Retaining Your Best College Professors

Book Description

Faculty recruitment is a major expense for colleges and universities, and schools devote a considerable amount of their resources to the hiring process. But many of these institutions fail to devote the same attention to retaining college professors. We’ve learned through many studies that it’s far less expensive to retain a student you have than to recruit a new one. Why is this lesson not also applied to the college faculty? This book addresses why higher education currently has a faculty retention problem and then explores the strategies needed to address that problem. But now all faculty members are alike. Minority faculty members have their own retention challenges, as do highly competitive researchers, part-time and temporary faculty members who excel at teaching, and other ley groups. The best ways to retain the junior faculty are not necessarily the best ways to retain mid-career and senior faculty. By examining best practices currently in place in higher education, and then combining those insights with research conducted in the corporate world, the book encourages colleges and universities to develop a culture of retention that applies to students and faculty members alike.

Faculty Participation in Decision Making

Book Description

The literature concerning higher education and generic organization theory is reviewed to address various questions relating to faculty participation in institutional decision-making. Attention is directed to: the rationale for faculty participation, alternative types of participation, participation in academic senates, participation by functional area, participation at the system and state levels, participation and centralization/decentralization, strengthening consultative processes, and increasing faculty satisfaction and participation. Generic organization theory provides extensive reasons why participation in organizational decision-making can improve employees' satisfaction and performance. Types of faculty participation in institutional decision-making are separate jurisdictions, shared authority, and joint participation. Faculty participation can involve curriculum design, faculty personnel status, selection and evaluation of administrators, planning, budgeting, and planning for retrenchment or financial exigency. Joint faculty and administrator efforts may focus on four important areas: rebuilding collegial foundations, shaping the consultative framework, increasing the availability of information, and facilitating group deliberations. Areas for further analysis are suggested. (SW)

Women and Minority Faculty in the Academic Workplace

Book Description

In an attempt to address the need for substantive comparisons in the minority university faculty population, this monograph examines the relative differences in minority groups in the faculty population when the data permit comparisons. The report also examines research on the status of women faculty members. The discussion assembles a large volume of empirical research organized under the main thesis that academia for women and minority faculty is often experienced as a chilling and alienating environment. Women and minority faculty are expected to perform institutional roles that allow higher education institutions to pursue diversity on campus, but these roles are ignored in the faculty reward system, especially in the awarding of tenure. The chapters are: (1) "The Status of Women and Minority Faculty: Changing or Unchanging?"; (2) "The Academic Workplace"; (3) "The Academic Workplace for Women and Minority Faculty"; (4) "Issues Facing Women and Minority Faculty"; and (5) "Summary Observations and Suggestions." (Contains 314 references.) (SLD).