Experimental Investigations of Thermal Transport in Carbon Nanotubes, Graphene and Nanoscale Point Contacts

Book Description

As silicon-based transistor technology continues to scale ever downward, anticipation of the fundamental limitations of ultimately-scaled devices has driven research into alternative device technologies as well as new materials for interconnects and packaging. Additionally, as power dissipation becomes an increasingly important challenge in highly miniaturized devices, both the implementation and verification of high mobility, high thermal conductivity materials, such as low dimensional carbon nanomaterials, and the experimental investigation of heat transfer in the nanoscale regime are requisite to continued progress. This work furthers the current understanding of structure-property relationships in low dimensional carbon nanomaterials, specifically carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene, through use of combined thermal conductance and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) measurements on the same individual nanomaterials suspended between two micro-resistance thermometers. Through the development of a method to measure thermal contact resistance, the intrinsic thermal conductivity, [kappa], of multi-walled (MW) CNTs is found to correlate with TEM observed defect density, linking phonon-defect scattering to the low [kappa] in these chemical vapor deposition (CVD) synthesized nanomaterials. For single- (S) and double- (D) walled (W) CNTs, the [kappa] is found to be limited by thermal contact resistance for the as-grown samples but still four times higher than that for bulk Si. Additionally, through the use of a combined thermal transport-TEM study, the [kappa] of bi-layer graphene is correlated with both crystal structure and surface conditions. Theoretical modeling of the [kappa] temperature dependence allows for the determination that phonon scattering mechanisms in suspended bi-layer graphene with a thin polymeric coating are similar to those for the case of graphene supported on SiO2. Furthermore, a method is developed to investigate heat transfer through a nanoscale point contact formed between a sharp silicon tip and a silicon substrate in an ultra high vacuum (UHV) atomic force microscope (AFM). A contact mechanics model of the interface, combined with a heat transport model considering solid-solid conduction and near-field thermal radiation leads to the conclusion that the thermal resistance of the nanoscale point contact is dominated by solid-solid conduction.

Thermal Transport in Carbon-Based Nanomaterials

Book Description

Thermal Transport in Carbon-Based Nanomaterials describes the thermal properties of various carbon nanomaterials and then examines their applications in thermal management and renewable energy. Carbon nanomaterials include: one-dimensional (1D) structures, like nanotubes; two-dimensional (2D) crystal lattice with only one-atom-thick planar sheets, like graphenes; composites based on carbon nanotube or graphene, and diamond nanowires and thin films. In the past two decades, rapid developments in the synthesis and processing of carbon-based nanomaterials have created a great desire among scientists to gain a greater understanding of thermal transport in these materials. Thermal properties in nanomaterials differ significantly from those in bulk materials because the characteristic length scales associated with the heat carriers, phonons, are comparable to the characteristic length. Carbon nanomaterials with high thermal conductivity can be applied in heat dissipation. This looks set to make a significant impact on human life and, with numerous commercial developments emerging, will become a major academic topic over the coming years. This authoritative and comprehensive book will be of great use to both the existing scientific community in this field, as well as for those who wish to enter it. Includes coverage of the most important and commonly adopted computational and experimental methods to analyze thermal properties in carbon nanomaterials Contains information about the growth of carbon nanomaterials, their thermal properties, and strategies to control thermal properties and applications, allowing readers to assess how to use each material most efficiently Offers a comprehensive overview of the theoretical background behind thermal transport in carbon nanomaterials

Carbon Nanotubes: Quantum Cylinders of Graphene

Book Description

This volume is devoted to mostly to nanotubes, unique synthetic nanoscale quantum systems whose physical properties are often singular (i.e. record-setting). Nanotubes can be formed from a myriad of atomic or molecular species, the only requirement apparently being that the host material or “wall fabric be configurable as a layered or sheet-like structure. Nanotubes with sp2-bonded atoms such as carbon, or boron together with nitrogen, are the champions of extreme mechanical strength, electrical response (either highly conducting or highly insulating), and thermal conductance. Carbon nanotubes can be easily produced by a variety of synthesis techniques, and for this reason they are the most studied nanotubes, both experimentally and theoretically. Boron nitride nanotubes are much more difficult to produce and only limited experimental characterization data exist. Indeed, for boron nitride nanotubes, theory is well ahead of experiment. For these reasons this volume deals largely with carbon nanotubes. Conceptually, the "building block" for a carbon nanotube is a single sheet of graphite, called graphene. Recently, it has become possible to experimentally isolate such single sheets (either on a substrate or suspended). This capability has in turn fueled many new theoretical and experimental studies of graphene itself. It is therefore fitting that this volume contains also a chapter devoted to graphene. - Comprehension- Overview- Highlights in the field

Nanoscale Energy Transport and Harvesting

Book Description

Energy transport and conversion in nanoscale structures is a rapidly expanding area of science. It looks set to make a significant impact on human life and, with numerous commercial developments emerging, will become a major academic topic over the coming years. Owing to the difficulty in experimental measurement, computational simulation has becom

Four-probe Thermal Transport Measurements of Few-layer Graphene and Ultrathin Graphite

Book Description

The unique combination of mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties of graphite and its derivatives, such as graphene and carbon nanotubes, make graphitic materials desirable for a number of technological applications as well as a platform for studying various transport phenomena, especially at the nanoscale. Although it has been more than a decade since graphene was first successfully isolated, discrepancies between the results of theoretical and experimental studies have not yet been resolved and the answers to many fundamental questions concerning the details of thermal transport in graphene are still subject to debate. The presence of unknown contact thermal resistance has limited prior two-probe thermal transport measurements of suspended graphene samples. This work utilizes a four-probe thermal measurement technique to measure few-layer graphene and ultrathin graphite samples. This technique has the ability to measure the intrinsic thermal conductance of suspended samples and to isolate the contact thermal resistance between the sample and measurement device. By eliminating error due to contact thermal resistance and developing a clean method for transferring thin-film samples, the true intrinsic thermal properties of graphene can be realized, potentially leading to the observation of unique transport phenomena such as hydrodynamic phonon transport

Thermoelectricity and Heat Transport in Graphene and Other 2D Nanomaterials

Book Description

Thermoelectricity and Heat Transport in Graphene and Other 2D Nanomaterials describes thermoelectric phenomena and thermal transport in graphene and other 2-dimentional nanomaterials and devices. Graphene, which is an example of an atomic monolayered material, has become the most important growth area in materials science research, stimulating an interest in other atomic monolayeric materials. The book analyses flow management, measurement of the local temperature at the nanoscale level and thermoelectric transducers, with reference to both graphene and other 2D nanomaterials. The book covers in detail the mechanisms of thermoelectricity, thermal transport, interface phenomena, quantum dots, non-equilibrium states, scattering and dissipation, as well as coherent transport in low-dimensional junctions in graphene and its allotropes, transition metal dichalcogenides and boron nitride. This book aims to show readers how to improve thermoelectric transducer efficiency in graphene and other nanomaterials. The book describes basic ingredients of such activity, allowing readers to gain a greater understanding of fundamental issues related to the heat transport and the thermoelectric phenomena of nanomaterials. It contains a thorough analysis and comparison between theory and experiments, complemented with a variety of practical examples. Shows readers how to improve the efficiency of heat transfer in graphene and other nanomaterials with analysis of different methodologies Includes fundamental information on the thermoelectric properties of graphene and other atomic monolayers, providing a valuable reference source for materials scientists and engineers Covers the important models of thermoelectric phenomena and thermal transport in the 2D nanomaterials and nanodevices, allowing readers to gain a greater understanding of the factors behind the efficiency of heat transport in a variety of nanomaterials

Graphene, Carbon Nanotubes, and Nanostructures

Book Description

Graphene, Carbon Nanotubes, and Nanostructures: Techniques and Applications offers a comprehensive review of groundbreaking research in nanofabrication technology and explores myriad applications that this technology has enabled. The book examines the historical evolution and emerging trends of nanofabrication and supplies an analytical understanding of some of the most important underlying nanofabrication technologies, with an emphasis on graphene, carbon nanotubes (CNTs), and nanowires. Featuring contributions by experts from academia and industry around the world, this book presents cutting-edge nanofabrication research in a wide range of areas. Topics include: CNT electrodynamics and signal propagation models Electronic structure calculations of a graphene–hexagonal boron nitride interface to aid the understanding of experimental devices based on these heterostructures How a laser field would modify the electronic structure and transport response of graphene, to generate bandgaps The fabrication of transparent CNT electrodes for organic light-emitting diodes Direct graphene growth on dielectric substrates, and potential applications in electronic and spintronic devices CNTs as a promising candidate for next-generation interconnect conductors CMOS–CNT integration approaches, including the promising localized heating CNT synthesis method CNTs in electrochemical and optical biosensors The synthesis of diamondoids by pulsed laser ablation plasmas generated in supercritical fluids, and possible applications The use of DNA nanostructures in lithography CMOS-compatible silicon nanowire biosensors The use of titanium oxide-B nanowires to detect explosive vapors The properties of protective layers on silver nanoparticles for ink-jet printing Nanostructured thin-film production using microreactors A one-stop reference for professionals, researchers, and graduate students working in nanofabrication, this book will also be useful for investors who want an overview of the current nanofabrication landscape.

Experimental Micro/Nanoscale Thermal Transport

Book Description

This book covers the new technologies on micro/nanoscale thermal characterization developed in the Micro/Nanoscale Thermal Science Laboratory led by Dr. Xinwei Wang. Five new non-contact and non-destructive technologies are introduced: optical heating and electrical sensing technique, transient electro-thermal technique, transient photo-electro-thermal technique, pulsed laser-assisted thermal relaxation technique, and steady-state electro-Raman-thermal technique. These techniques feature significantly improved ease of implementation, super signal-to-noise ratio, and have the capacity of measuring the thermal conductivity/diffusivity of various one-dimensional structures from dielectric, semiconductive, to metallic materials.

Experimental Investigation of Thermal Transport in Graphene and Hexagonal Boron Nitride

Book Description

Two-dimensional graphene, a single layer of graphite, has emerged as an excellent candidate for future electronic material due to its unique electronic structure and remarkably high carrier mobility. Even higher carrier mobility has been demonstrated in graphene devices using hexagonal boron nitride as an underlying dielectric support instead of silicon oxide. Interestingly, both graphene and boron nitride exhibit superior thermal properties, therefore may potentially offer a solution to the increasingly severe heat dissipation problem in nanoelectronics caused by increased power density. In this thesis, we focus on the investigation of the thermal properties of graphene and hexagonal boron nitride. First, scanning thermal microscopy based on a sub-micrometer thermocouple at the apex of a microfabricated tip was employed to image the temperature profiles in electrically biased graphene devices with ~ 100 nm scale spatial resolution. Non-uniform temperature distribution in the devices was observed, and the "hot spot" locations were correlated with the charge concentrations in the channel, which could be controlled by both gate and drain-source biases. Hybrid contact and lift mode scanning has enabled us to obtain the quantitative temperature profiles, which were compared with the profiles obtained from Raman-based thermometry. The temperature rise in the channel provided an important insight into the heat dissipation mechanism in Joule-heated graphene devices. Next, thermal conductivity of suspended single and few-layer graphene was measured using a micro-bridge device with built-in resistance thermometers. Polymer-assisted transfer technique was developed to suspend graphene layers on the pre-fabricated device. The room temperature thermal conductivity values of 1-7 layer graphene were measured to be lower than that of bulk graphite, and the value appeared to increase with increasing sample thickness. These observations can be explained by the impact of the phonon scattering by polymer residue remaining on the sample surfaces. Lastly, thermal conductivity of few-layer hexagonal boron nitride sample was measured by using the same device and technique used for suspended graphene. Measurements on samples with different suspended lengths but similar thickness allowed us to extract the intrinsic thermal conductivity of the samples as well as the contribution of contact thermal resistance to the overall thermal measurement. The room temperature thermal conductivity of 11 layer sample approaches the basal-plane value reported in the bulk sample. Lower thermal conductivity was measured in a 5 layer sample than an 11 layer sample, which again supports the polymer effect on the thermal transport in few-layer hexagonal boron nitride.

Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Thermal Transport in Graphene

Book Description

Graphene has been actively investigated because its unique structural, electronic, and thermal properties are desirable for a number of technological applications ranging from electronic to energy devices. The thermal transport properties of graphene can influence the device performances. Because of the high surface to volume ratio and confinement of phonons and electrons, the thermal transport properties of graphene can differ considerably from those in graphite. Developing a better understanding of thermal transport in graphene is necessary for rational design of graphene-based functional devices and materials. It is known that the thermal conductivity of single-layer graphene is considerably suppressed when it is in contact with an amorphous material compared to when it is suspended. However, the effects of substrate interaction in phonon transport in both single and multi-layer graphene still remains elusive. This work presents sensitive in-plane thermal transport measurements of few-layer and multi-layer graphene samples on amorphous silicon dioxide with the use of suspended micro-thermometer devices. It is shown that full recovery to the thermal conductivity of graphite has yet to occur even after the thickness of the supported multi-layer graphene sample is increased to 34 layers, which is considerably thicker than previously thought. This surprising finding is explained by the long intrinsic scattering mean free paths of phonons in graphite along both the basal-plane and cross-plane directions, as well as partially diffuse scattering of phonons by the graphene-amorphous support interface, which is treated by an interface scattering model developed for highly anisotropic materials. In addition, an experimental method is introduced to investigate electronic thermal transport in graphene and other layered materials through the measurement of longitudinal and transverse thermal and electrical conductivities and Seebeck coefficient under applied electric and magnetic fields. Moreover, this work includes an investigation of quantitative scanning thermal microscopy measurements of electrically biased graphene supported on a flexible polyimide substrate. Based on a triple scan technique and another zero heat flux measurement method, the temperature rise in flexible devices is found to be higher by more than one order of magnitude, and shows much more significant lateral heat spreading than graphene devices fabricated on silicon.