The Fallacies of Racism

Book Description

Everyone has an opinion on racism. The vast majority of people would vehemently deny that they or those close to them are “racist,” yet many of the most common understandings of racism are highly problematic. “If you mean no harm, then it can’t be racist.” Yes, it can. “There are anti-discrimination laws now, so racism no longer occurs.” Incorrect. “Some of my best friends are Black, so I can’t be racist.” Not true. In this sharp, open-minded, and witty book, sociologist Jennifer Patrice Sims succinctly addresses these problematic perceptions of racism as fallacies. Building on existing academic theories and drawing on her own cross-national research, two decades of teaching, and analyses of contemporary issues, she delves into the most common and insidious fallacies about racism. In revealing them to be rooted in what scholars call an “epistemology of ignorance,” she shows how these perceptions justify and uphold white supremacy (inadvertently or otherwise). Accessibly written and full of concrete examples, this book will be of great value to anyone who wants to understand the common misunderstandings about racism that frustrate contemporary politics, classrooms, workplaces, and dinner tables.

Manʹs Most Dangerous Myth: the Fallacy of Race

Book Description

Studies the issue of race to clarify the reader's thinking by looking at race and society, culture, and psychological factors.

Race and Intelligence

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Racial Reality, Identity, and Politics (First Edition)

Book Description

The Fallacy of Difference: Racial Reality, Inequality, and Social Change provides students with diverse readings on racial ideologies, theories, and the social construction of race in American society with particular focus on historical treatments of minority groups and their response to social and racial injustice. This anthology considers the major theories on race from a historical perspective and helps students understand the impact of racial ideologies on American society. The first section of the book features readings devoted to the social construction of race. The readings in the second portion of the book explore racial history, identity, and politics. The third and final section contains readings that closely examine racial equality. The sections and readings feature pre-reading questions to help stimulate critical thinking and further discussion. The Fallacy of Difference is well-suited for courses that focus on racial and ethnic relations, as well as those that explore the social problems of race and ethnicity.

The Fallacy of Difference

Book Description

The Fallacy of Difference: Racial Reality, Inequality, and Social Change provides students with diverse readings on racial ideologies, theories, and the social construction of race in American society with particular focus on historical treatments of minority groups and their response to social and racial injustice. This anthology considers the major theories on race from a historical perspective and helps students understand the impact of racial ideologies on American society. The first section of the book features readings devoted to the social construction of race. The readings in the second portion of the book explore racial history, identity, and politics. The third and final section contains readings that closely examine racial equality. The sections and readings feature pre-reading questions to help stimulate critical thinking and further discussion. The Fallacy of Difference is well-suited for courses that focus on racial and ethnic relations, as well as those that explore the social problems of race and ethnicity. Marci Bounds Littlefield is an associate professor in sociology and ethnic studies at the Borough of Manhattan Community College CUNY. She received a masters in public affairs from the Lyndon B. Johnson Graduate School of Public Affairs and a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Texas at Austin. Her areas of specialization include race and ethnicity, gender, and family. She has publications on Black women in the media, their role as mothers, and gender and racial groups as a source of support for domestic violence. She also has authored several publications on the role of the African American church in community and economic development. Her most recent research looks at the visual culture of the Civil War and sexuality and Black women in the 19th century.

Six Fallacies about Race

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Logically Fallacious

Book Description

This book is a crash course in effective reasoning, meant to catapult you into a world where you start to see things how they really are, not how you think they are. The focus of this book is on logical fallacies, which loosely defined, are simply errors in reasoning. With the reading of each page, you can make significant improvements in the way you reason and make decisions. Logically Fallacious is one of the most comprehensive collections of logical fallacies with all original examples and easy to understand descriptions, perfect for educators, debaters, or anyone who wants to improve his or her reasoning skills. "Expose an irrational belief, keep a person rational for a day. Expose irrational thinking, keep a person rational for a lifetime." - Bo Bennett This 2021 Edition includes dozens of more logical fallacies with many updated examples.

Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race

Book Description

DR. ASHLEY MONTAGU’S book possesses two great merits rarely found in current discussions of human problems. Where most writers over-simplify, he insists on the principle of multiple and interlocking causation. And where most assume that “facts will speak for themselves,” he makes it clear that facts are mere ventriloquists’ dummies, and can be made to justify any course of action that appeals to the socially conditioned passions of the individuals concerned. These two truths are sufficiently obvious; but they are seldom recognized, for the good reason that they are very depressing. To recognize the first truth is to recognize the fact that there are no panaceas and that therefore most of the golden promises made by political reformers and revolutionaries are illusory. And to recognize the truth that facts do not speak for themselves, but only as man’s socially conditioned passions dictate, is to recognize that our current educational processes can do very little to ameliorate the state of the world. In the language of traditional theology (so much more realistic, in many respects, than the “liberal” philosophies which replaced it), most ignorance is voluntary and depends upon acts of the conscious or subconscious will. Thus, the fallacies underlying the propaganda of racial hatred are not recognized because, as Dr. Montagu points out, most people have a desire to act aggressively, and the members of other ethnic groups are convenient victims, whom one may attack with a good conscience. This desire to act aggressively has its origins in the largely unavoidable frustrations imposed upon the individual by the processes of early education and later adjustments to the social environment. Dr. Montagu might have added that aggressiveness pays a higher dividend in emotional satisfaction than does coöperation. Coöperation may produce a mild emotional glow; but the indulgence of aggressivness can be the equivalent of a drinking bout or sexual orgy. In our industrial societies, the goodness of life is measured in terms of the number and intensity of the excitements experienced. (Popular philosophy is moulded by, and finds expression in, the advertising pages of popular magazines. Significantly enough, the word that occurs more frequently in those pages than any other is “thrill.”) Like sex and alcohol, aggressiveness can give enormous thrills. Under existing social conditions, it is therefore easy to represent aggressiveness as good. Concerning the remedies for the social diseases he has so penetratingly diagnosed, Dr. Montagu says very little, except that they will have to consist in some process of education. But what process? It is to be hoped that he will answer this question at length in another work. ALDOUS HUXLEY