Exotic Atoms in Condensed Matter

Book Description

"Exotic Atoms in Condensed Matter" reviews the state of the art in this field, from meson factories to the basic interactions of muons in condensed matter. The application of muon- and pion-based analysis of solid state structural, magnetic and superconducting properties is discussed. The spectroscopic features of exotic atoms are reviewed together with their application to chemical analysis. Also, muon-catalyzed fusion is presented.

Exotic Atoms ’79 Fundamental Interactions and Structure of Matter

Book Description

The second course of the International School on the Physics of Exotic Atoms took place at the "Ettore Majorana" Center for Scien tific Culture, Erice, Sicily, during the period from March 25 to April 5, 1979. It was attended by 40 participants from 23 insti tutes in 8 countries. The purpose of the course was to review the various aspects of the physics of exotic atoms, with particular emphasis on the re sults obtained in the last two years, i.e., after the first course of the School (Erice, April 24-30, 1977). The course dealt with two main topics, A) Exotic atoms and fundamental interactions and B) Applications to the study of the structure of matter. One of the aims of the course was to offer an opportunity for the exchange of experiences between scientists working in the two fields. In view of this, the lectures in the morning discussed the more general arguments in a common session, whereas the more specialized topics were treated in the afternoon, in two parallel sections. Section A was organized around four main subjects, briefly pos itronium and muonium, quarkonium, baryonium and neutral currents in atomic physics. In addition various progresses were reported in muon and antiproton physics.

Electromagnetic Cascade and Chemistry of Exotic Atoms

Book Description

This Workshop was organized to bring once more tagether the scientists of the rather heterogeneaus field of exotic atoms. At present the main topic of the field seems to be the study of the atomic cascade. There are some who study it intentionally -Iet us call them cascadeurs -and others who think they investigate other features of the exotic atoms (like Coulomb capture, particle transfer, muon catalyzed fusion, chemical effects, fundamental properties, etc.) -users-while in fact they study some special consequences of the same atomic cascade. We decided to get cascadeurs and users discuss the problems of exotic atoms at wonderful Erice, at the 5th Course of the International School of Physics of Exotic Atoms. Our Workshop was quite successful, we have heard excellent talks from participants from a dozen countfies and most of them have prepared written contributions for this volume. The Organizers express their gratitude to all participants for their contributions, especially to David Measday for bis concluding remarks (not printed here) and to James Cohen for jumping in for Leonid Ponomarev who had to leave unexpectedly in the middle of the meeting. We greatly appreciate the enthusiastic help of Marianne Signer in every stage of the organization work. Am!, of course, the Workshop could not happen at all without the incredibly efficient organization by the Ettore Majorana Centre of Scientific Culture. Leopold M. Simons Dezsö Horvath Gabriele Torelli V CONTENTS OPENING ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi . . . . . . .

Exotic Atoms

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Exotic Atoms

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Exotic Atoms. [Univ. of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming].

Book Description

The experiments use a solid hydrogen layer to form muonic hydrogen isotopes that escape into vacuum. The method relies on transfer of the muon from protium to either a deuteron or a triton. The resulting muonic deuterium or muonic tritium will not immediately thermalize because of the very low elastic cross sections, and may be emitted from the surface of the layer. Measurements which detect decay electrons, muonic x-rays, and fusion products have been used to study the processes. A target has been constructed which exploits muonic atom emission in order to learn more about the energy dependence of transfer and muon molecular formation.

Exotic Atoms. Proceedings

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Exotic Atoms

Book Description

Exotic Atoms in Condensed Matter

Book Description

"Exotic Atoms in Condensed Matter" reviews the state of the art in this field, from meson factories to the basic interactions of muons in condensed matter. The application of muon- and pion-based analysis of solid state structural, magnetic and superconducting properties is discussed. The spectroscopic features of exotic atoms are reviewed together with their application to chemical analysis. Also, muon-catalyzed fusion is presented.

A Universe of Atoms, An Atom in the Universe

Book Description

jThis thoroughly updated and revised text contains a selection of well-written essays based on Silvermans work on a wide range of topics, including: quantum mechanics, including atomic and nuclear physics, electromagnetism and optics, gravity, thermodynamics, and the physics of fluids. Presenting a personal odyssey in physics, Silverman investigates processes for which no visualizable mechanism can be given, or that seem to violate fundamental physical laws (but do not). The discussions use little mathematics, and anyone with a little college physics will be able to read the book with pleasure. -Engagingly written -Easily understandable by both the general reader and the seasoned physicist -Covers a diversity of subjects from "hot" topics in contemporary physics to less widely known but subtle and intriguing issues in physics -Discusses real physical systems whose behavior provokes, surprises and challenges the imagination -This second edition is newly revised and updated