Export Led Industrialization and Gender Differences in Job Creation and Destruction

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"In this paper we investigate gender differences in job creation and destruction patterns in Turkey during a period of substantial trade liberalization. The primary findings are as follows. 1) In the manufacturing sector as a whole, net job creation rate for females at every skill level are significantly higher than their male counterparts. 2) Gross job reallocation rate for females is about twice the size of males at the same skill levels. 3) Net job creation rates in the exportable sector are higher than they are in the import competing sectors for all worker groups. However, the net job creation rate for female production workers (non-production) relative to their male counterparts is higher (lower) in the import-competing sector than it is in the exportable sector. Since female production (non-production) workers constitute a smaller (larger) share of employees in import competing sectors, the results indicate that the relative net job creation rate for females are higher where females constitute a smaller fraction of the workforce. 4) The ratio of gross job reallocation rate of females to males at a given skill level differ only slightly across sectors by trade orientation"--Economic Research Forum for the Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey web site.

Export Led Industrialization and Gender Differences in Job Creation and Destruction

Book Description

In this paper we investigate gender differences in job creation and destruction patterns in Turkey during a period of substantial trade liberalization. The primary findings are as follows. 1) In the manufacturing sector as a whole, net job creation rate for females at every skill level are significantly higher than their male counterparts. 2) Gross job reallocation rate for females is about twice the size of males at the same skill levels. 3) Net job creation rates in the exportable sector are higher than they are in the import competing sectors for all worker groups. However, the net job creation rate for female production workers (non-production) relative to their male counterparts is higher (lower) in the import-competing sector than it is in the exportable sector. Since female production (non-production) workers constitute a smaller (larger) share of employees in import competing sectors, the results indicate that the relative net job creation rate for females are higher where females constitute a smaller fraction of the workforce. 4) The ratio of gross job reallocation rate of females to males at a given skill level differ only slightly across sectors by trade orientation.

The Feminist Economics of Trade

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Unravelling the complex relationship between gender inequality and trade, this is the first book to combine the tools of economic and gender analysis to examine the relationship between international trade and gender relations. It brings together fourteen contributions from a variety of economic perspectives, including structuralist, institutionalist, neoclassical and Post-Keynesian by a range of authors including Lourdes Benería, William Darity, Marzia Fontana and Mariama Williams to demonstrate what feminist economics has contributed to the analysis of international trade, through theoretical modelling, econometric analysis and policy-oriented contributions. It includes evidence from industrialized, semi-industrialized, and agrarian economies, using country case studies and cross-country analysis. Arguing that trade expansion and reduction of gender inequality can be combined, but only if an appropriate mix and sequence of trade and other economic policies is implemented, this book is key reading for all students of international economics, gender and cultural studies and politics and international relations, amongst other disciplines.

Exports to Jobs

Book Description

South Asia has grown rapidly with significant reductions in poverty, but it has not been able to match the fast-growing working age population, leading to lingering concerns about jobless growth and poor job quality. Could export growth in South Asia result in better labor market outcomes? The answer is yes, according to our study, which rigorously estimates—using a new methodology—the potential impact from higher South Asian exports per worker on wages and employment over a 10-year period. Our study shows the positive side of trade. It finds that increasing exports per worker would result in higher wages—mainly for better-off groups, like more educated workers, males, and more-experienced workers—although less-skilled workers would see the largest reduction in informality. How can the benefits be spread more widely? Our study suggests that scaling up exports in labor-intensive industries could significantly lower informality for groups like rural and less-educated workers in the region. Also, increasing skills, and participation of women and young workers in the labor force could make an even bigger dent in informal employment. The region could achieve these gains by: (i) boosting and connecting exports to people (e.g., removing trade barriers and investment in infrastructure); (ii) eliminating distortions in production (e.g., by more efficient allocation of inputs); and (iii) protecting workers (e.g., by investing in education and skills).

Trade and Gender

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Equal rights between men and women are enshrined as a fundamental human right in the UN Charter, and reflected in various internationally agreed instruments, such as the 1979 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the 1995 Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. Although there has been notable progress in some areas, in most nations women are still at a disadvantage in terms of their role and position in the economic and political arenas. This publication examines the gender dimension of trade and seeks to identify policy challenges and responses to promote gender equality in light of increasing globalisation. Issues discussed include: economics of gender equality, international trade and development; multilateral negotiations on agriculture in developing countries; gender-related issues in the textiles and clothing sectors; international trade in services; gender and the TRIPS Agreement; the impact of WTO rules on gender equality; human rights aspects; fair trade initiatives; the role of IT in promoting gender equality, the Gender Trade Impact Assessment and trade reform.

Gender, Development and Globalization

Book Description

Gender, Development, and Globalization is the leading primer on global feminist economics and development. Lourdes Benería, a pioneer in the field of feminist economics, is joined in this second edition by Gunseli Berik and Maria Floro to update the text to reflect the major theoretical, empirical, and methodological contributions and global developments in the last decade. Its interdisciplinary investigation remains accessible to a broad audience interested in an analytical treatment of the impact of globalization processes on development and wellbeing in general and on social and gender equality in particular. The revision will continue to provide a wide-ranging discussion of the strategies and policies that hold the most promise in promoting equitable and sustainable development. The authors make the case for feminist economics as a useful framework to address major contemporary global challenges, such as inequalities between the global South and North as well as within single countries; persistent poverty; and increasing vulnerability to financial crises, food crises, and climate change. The authors’ approach is grounded in the intellectual current of feminism and human development, drawing on Amartya Sen’s capability approach and focused on the importance of the care economy, increasing pressures faced by women, and the failures of neoliberal reforms to bring about sustainable development, reduction in poverty, inequality, and vulnerability to economic crisis.

Gender Aspects of the Trade and Poverty Nexus

Book Description

Trade liberalization can create economic opportunities for poor people. But are these opportunities available to men and women equally? Do the gender disparities in access to education, health, credit, and other resources limit the gains from trade and the potential benefits to poor women? This volume introduces the gender dimension into empirical analyses of the links between trade and poverty, which can improve policy making. The collection of chapters in this book is close to an ideal macro-micro evaluation technique that explicitly assesses the importance of gender in determining the poverty effects of trade shocks. Part I, relying on ex ante simulation approaches, focuses on the macroeconomic links between trade and gender, where labor market structure and its functioning play a key role. Part II concentrates on micro models of households and attempts to identify the ex post effects of trade shocks on household income levels and consumption choices. It also addresses questions about possible changes in inequality within households due to improved economic opportunities for women. 'Gender Aspects of the Trade and Poverty Nexus' will be invaluable to policy makers, development practitioners and researchers, journalists, and students.

Globalisation & Public Policy

Book Description

This book is one of the products of the 10th International Conference of Political Economy (ICOPEC), held at Marmara University in Istanbul, Turkey in June 2019 with the main theme “If Globalism is Dead – Long Live What?”. ICOPEC 2019 was co-organised by Marmara University and Batman University in Turkey, Panteion University and Greek Association of Political Economy in Greece, University of Belgrade in Serbia, and VUZF University in Bulgaria. This volume contains eight selected papers that benefited from comments and discussion during the conference. They analyse the relationship between globalisation and public policy.

Globalization in the 21st Century

Book Description

This book examines the development and transformation of global capitalism in the late 20th and early 21st century. It analyzes the dynamics and contradictions of the global political economy through a comparative-historical approach based on class analysis. After providing a critical overview of neoliberal capitalist globalization over the past three decades, the book examines the emergence of new forces on the global scene and discusses the prospects of change in the global economy in a multi-polar direction in the decades ahead. The book concludes by focusing on the mass movements that are playing a central role in bringing about the transformation of global capitalism.

Uzbekistan Quality Job Creation as a Cornerstone for Sustainable Economic Growth

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Uzbekistan has achieved sustained growth through its gradual transition to a market-based economy through cautious economic policy reforms. Despite its gradual approach to development challenges, the country experienced the smallest output decline among former Soviet economies and enjoyed high rates of economic growth from 2004 to 2015, largely driven by the high prices of its major export commodities. However, the drop in the global prices of many key commodities in recent years have severely impacted Uzbekistan's economy. Under these circumstances, the new government introduced major reforms. The pace of reform is unprecedented. The government has formulated its long-term economic strategy in its Vision 2030, which aims to double the country's gross domestic product by 2030 through a program of economic diversification. This book analyzes how Uzbekistan can boost sustainable economic growth to create more and better jobs. It considers how the country can consolidate achievements from recent policy reforms and maintain reform efforts to accelerate sustainable growth. Policy recommendations cover fostering macroeconomic stability, increasing investment in physical infrastructure, enhancing human capital, improving firms' access to finance, and lowering barriers to international trade and foreign investment inflows.