Procesos de verdad, justicia y reparación a las víctimas de desaparición forzada en el Sahara Occidental

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La tesis de la investigadora, defendida en 2017 en la Universidad de Deusto y dirigida por los profesores Felipe Gómez Isa y Carlos Martín Beristain, analiza el que califica de “conflicto olvidado” del Sahara Occidental desde la perspectiva de los derechos humanos abordando, en particular, el delito de desaparición forzada. Para ello, la autora, que formó parte del equipo de trabajo de la investigación que desembocó en “El Oasis de la Memoria”, analiza en detalle 95 casos de desaparición forzada, 86 de ellos recogidos en dicha publicación y los nueve restantes, en “Meheris: la esperanza posible”. La investigadora indica que es necesaria “una voluntad política real por transformar la realidad y romper con el pasado de violaciones de derechos humanos” y denuncia que “no se haya respetado el derecho de las víctimas a la verdad”. Los resultados del trabajo, según apunta López, se espera que sirvan para que las personas afectadas puedan defender sus derechos ante las instancias internacionales y la Audiencia Nacional española.


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Phenomenal Justice

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2020 Choice​ Outstanding Academic Title​ Short-listed for the Juan E. Méndez Book Award for Human Rights in Latin America from Duke University Libraries How do victims and perpetrators of political violence caught up in a complicated legal battle experience justice on their own terms? Phenomenal Justice is a compelling ethnography about the reopened trials for crimes against humanity committed during the brutal military dictatorship that ruled Argentina between 1976 and 1983. Grounded in phenomenological anthropology and the anthropology of emotion, this book establishes a new theoretical basis that is faithful to the uncertainties of justice and truth in the aftermath of human rights violations. The ethnographic observations and the first-person stories about torture, survival, disappearance, and death reveal the enduring trauma, heartfelt guilt, happiness, battered pride, and scratchy shame that demonstrate the unreserved complexities of truth and justice in post-conflict societies. Phenomenal Justice will be an indispensable contribution to a better understanding of the military dictatorship in Argentina and its aftermath.

Abuelita fe

Book Description

¿Qué pasaría si algunos de nuestros más grandes teólogos no fueran considerados como tales, en absoluto? Kat Armas es una cubanoamericana de segunda generación que creció en las cercanías del famoso vecindario La Pequeña Habana de Miami. Su temprana formación teológica provino de su abuela, que huyó de Cuba durante el apogeo de los disturbios políticos y crio a sus tres hijos sola tras la muerte de su esposo. Combinando la narración personal con la reflexión bíblica, Armas nos muestra el modo en que las voces marginadas --las que a menudo son rechazadas, aisladas y oprimidas debido a su género, estatus socioeconómico o falta de educación--, tienen más que enseñarnos en cuanto a seguir a Dios que lo que nos damos cuenta. Abuelita fe cuenta la historia de teólogas anónimas e ignoradas en la sociedad y en la Biblia --madres, abuelas, hermanas e hijas-- cuya supervivencia, fuerza, resistencia y perseverancia nos enseñan el verdadero poder de la fe y el amor. La exploración de la autora en cuanto a la teología de abuelita ayudará a personas de todos los orígenes culturales y étnicos a reflexionar sobre las abuelitas en sus vidas y sus ministerios, y sobre las formas en que pueden vivir la fe de abuelita cada día. Kat Armas (magíster en Divinidades y en Teología del Seminario Teológico Fuller) es una escritora y oradora cubanoamericana, que presenta el podcast The Protagonistas, en el que destaca historias de mujeres de color comunes y corrientes, incluidas escritoras, pastoras, lideresas de iglesias y teólogas. Ha escrito para Christianity Today, Sojourners, Relevant, Christians for Biblical Equality, Fuller Youth Institute, la revista Fathom y Missio Alliance. Armas también trabaja en el proyecto Living a Better Story en el Fuller Youth Institute y habla periódicamente en conferencias sobre asuntos raciales y de justicia. Vive en Nashville, Tennessee.

Time and Temporality in Transitional and Post-Conflict Societies

Book Description

Implicit conceptions of time associated with progress and linearity have influenced scholars and practitioners in the fields of transitional justice and peacebuilding, but time and temporality have rarely been systematically considered. Time and Temporality in Transitional and Post-Conflict Societies examines how time is experienced, constructed and used in transitional and post-conflict societies. This collection critically questions linear, transitional justice time and highlights the different temporalities that exist at local and institutional levels through original empirical research. Presenting empirical and often ethnographic research from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cambodia, Mozambique, Palestine/Israel, Rwanda and South Africa, contributors use a temporal lens to investigate key issues including: transitional justice institutions, peace processes, victimhood, perpetrators, accountability, reparations, forgiveness, reconciliation and memoralisation. This timely monograph will appeal to undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as postdoctoral researchers, interested in fields such as political science, international relations, anthropology, transitional justice and conflict resolution. It will also be relevant to conflict resolution and peacebuilding practitioners.

Citizens of Memory

Book Description

Citizens of Memory explores efforts at recollection in post-dictatorship Argentina and the hoped-for futures they set in motion. The material, visual, narrative, and pedagogical interventions it analyzes address the dark years of state repression (1976-1983) while engaging ongoing debates about how this traumatic past should be transmitted to future generations. Two theoretical principles structure the book’s approach to cultural recall: the first follows from an understanding of memory as a social construct that is always as much about the past as it is of the present; the second from the observation that what distinguishes memory from history is affect. These principles guide the study of iconic sites of memory in the city of Buenos Aires; photographic essays about the missing and the dictatorship’s legacies of violence; documentary films by children of the disappeared that challenge hegemonic representations of seventies’ militancy; a novel of exile that moves recollection across national boundaries; and a human rights education program focused on memory. Understanding recollection as a practice that lends coherence to disparate forces, energies, and affects, the book approaches these spatial, visual, and scripted registers as impassioned narratives that catalyze a new attentiveness within those they hail. It suggests, moreover, that by inciting deep reflection and an active engagement with the legacies of state violence, interventions like these can help advance the cause of transitional justice and contribute to the development of new political subjectivities invested in the construction of less violent futures.

After Dictatorship

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Numerous studies concerning transitional justice exist. However, comparatively speaking, the effects actually achieved by measures for coming to terms with dictatorships have seldom been investigated. There is an even greater lack of transnational analyses. This volume contributes to closing this gap in research. To this end, it analyses processes of coming to terms with the past in seven countries with different experiences of violence and dictatorship. Experts have drawn up detailed studies on transitional justice in Albania, Argentina, Ethiopia, Chile, Rwanda, South Africa and Uruguay. Their analyses constitute the empirical material for a comparative study of the impact of measures introduced within the context of transitional justice. It becomes clear that there is no sure formula for dealing with dictatorships. Successes and deficits alike can be observed in relation to the individual instruments of transitional justice - from criminal prosecution to victim compensation. Nevertheless, the South American states perform much better than those on the African continent. This depends less on the instruments used than on political and social factors. Consequently, strategies of transitional justice should focus more closely on these contextual factors.

The Memory of the Argentina Disappearances

Book Description

This book is an examination of the history of the Nunca Más report issued by Argentina’s National Commission on the Disappearance of Persons established to investigate the disappearances perpetrated by state in the 1970s. Given the canonical nature of Nunca Más, it sheds light on Argentina’s social memory of its violent past.