Ezra Pound and Italian Fascism

Book Description

Ezra Pound's vocal support for Benito Mussolini and Italian fascism and his indictment, arrest, and imprisonment without trial have been a source of considerable puzzlement and embarrassment to an entire generation of poets and critics. In this book, Tim Redman draws from previously unexamined and unpublished archival material, to provide the first detailed and historical account of Pound's support for Italian fascism. Beginning with Pound's earliest political journalism for the socialist paper The New Age during the First World War, the book traces Pound's growing interest in the economic theories of C.H. Douglas and Silvio Gesell, his move to Italy, his meeting with Mussolini, and his increasing activity as an apologist and propagandist for the Italian fascist regime up to the time of his arrest. This fascinating account of Ezra Pound and Italian Fascism allows the reader to understand the causes and results of Pound's ideology and actions as well as the broader implications they have for the poetry and politics of this century.

Ezra Pound's Fascist Propaganda, 1935-45

Book Description

Ezra Pound was an influential propagandist for British, Italian and ultimately German fascist movements. Using long-neglected manuscripts and cutting-edge approaches to fascism as a 'political religion', Feldman argues that Pound's case offers a revealing case study of a modernist author turned propagator of the 'fascist faith'.

Of trUction eraNts

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A British Fascist in the Second World War

Book Description

A British Fascist in the Second World War presents the edited diary of the British fascist Italophile, James Strachey Barnes. Previously unpublished, the diary is a significant source for all students of the Second World War and the history of European and British fascism. The diary covers the period from the fall of Mussolini in 1943 to the end of the war in 1945, two years in which British fascist Major James Strachey Barnes lived in Italy as a 'traitor'. Like William Joyce in Germany, he was involved in propaganda activity directed at Britain, the country of which he was formally a citizen. Brought up by upper-class English grandparents who had retired to Tuscany, he chose Italy as his own country and, in 1940, applied for Italian citizenship. By then, Barnes had become a well-known fascist writer. His diary is an extraordinary source written during the dramatic events of the Italian campaign. It reveals how events in Italy gradually affected his ideas about fascism, Italy, civilisation and religion. It tells much about Italian society under the strain of war and Allied bombing, and about the behaviour of both prominent fascist leaders and ordinary Italians. The diary also contains fascinating glimpses of Barnes's relationship with Ezra Pound, with Barnes attaching great significance to their discussion of economic issues in particular. With a scholarly introduction and an extensive bibliography and sources section included, this edited diary is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in learning more about the ideological complexities of the Second World War and fascism in 20th-century Europe.

The Jews in Fascist Italy: A History

Book Description

My aim was to explain in detail the facts surrounding Fascist anti-Semitism and the persecution of the Jews in Mussolini's Italy. Too many people in Italy and elsewhere underestimate or deny the tragic fate of European Jewry and anti-Semitism between the two world wars. A few short years ago anti-Semitism appeared defeated and reduced to a tiny group of fanatics. But now it seems to be regaining ground in its more political incarnation, probably the most dangerous one, because next to the religious, social and economic varieties it is the most insidious of all. The author occupies a central position among Italian historians specialized in modern Italy's political history. He broke new ground by first publishing this book in 1961 having obtained special permission to consult the files in the Archives of the Italian Jewish Communities concerning the Fascist regime's persecution of the Jews in Italy from 1938 to 1945. The book's release coincided with the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem that brought the Holocaust to the attention of other historians and to the world public. The English translation of the final 1993 edition was supported by a grant from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This paperback and electronic book edition is published in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

Ezra Pound and Italian Fascism

Book Description

This fascinating account of Ezra Pound and Italian Fascism allows the reader to understand the causes and results of Pound's ideology and actions.

The Brutal Friendship

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The Pisan Cantos

Book Description

At last, a definitive, paperback edition of Ezra Pound's finest work.