Extended Application of Results from Fire Resistance Tests. Non-Loadbearing Walls. Metal Sandwich Panel Construction

Book Description

Construction systems parts, Walls, Non-loadbearing walls, Fire tests, Fire resistance, Structural fire protection, Fire safety in buildings, Composite materials, Metals, Panels, Sheet materials, Fire-resistant materials, Fire-test classifications

Extended Application of Results from Fire Resistance Tests. Non-Loadbearing Ceilings. Metal Sandwich Panel Construction

Book Description

Construction systems parts, Walls, Non-loadbearing walls, Fire tests, Fire resistance, Structural fire protection, Fire safety in buildings, Composite materials, Metals, Panels, Sheet materials, Fire-resistant materials, Fire-test classifications

Extended Application of Results from Fire Resistance Tests. Non-Loadbearing Walls. Glazed Constructions

Book Description

Construction systems parts, Walls, Non-loadbearing walls, Fire tests, Fire resistance, Structural fire protection, Fire safety in buildings, Glazing, Glass, Fire-resistant materials, Partitions, Frames for openings, Fire-test classifications

Extended Application of Results from Fire Resistance Tests. Nonloadbearing Walls

Book Description

Construction systems parts, Walls, Non-loadbearing walls, Fire tests, Fire resistance, Structural fire protection, Fire safety in buildings, Glazing, Glass, Fire-resistant materials, Partitions, Frames for openings, Fire-test classifications

Extended Application of Results from Fire Resistance Tests. Loadbearing Masonry Walls

Book Description

Construction systems parts, Fire tests, Fire resistance, Walls, Loadbearing walls, Blocks (building), Interior walls, Exterior walls, Construction materials, Design, Mathematical calculations, Compressive strength, Density, Loading, Mortars, Plasters

Extended Application of Results from Fire Resistance Tests. Beams

Book Description

Construction systems parts, Fire tests, Fire resistance, Beams, Structural members, Design, Mathematical calculations, Structural design, Structural fire protection, Structural failure, Strength of materials, Steels, Concretes, Wood

Extended Applications of Results from Fire Resistance Tests for Service Installations. Penetration Seals

Book Description

Fire resistance, Fire tests, Building services, Fire safety in buildings, Fire spread prevention, Thermal testing, Seals, Sealing materials, Fire barriers, Penetration tests, Thermal insulation, Performance testing, Walls, Floors, Construction systems parts, Pipes, Electric cables