Exposure due to Radionuclides in Food Other than During a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency

Book Description

Radionuclides of both natural and human made origin exist throughout the environment. These radionuclides can be transferred to plants and animals that are consumed by humans, thereby resulting in exposure to ionizing radiation and an internal radiation dose. This Safety Report provides information on the observed distributions of concentrations of natural radionuclides in various food products, on the use of ‘total diet’ and other studies to assess ingestion doses, and on radionuclide concentrations in natural mineral waters. Different dose assessment methodologies are presented and the advantages and disadvantages of each is discussed, along with approaches used for managing non-radioactive contaminants in food. This publication is jointly sponsored by the IAEA, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization. It is intended to support Member States in the assessment and management of radionuclides in food, and the alignment of national policies with Requirement 51 of IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GSR Part 3, related to radionuclides in food and drinking water.

Accidental Radioactive Contamination of Human Food and Animal Feeds

Book Description

Recommendations on accidental radioactive contamination of human food and animal feeds were issued in 1982 by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (FDA 1982, Shleien et al 1982). Since then, there have been enough significant advancements related to emergency planning to warrant updating the recommendations. New scientific information and radiation protection philosophy are incorporated, experience gained since 1982 is included, and guidance developed by international organizations is taken into account (Schmidt 1988a, l988b, 1990, Burnett and Rosenstein 1989). These recommendations provide guidance applicable to accidents at nuclear power plants and many other types of accidents where a significant radiation dose could be received as a result of consumption of contaminated food. These recommendations rescind and replace the 1982 FDA recommendations.

Protection of the Public Against Exposure Indoors Due to Radon and Other Natural Sources of Radiation

Book Description

This Safety Guide provides recommendations on meeting the requirements established in the IAEA International Basic Safety Standards, for protection of the public against exposure indoors due to natural sources of radiation. Guidance is provided on the application of the requirements for justification and optimization of protection by national authorities in considering control of natural sources of radiation indoors such as radon and radionuclides of natural origin in materials used for the construction of dwellings, offices, industrial premises and other buildings. The Safety Guide provides recommendations and guidance to be followed by the regulatory body and by other authorities and organizations with responsibilities in relation to exposure to radiation from natural sources.

Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies in Animal Production Systems, Preparedness, Response and Recovery

Book Description

This Open Access volume explains how major nuclear and radiological emergencies (NREs) can have implications at local, national and international level. The response to NREs requires a competent decision-making structure, clear communication and effective information exchange. National veterinary services have the responsibility to plan, design and manage animal production system in their countries. These activities cover animal health, animal movement control, production control and improvement, and control of the products of animal origin before their placement on the market. Release of radionuclides after NREs can cause substantial contamination in the animal production systems. Critical responsibility of veterinary authorities is therefore to prevent such contamination, establish early response mechanisms to mitigate the consequences and prevent placement of contaminated products of animal origin on the market for human consumption. This work summarizes the critical technical points for effective management of NREs for national veterinary services.

IAEA Safety Glossary

Book Description

The IAEA Safety Glossary defines and explains technical terms used in the IAEA Safety Standards and other safety related IAEA publications, and provides information on their usage. The 2018 Edition of the IAEA Safety Glossary is a new edition of the IAEA Safety Glossary, originally issued in 2007. It has been revised and updated to take into account new terminology and usage in safety standards issued between 2007 and 2018. The revisions and updates reflect developments in the technical areas of application of the safety standards and changes in regulatory approaches in Member States.

Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources

Book Description

This publication is the new edition of the International Basic Safety Standards. The edition is co-sponsored by seven other international organizations European Commission (EC/Euratom), FAO, ILO, OECD/NEA, PAHO, UNEP and WHO. It replaces the interim edition that was published in November 2011 and the previous edition of the International Basic Safety Standards which was published in 1996. It has been extensively revised and updated to take account of the latest finding of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, and the latest recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection. The publication details the requirements for the protection of people and the environment from harmful effects of ionizing radiation and for the safety of radiation sources. All circumstances of radiation exposure are considered.