Fahrenheit 666

Book Description

Everybody needs a holiday, and demons are no exception. There may be an important election going on in the hellish city of Mortropolis, but most minds are on forthcoming breaks - maybe possession of a teenage nymphomaniac for a fortnight, or canoeing down the Styx with a packed lunch... But life in and around Cranachan was no picnic. Well, what with mad desert tribesman ram-raiding their farms, a series of mysterious murders, and the temperature hotting up it was almost as if Hell was breaking loose - literally!

Fahrenheit 666

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Fahrenheit 666 A D/Bxd36

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Book Description

Workshop Physics Activity Guide

Book Description

"This is the third edition of the Activity Guide developed as part of the Workshop Physics Project. Although this Guide contains text material and experiments, it is neither a textbook nor a laboratory manual. It is a student workbook designed to serve as the foundation for a two-semester, calculus-based introductory physics course sequence that is student-centered and focuses on hands-on learning. The activities have been designed using the outcomes of physics education research and honed through years of classroom testing at Dickinson College. The Guide consists of 28 units that interweave written descriptions with activities that involve predictions, qualitative observations, explanations, equation derivations, mathematical modeling, quantitative experimentation, and problem solving. Throughout these units, students make use of a flexible set of computer-based data-acquisition tools to record, display, and analyze data, as well as to develop mathematical models of various physical phenomena"--

Weekly World News

Book Description

Rooted in the creative success of over 30 years of supermarket tabloid publishing, the Weekly World News has been the world's only reliable news source since 1979. The online hub www.weeklyworldnews.com is a leading entertainment news site.

The Sinner's Guide to the Evangelical Right

Book Description

Offers a sardonic view of the mysteries of evangelical Christian conservatives, from mega-churches with ATMs to Bibles designed to look like glossy fashion magazines.

I Am Who I Am

Book Description

Said God to Moses, "I am who I am." Ever since, questions about God abound. Who, what, where, when, why? Even, how many? In the Christian faith tradition, what about all that "trinitarian" stuff the Father, the Son, the Holy Sprit? Is it one God? Three Gods? What's up? I AM WHO I AM is God's answer to all these questions and more. For the first time ever, God speaks out. The God of the Holy Spirit, the immanent God inside, speaks out! And all is good. I AM WHO I AM is God's answer to all these questions and more. For the first time ever, God speaks out. By overthrowing the hierarchical Trinity (with the Father enjoying a view from the top and the Holy Spirit bringing up the rear) and by replacing it with a circular Trinity having no beginning and no end, for the first time ever, God is free to speak God's mind. The God of the Holy Spirit, the immanent God inside, speaks out! And all is good. The book is divided into six Parts (as we all know, on the seventh, God rests). After a general introduction in Part I, Parts II IV are devoted to each persona of the Trinity offering thoughts on anything and everything: on Creation and the Creative Process; on the "mind of God;" on the need for an "extreme make-over" when it comes to God and the Holy Trinity in contemporary society; on the universality of the story of Jesus; and so much more. Speaking to the reader in no-nonsense, user-friendly terms, Part V addresses such theological topics as "The Prayer of the Preyer," "S.I.N.," Satan, Heaven, Hell, and everything in between. The final part, the Epilogue, is a return of that talking donkey out of the Book of Number's, Balaam's Donkey, reporting from the parade route of Jesus into Jerusalem. It is something that no one should miss. Finally, an autobiography of God as seen through the lens of God! Finally, the God of the Holy Spirit gets his/her say! And all is good. (I AM WHO I AM is the first of three autobiographies featuring God, Satan, and Jesus, respectively. Stay tuned for Satan's personal story in E-MAILS FROM THE UNDERWORLD and for I AM THE WORD: AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF JESUS.)

Historical Dictionary of Fantasy Literature

Book Description

Fantasy is a genre in motion, gradually expanding its reach and historical sources to embrace a global identity Historical Dictionary of Fantasy Literature, Second Edition is a snapshot of the genre in this moment, identifying new themes and sources that are emerging to inspire, enhance and invigorate the published works of fantasy writers.


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