the graphs with no "half-grid" minor.

Directions in Infinite Graph Theory and Combinatorics

Book Description

This book has arisen from a colloquium held at St. John's College, Cambridge, in July 1989, which brought together most of today's leading experts in the field of infinite graph theory and combinatorics. This was the first such meeting ever held, and its aim was to assess the state of the art in the discipline, to consider its links with other parts of mathematics, and to discuss possible directions for future development. This volume reflects the Cambridge meeting in both level and scope. It contains research papers as well as expository surveys of particular areas. Together they offer a comprehensive portrait of infinite graph theory and combinatorics, which should be particularly attractive to anyone new to the discipline.

Integrable Systems and Riemann Surfaces of Infinite Genus

Book Description

This memoir develops the spectral theory of the Lax operators of nonlinear Schrödinger-like partial differential equations with periodic boundary conditions. Their special curves, i.e., the common spectrum with the periodic shifts, are generically Riemann surfaces of infinite genus. The points corresponding to infinite energy are added. The resulting spaces are no longer Riemann surfaces in the usual sense, but they are quite similar to compact Riemann surfaces.

Orders of a Quartic Field

Book Description

In this book, the author studies the Dirichlet series whose coefficients are the number of orders of a quartic field with given indices. Nakagawa gives an explicit expression of the Dirichlet series. Using this expression, its analytic properties are deduced. He also presents an asymptotic formula for the number of orders in a quartic field with index less than a given positive number.

The Fundamental Lemma for the Shalika Subgroup of $GL(4)$

Book Description

The authors establish the fundamental lemma for a relative trace formula. The trace formula compares generic automorphic representations of [italic capitals]GS[italic]p(4) with automorphic representations of [italic capitals]GS(4) which are distinguished with respect to a character of the Shalika subgroup, the subgroup of matrices of 2 x 2 block form ([superscript italic]g [over] [subscript capital italic]X [and] 0 [over] [superscript italic]g). The fundamental lemma, giving the equality of the orbital integrals of the unit elements of the respective Hecke algebras, amounts to a comparison of certain exponential sums arising from these two different groups.

Stratifying Endomorphism Algebras

Book Description

This paper presents a systematic study of the relationships between the representation theories of [italic capital]R and [italic capital]A, especially those involving actual or potential quasi-hereditary structures on the latter algebra. Our original motivation comes from the theory of Schur algebras, work of Soergel on the Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand category [script capital]O, and resent results of Dlab-Heath-Marko realizing certain endomorphism algebras as quasi-hereditary algebras. We synthesize common features of all these examples, and go beyond them in a number of new directions.

Symmetric Automorphisms of Free Products

Book Description

The authors construct a complex [italic capital]K([italic capital]G) on which the automorphism group of [italic capital]G acts and use it to derive finiteness consequences for the group [capital Greek]Sigma [italic]Aut([italic capital]G). They prove that each component of [italic capital]K([italic capital]G) is contractible and describe the vertex stabilizers as elementary constructs involving the groups [italic capital]G[subscript italic]i and [italic]Aut([italic capital]G[subscript italic]i).

The Operator Hilbert Space $OH$, Complex Interpolation and Tensor Norms

Book Description

In the recently developed duality theory of operator spaces, bounded operators are replaced by 'completely bounded' ones, isomorphism by 'complete isomorphisms' and Banach spaces by 'operator spaces'. This allows for distinguishing between the various ways in which a given Banach space can be embedded isometrically into [italic capital]B([italic capital]H) (with H being Hilbert). One of the main results is the observation that there is a central object in this class: there is a unique self dual Hilbertian operator space (which we denote by [italic capitals]OH) which seems to play the same central role in the category of operator spaces that Hilbert spaces play in the category of Banach spaces.

The Structure of $k$-$CS$- Transitive Cycle-Free Partial Orders

Book Description

The class of cycle-free partial orders (CFPOs) is defined, and the CFPOs fulfilling a natural transitivity assumption, called k-connected set transitivity (k-CS-transitivity), are analysed in some detail. Classification in many of the interesting cases is given. This work generlizes Droste's classification of the countable k-transitive trees (k>1). In a CFPO, the structure can be branch downwards as well as upwards, and can do so repeatedely (though it neverr returns to the starting point by a cycle). Mostly it is assumed that k>2 and that all maximal chains are finite. The main classification splits into the sporadic and skeletal cases. The former is complete in all cardinalities. The latter is performed only in the countable case. The classification is considerably more complicated than for trees, and skeletal CFPOs exhibit rich, elaborate and rather surprising behaviour.

Some Connections between Isoperimetric and Sobolev-type Inequalities

Book Description

For Borel probability measures on metric spaces, this text studies the interplay between isoperimetric and Sobolev-type inequalities. In particular the question of finding optimal constants via isoperimetric quantities is explored. Also given are necessary and sufficient conditions for the equivalence between the extremality of some sets in the isoperimetric problem and the validity of some analytic inequalities. The book devotes much attention to: the probability distributions on the real line; the normalized Lebesgue measure on the Euclidean sheres; and the canonical Gaussian measure on the Euclidean space.