External Regulation of DOE Facilities

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External Regulation of DOE Facilities

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Moving from Self-regulation to External Regulation of Department of Energy Facilities

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This paper discusses the initiative to transfer the regulation of Department of Energy (DOE) nuclear facilities to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The paper gives an overview of some of the major technical, policy and legal issues that accompany this initiative. The paper focuses on specific issues and how they may be affected by external regulation of occupational radiation protection at DOE facilities. Differences between the NRC and the DOE approach to regulating nuclear safety are compared and contrasted. Some projected impacts from this transition are examined. Finally, recommendations are provided that may enhance the transition, increasing the likelihood of successful external NRC regulation.

External Regulation of DOE Labs

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External Regulation of DOE Facilities

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External Regulation of DOE Facilities

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Department of Energy Uncertain Future for External Regulation of Worker and Nuclear Facility Safety

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We are here today to testify on the status of the Department of Energy's (DOE) progress toward the external regulation of nuclear and worker safety at its facilities. DOE has recently completed a pilot program with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to simulate external regulation at selected facilities. Our testimony today discusses (1) DOE's changing positions on the desirability of external regulation for its facilities, (2) the disagreement between DOE and NRC on the potential costs and value added of external regulation, and (3) the uncertainties for the future of external regulation in DOE. Our testimony is based on our past and ongoing work on external regulation.

Improving the Regulation of Safety at DOE Nuclear Facilities. Final Report

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The report strongly recommends that, with the end of the Cold War, safety and health at DOE facilities should be regulated by outside agencies rather than by any regulatory scheme, DOE must maintain a strong internal safety management system; essentially all aspects of safety at DOE's nuclear facilities should be externally regulated; and existing agencies rather than a new one should be responsible for external regulation.