Fast Policy

Book Description

We inhabit a perpetually accelerating and increasingly interconnected world, with new ideas, fads, and fashions moving at social-media speed. New policy ideas, especially “ideas that work,” are now able to find not only a worldwide audience but also transnational salience in remarkably short order. Fast Policy is the first systematic treatment of this phenomenon, one that compares processes of policy development across two rapidly moving fields that emerged in the Global South and have quickly been adopted worldwide⎯conditional cash transfers (a social policy program that conditions payments on behavioral compliance) and participatory budgeting (a form of citizen-centric urban governance). Jamie Peck and Nik Theodore critically analyze the growing transnational connectivity between policymaking arenas and modes of policy development, assessing the implications of these developments for contemporary policymaking. Emphasizing that policy models do not simply travel intact from sites of invention to sites of emulation, they problematize fast policy as a phenomenon that is real and consequential yet prone to misrepresentation. Based on fieldwork conducted across six continents and in fifteen countries, Fast Policy is an essential resource in providing an extended theoretical discussion of policy mobility and in presenting a methodology for ethnographic research on global social policy.

Experimental Hydrodynamics of Fast-Floating Aquatic Animals

Book Description

Experimental Hydrodynamics of Fast-Floating Aquatic Animals presents the latest research on the physiological, morphological and evolutionary factors in aquatic animal locomotion. Beginning with an overview on how to conduct experiments on swimming aquatic animals, assessing hydrodynamic forces, resistance and geometric parameters of animal bodies, the book then details how aquatic animals, such as fast-moving dolphins, can achieve high speeds without over-expelling their energy resources. It provides insights into investigations on how animals, including dolphins, sharks and swordfish can maneuver through water at high speeds, offering a natural model for improving human and technological underwater locomotion. This book is essential for researchers and practicing biologists interested in the study of aquatic animal locomotive physiology and its application to human technology. Advanced undergraduate and graduate students will also find this a helpful academic resource for further understanding animal hydrodynamics. Analyzes the locomotive benefits of bodily structures in aquatic animals such as cetacean species, penguins, sharks and fast-swimming fish species, such as the swordfish Features the latest research and firsthand investigative studies of aquatic animal hydrodynamic factors, including skin elasticity, fin shape and movement, bioenergy, and more Provides a comparison of human to animal hydrodynamics, detailing how energy is spent differently due to evolutionary advances in the latter

Theoretical and Experimental Studies on Non-Fourier Heat Conduction Based on Thermomass Theory

Book Description

This book mainly focuses on the theoretical and experimental study of non-Fourier heat conduction behavior. A novel thermomass theory is used as the theoretical basis, which provides a general heat conduction equation for the accurate prediction of non-Fourier heat conduction. In order to prove the validity of this thermomass theory, a large current was used to heat the metallic nanofilm at the minimum temperature of 3 K. The measured average temperature of the nanofilm was notably higher than the prediction of Fourier’s heat diffusion equation, while matching well with the general heat conduction equation. This is the first time that steady non-Fourier heat conduction has been observed. Moreover, this book concerns the role of electron-phonon interaction in metallic nanofilms, which involves the breakdown of the Wiedemann-Franz law at low temperatures and interfacial thermal resistance at femtosecond timescales. Readers will find useful information on non-Fourier heat conduction and the latest advances in the study of charge and heat transport in metallic nanofilms.

Experimental Thinking

Book Description

Experiments are a central methodology in the social sciences. Scholars from every discipline regularly turn to experiments. Practitioners rely on experimental evidence in evaluating social programs, policies, and institutions. This book is about how to “think” about experiments. It argues that designing a good experiment is a slow moving process (given the host of considerations) which is counter to the current fast moving temptations available in the social sciences. The book includes discussion of the place of experiments in the social science process, the assumptions underlying different types of experiments, the validity of experiments, the application of different designs, how to arrive at experimental questions, the role of replications in experimental research, and the steps involved in designing and conducting “good” experiments. The goal is to ensure social science research remains driven by important substantive questions and fully exploits the potential of experiments in a thoughtful manner.

Experimental Study of the Structure and Dynamics of Cavitating Flows

Book Description

Cavitation refers to a distinctive occurrence within liquid flows where there is a phase change process involving the rapid transformation of liquid into vapour in regions of low pressure, followed by collapsing or implosion when pressure rises again. The study of cavitation dates back to the late 19th century. While the term “cavitation” was originally coined by R. E. Froude and first documented by Barnaby and Thornycroft in 1895, the concept had been speculated upon much earlier by L. Euler in his 1754 theory on water turbines. However, the phenomenon of cavitation was initially observed and examined by Barnaby and Parsons in 1893. They identified that the formation of vapour bubbles on propeller blades had led to the failure of the sea trial of the British high-speed warship HMS Daring in 1885. In 1895, Parsons established the first water tunnel dedicated to cavitation research, revealing the connection between cavitation and propeller damage. The theoretical groundwork for cavitation research was laid by Rayleigh in 1917, as he successfully addressed the collapse of an empty cavity within a substantial liquid mass. Since then, numerous research work has been published on cavitating flow.

Experimental Algorithmics

Book Description

Experimental algorithmics, as its name indicates, combines algorithmic work and experimentation: algorithms are not just designed, but also implemented and tested on a variety of instances. Perhaps the most important lesson in this process is that designing an algorithm is but the first step in the process of developing robust and efficient software for applications. Based on a seminar held at Dagstuhl Castle, Germany in September 2000, this state-of-the-art survey presents a coherent survey of the work done in the area so far. The 11 carefully reviewed chapters provide complete coverage of all current topics in experimental algorithmics.

Experimental Studies of Transient Effects in Fast Reactor Fuels

Book Description

An experimental program to evaluate the performance of FCR and EFCR fuel during transient operation is outlined, and the initial series of tests are described in some detail. Test results from five experiments in the TREAT reactor, using 1-in. OD SS-clad UO2 fuel specimens, are compared with regard to fuel temperatures, mechanical integrity, and post-irradiation appearance. Incipient fuel pin failure limits for transients are identified with maximum fuel temperatures in the range of 7000 deg F. Multiple transient damage to the cladding is likely for transients above the melting point of the fuel.