Concepts of Modern Mathematics

Book Description

In this charming volume, a noted English mathematician uses humor and anecdote to illuminate the concepts of groups, sets, subsets, topology, Boolean algebra, and other mathematical subjects. 200 illustrations.

Exploring the World of Mathematics

Book Description

Numbers surround us. Just try to make it through a day without using any. It's impossible: telephone numbers, calendars, volume settings, shoe sizes, speed limits, weights, street numbers, microwave timers, TV channels, and the list goes on and on. The many advancements and branches of mathematics were developed through the centuries as people encountered problems and relied upon math to solve them. For instance: What timely invention was tampered with by the Caesars and almost perfected by a pope? Why did ten days vanish in September of 1752? How did Queen Victoria shorten the Sunday sermons at chapel? What important invention caused the world to be divided into time zones? What simple math problem caused the Mars Climate Orbiter to burn up in the Martian atmosphere? What common unit of measurement was originally based on the distance from the equator to the North Pole? Does water always boil at 212? Fahrenheit? What do Da Vinci's Last Supper and the Parthenon have in common? Why is a computer glitch called a "bug"? It's amazing how ten simple digits can be used in an endless number of ways to benefit man. The development of these ten digits and their many uses is the fascinating story you hold in your hands: Exploring the World of Mathematics.

Excursions in Modern Mathematics

Book Description

"Disability and Academic Exclusion interrogates obstacles the disabled have encountered in education, from a historical perspective that begins with the denial of literacy to minorities in the colonial era to the later centuries' subsequent intolerance of writing, orality, and literacy mastered by former slaves, women, and the disabled. The text then questions where we stand today in regards to the university-wide rhetoric on promoting diversity and accommodating disability in the classroom." viewed 6/2/2020.

Excursions in Modern Mathematics

Book Description

Excursions in Modern Mathematics introduces non-math majors to the power of math by exploring applications like social choice and management science, showing that math is more than a set of formulas. Ideal for an applied liberal arts math course, Tannenbaum's text is known for its clear, accessible writing style and its unique exercise sets that build in complexity from basic to more challenging. The Eighth Edition offers more real data and applications to connect with today's students, expanded coverage of applications like growth, and revised exercise sets. MyMathLab exercise sets are expanded and the new Ready To Go MyMathLab course makes course set-up even easier.

Basic Concepts in Modern Mathematics

Book Description

An in-depth overview of some of the most readily applicable essentials of modern mathematics, this concise volume is geared toward undergraduates of all backgrounds as well as future math majors. Topics include the natural numbers; sets, variables, and statement forms; mappings and operations; groups; relations and partitions; integers; and rational and real numbers. 1961 edition.

Modern Mathematics for the Engineer: First Series

Book Description

This volume and its successor were conceived to advance the level of mathematical sophistication in the engineering community, focusing on material relevant to solving the kinds of problems regularly confronted. Volume One's three-part treatment covers mathematical models, probabilistic problems, and computational considerations. Contributors include Solomon Lefschetz, Richard Courant, and Norbert Wiener. 1956 edition.

Great Ideas of Modern Mathematics, Their Nature and Use

Book Description

An explanation of the development and structure of the modern mathematics used in contemporary science