Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil

Book Description

"Did rebel angels take on human bodies to fulfill their lust for the “daughters of men”? Did these fallen angels teach men to build weapons of war? That is the premise of the Book of Enoch, a text cherished by the Essenes, early Jews, and Christians but later condemned by both rabbis and Church Fathers. Elizabeth Clare Prophet examines the controversy surrounding this book and sheds new light on Enoch’s forbidden mysteries. She demonstrates that Jesus and the apostles studied the Book of Enoch and tells why Church Fathers suppressed its teaching that angels could incarnate in human bodies. Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil takes you back to the primordial drama of Good and Evil, when the first hint of corruption entered a pristine world—earth. Contains Richard Laurence’s translation of the Book of Enoch, all the other Enoch texts (including the Book of the Secrets of Enoch) and biblical parallels."

The Book of Giants

Book Description

Among the first seven scrolls discovered in the caves of Qumran at the Dead Sea is a scroll given the name, "The Book of Giants." It is thought to have been based on the Book of Enoch, a pseudepigraphical Jewish work from the 3rd century BCE. The Book of Giants, like the Book of Enoch, concerns itself with the Nephilim, which are the offspring of fallen angels, who are called the Watchers. Two main versions of the text exist. The Dead Sea version is written in Aramaic. Another version has been found written in middle Persian, adapted from the Aramaic to fit into the Manichean religion. Both versions will be examined.Following theories speculating that the Book of Giants was once part of the Book of Enoch, we will attempt to place the two texts back together to render the complete story of the Watchers and the Nephilim. We will discover the history and contributions of these ancient scrolls and look carefully at their content and meaning. Throughout the combined texts of the Book of Giants and the Book of Enoch we will examine all the biblical and apocryphal references and parallels within the text.The result is an in-depth and panoramic view of the Angels, the Watchers, and the Nephilim, and how one of the giants of the Nephilim race may have survived the flood intended to cleanse the Earth of their horror.

Fallen Angels and the History of Judaism and Christianity

Book Description

This book considers the early history of Jewish-Christian relations focussing on the fallen angels.

The Watchers in Jewish and Christian Traditions

Book Description

Leading scholars explore the tradition, rooted in Genesis 6, of “the Watchers,” mysterious heavenly beings who became the focus of rich cosmological and theological speculation in early Judaism. Chapters trace the development of the Watchers through the Enoch literature, Jubilees, and other early Jewish and Christian writings.

Fallen Angels Among Us

Book Description

"Who are the fallen angels? Elizabeth Clare Prophet tears the mask from the ancient deceivers of mankind, exposing their profile of evil and tracing it back to the fall of heavenly angels into human bodies. This important book shares what early texts had to say about the existence of fallen angels and takes us behind the world of appearances to explore a perspective that is shocking yet profoundly hopeful. You will learn about the strategies and tactics of the fallen angels and how they amass power and control as well as the unparalleled opportunities we have today to create great transformation in times of intense challenge and change."

The Origin of Evil Spirits

Book Description

How do we account for the explosion of demonic activity in the New Testament? Archie T. Wright examines the trajectory of the origin of evil spirits in early Jewish literature. His work traces the development of the concept of evil spirits from the Hebrew Bible (Genesis 6) through post-biblical Jewish literature. "I would in fact recommend this book, not because of the answers it gives, but the questions it raises." -- Philip R. Davies in Journal of Semitic Studies 55 (2010) "This work is marked by several strengths. First, Wright shows an impressive command of the primary and secondary literature. Second, this writer appreciates Wright's tendency to express cautious conclusions regarding historical and source-critical matters. These qualities are especially helpful in a work dealing with the reception history of a given text. Third, Wright has an extremely helpful discussion of the identity of the nephilim of Gen. 6:4 (80-83)." -- Mark D. Owens in Faith & Mission 24 (2007), pp. 68-70

Everything the Bible Says About Angels and Demons

Book Description

Readers' fascination with angelic beings--both dark and light--continues to grow. Numerous authors have given their ideas about angelic beings, but it's time to hear what God has to say. All the scriptural references on the subject have been collected and explained in a clear and concise format. The book's length and focus make it perfect for readers on the go who love the Word of God.

The Rise and Fall of the Nephilim

Book Description

The ancient books of Genesis and Enoch tell us that sprit beings known as the Watchers descended to the Earth, had sex with women, and begat a hybrid race of offspring known as the Nephilim. Such tales are as old as humanity itself. These histories and accounts of visitations and subsequent mixed-blood, alien-human races comprise the bulk of the world's myths, legends, religions, and superstitions. The Rise and Fall of the Nephilim examines: Elohim and the Bene Ha Elohim--God and the Sons of God The Watchers: UFOs, extraterrestrials, angels, infiltrators, and impregnators Biblical and apocryphal sources from Enoch to Moses The role of the Fae, Elves, Elementals, and ancient gods What if the old spiritualities and religions weren't just legends? What if there was something living and breathing beneath the surface, a tangible interlinking of religious thought and spirituality, science and myth, inter-dimensionality and cold, hard fact? The Nephilim walked among us... and still do today.

Giants, Fallen Angels, and the Return of the Nephilim

Book Description

Are you prepared for what is about to happen? Giants, Fallen Angels and the Return of the Nephilim will discuss Biblical prophecies of giants on the earth, the Last Days demonic plot of engineering genetic hybrids, and what all of it has to do with Israel and the Middle East. In this book, you will receive answers to these questions and more Have tribes of giants ever walked this Earth? Why are there massive and precise prehistoric megalithic structures throughout the world? Was early man a Neolithic Stone Age caveman or did he receive knowledge from other sources? Are aliens actually fallen angels? Who are the Nephilim, and are they returning to Earth? Discover how important these questions are, from both a personal and global perspective. Read this book and open your eyes to the dangers that await mankind, and humanitys only hope.