Facts on Pregnancy Discrimination

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Pregnant Then Screwed

Book Description

Modern-day motherhood is hard and discrimination against women who are, have been or could be pregnant is on the rise. Pregnant Then Screwed tells us what the barriers to motherhood and work are, and how we can work together to overcome them.

Women's Rights in the Workplace

Book Description

It is an unfortunate reality that, in the US, not all men are considered equal, especially when one of those men is a woman. Feminist theory and action may have carried us far, but it hasn't yet carried us far enough. The age-old problem persists: Women simply are not treated the same way as men in the American workforce. Women on average get paid thirty percent less than the men working across from them on the assembly lines, are sexually harassed by their supervisors and managers, get fired when they take time off from work to give birth to and nourish children and, there's not a whole lot we can do about it. Or is there? At best, the above types of practices are merely unlawful. At worst, they are downright illegal. In either case, they may provide the aggrieved with a viable cause of action against the person or entity so blatantly offending our nation's women and disregarding their rights in the workplace-but only a qualified attorney can determine if a cause of action exists and whether or not it is practical to pursue it. A co-founding partner of the New York boutique law firm of Tuckner, Sipser, Weinstock & Sipser, LLP, who has zealously represented clients for more than three decades, Jack Tuckner is, indeed, a qualified attorney. But, in his three-part series, Women's Rights in the Workplace, Tuckner does not commit himself to readers as an attorney to a client. Rather, he acts more like a reporter, whose duty is not to advise but to inform his readers. In each of the three books in the Women's Rights in the Workplace series, Tuckner presents resources, opinions, and information designed to educate readers on the facts, legal issues, and applicable laws surrounding some of the chief concerns women face in the modern, albeit outmoded, American workplace. The first installment in the series focuses on something that is illegal in every state in the union, but is still thriving in workplaces all across the country-pregnancy discrimination. Women's Rights in the Workplace: Pregnancy Discrimination is a guide to help answer the frequently asked questions regarding pregnancy and your workplace rights, addressing issues such as identifying pregnancy discrimination at play; understanding pregnancy as a protected status; the best way to inform your employer that you are pregnant; and applying for maternity leave. It goes on to confront post-pregnancy issues, including expressing breast milk at work and your employer's obligation to treat you as a temporarily disabled employee should you suffer any complications or impairments related to pregnancy and/or childbirth. Tuckner's text is a direct, easy-to-follow statement of rights to which any working woman can turn for a concise presentation of what she needs to know if working while pregnant. It's a book that readers will want to share with mothers, sisters, daughters, wives, and girlfriends, to equip them with the tools to ensure that their careers are not adversely affected by employers who look at pregnancy as an inconvenience. Don't let your employer deceive you regarding your rights while pregnant. Don't think you just have to put up with negative treatment; and, please, don't ever think the fact that you are with child is reasonable cause for your boss to fire you. You do have rights-and Women's Rights in the Workplace: Pregnancy Discrimination can help you understand them. Upcoming installments in the Women's Rights in the Workplace series include guides on sexual harassment and pay disparity.

Pregnancy Discrimination and the Supreme Court

Book Description

In 2015, the Supreme Court issued a decision in Young v. United Parcel Service. In the case, a United Parcel Service (UPS) worker named Peggy Young challenged her employers refusal to grant her a light-duty work assignment while she was pregnant, claiming that UPSs actions violated the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA). In a highly anticipated ruling, the Justices fashioned a new test for determining when an employers refusal to provide accommodations for a pregnant worker constitutes a violation of the PDA, and the Court sent the case back to the lower court for reconsideration in light of these new standards. This book begins with a discussion of the facts in the Young case, followed by an overview of the PDA. The book then provides an analysis of the Young case, its implications, and a potential legislative response. Furthermore, the book focuses on sex discrimination challenges based on: the equal protection guarantees of the Fourteenth and Fifth Amendments; the prohibition against employment discrimination contained in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; and the prohibition against sex discrimination in education contained in Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.