Book Description
Michael Abramson is a collector of words and thoughts and unique objects of art and old stained glass. As a detailed stained glass window reveals a myriad of changing colors and images of light, so changes the meaning of this authors thoughts and words whether serious or humorous. He is a simple person; a physician, and a teacher, who has spent most of his life showing compassion for others. He has a deep respect for women and knows as much as anyone could about them, (often reflected in his poetry), yet he is the first to admit that no one will ever completely discover what drives such beautiful and complex beings. His views are indeed his poetic reflections as seen through some sort of colored but very wonderful light. He is a raconteur, a person of integrity and a portrait of an artist perhaps, (perhaps not), but for sure a portrait of a kind unassuming and humble man, willing to share his humor, knowledge and love with others. This volume contains more spitting images by author Michael Abramson, which are exhibited masterfully through his quotations, poetry, and free associated rambles in this much larger fifth volume of his work containing well over 850 pieces, including some of his best words from the other volumes. They will make you think, make you laugh, and maybe even make you cry. It contains stories, thoughts; humor, truths and sometimes just words which if read carefully might give you insight into the life and the mind of this clever and sensitive author.