Extension of the Fully Coupled Monte Carlo

Book Description

The neutron transport equation is solved by a hybrid method that iteratively couples regions where deterministic (S{sub N}) and stochastic (Monte Carlo) methods are applied. Unlike previous hybrid methods, the Monte Carlo and S{sub N} regions are fully coupled in the sense that no assumption is made about geometrical separation of decoupling. The fully coupled Monte Carlo/S{sub N} technique consists of defining spatial and/or energy regions of a problem in which either a Monte Carlo calculation or an S{sub N} calculation is to be performed. The Monte Carlo and S{sub N} regions are then connected through the common angular boundary fluxes, which are determined iteratively using the response matrix technique, and group sources. The hybrid method provides a new method of solving problems involving both optically thick and optically thin regions that neither Monte Carlo nor S{sub N} is well suited for by itself. The fully coupled Monte Carlo/S{sub N} method has been implemented in the S{sub N} code TWODANT by adding special-purpose Monte Carlo subroutines to calculate the response matrices and group sources, and linkage subroutines to carry out the interface flux iterations. The common angular boundary fluxes are included in the S{sub N} code as interior boundary sources, leaving the logic for the solution of the transport flux unchanged, while, with minor modifications, the diffusion synthetic accelerator remains effective in accelerating the S{sub N} calculations. The Monte Carlo routines have been successfully vectorized, with approximately a factor of five increases in speed over the nonvectorized version. The hybrid method is capable of solving forward, inhomogeneous source problems in X-Y and R-Z geometries. This capability now includes mulitigroup problems involving upscatter and fission in non-highly multiplying systems. 8 refs., 8 figs., 1 tab.

Extensions to the No-Core Shell Model

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Extensions to the No-Core Shell Model presents three extensions to the No-Core Shell Model (NCSM) that allow for calculations of heavier nuclei, specifically for the p-shell nuclei. The Importance-Truncated NCSM (IT-NCSM) formulated on arguments of multi-configurational perturbation theory selects a small set of basis states from the initially large basis space in which the Hamiltonian is diagonalized. Previous IT-NCSM calculations have proven reliable, however, there has been no thorough investigation of the inherent error in the truncated IT-NCSM calculations. This thesis provides a detailed study of IT-NCSM calculations and compares them to full NCSM calculations to judge the accuracy of IT-NCSM in heavier nuclei. When IT-NCSM calculations are performed, one often needs to extrapolate the ground-state energy from the finite basis (or model) spaces to the full NCSM model space. In this thesis a careful investigation of the extrapolation procedures was performed. On a related note, extrapolations in the NCSM are commonplace, but up to recently did not have the ultraviolet (UV) or infrared (IR) physics under control. This work additionally presents a method that maps the NCSM parameters into an effective-field theory inspired framework, in which the UV and IR physics are treated appropriately. The NCSM is well-suited to describe bound-state properties of nuclei, but is not well-adapted to describe loosely bound systems, such as the exotic nuclei near the neutron drip line. With the inclusion of the Resonating Group Method (RGM), the NCSM / RGM can provide a first-principles description of exotic nuclei and the first extension of the NCSM.

Annual Report 1989-90

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General activity review of associated branches and agencies to the Department which includes corporate securities registrations, a list of tenders received, and general financial data. Branches and agencies reviewed are responsible for motor vehicle activity, highway construction, traffic engineering, telecommunications and public utilities.

Statistical Field Theory: Volume 2, Strong Coupling, Monte Carlo Methods, Conformal Field Theory and Random Systems

Book Description

Volume 1: From Brownian Motion to Renormalization and Lattice Gauge Theory. Volume 2: Strong Coupling, Monte Carlo Methods, Conformal Field Theory, and Random Systems. This two-volume work provides a comprehensive and timely survey of the application of the methods of quantum field theory to statistical physics, a very active and fruitful area of modern research. The first volume provides a pedagogical introduction to the subject, discussing Brownian motion, its anticommutative counterpart in the guise of Onsager's solution to the two-dimensional Ising model, the mean field or Landau approximation, scaling ideas exemplified by the Kosterlitz-Thouless theory for the XY transition, the continuous renormalization group applied to the standard phi-to the fourth theory (the simplest typical case) and lattice gauge theory as a pathway to the understanding of quark confinement in quantum chromodynamics. The second volume covers more diverse topics, including strong coupling expansions and their analysis, Monte Carlo simulations, two-dimensional conformal field theory, and simple disordered systems. The book concludes with a chapter on random geometry and the Polyakov model of random surfaces which illustrates the relations between string theory and statistical physics. The two volumes that make up this work will be useful to theoretical physicists and applied mathematicians who are interested in the exciting developments which have resulted from the synthesis of field theory and statistical physics.

Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Performance Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (Beijing 2022)

Book Description

The 4th International Conference on Performance-based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (PBD-IV) is held in Beijing, China. The PBD-IV Conference is organized under the auspices of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering - Technical Committee TC203 on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering and Associated Problems (ISSMGE-TC203). The PBD-I, PBD-II, and PBD-III events in Japan (2009), Italy (2012), and Canada (2017) respectively, were highly successful events for the international earthquake geotechnical engineering community. The PBD events have been excellent companions to the International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (ICEGE) series that TC203 has held in Japan (1995), Portugal (1999), USA (2004), Greece (2007), Chile (2011), New Zealand (2015), and Italy (2019). The goal of PBD-IV is to provide an open forum for delegates to interact with their international colleagues and advance performance-based design research and practices for earthquake geotechnical engineering.