False Pretenses

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#1 New York Times bestselling author Catherine Coulter’s first contemporary suspense novel: the explosive story of how one woman survives the destruction of her perfect life—and the dubious intentions of three mysterious men... A famous concert pianist married to a wealthy international business tycoon, Elizabeth Carleton is the envy of all—until the night her husband is stabbed in the chest with an ice pick and everything falls apart. Accused of murder, Elizabeth has little hope of being exonerated until a surprise witness appears to give her an airtight alibi. The jury finds her not guilty. The only thing is: She’s never met the man who testified on her behalf. Free and completely bewildered, Elizabeth must now cope with the financial empire her husband left behind and his family, who want to destroy her. Then three men suddenly appear in her life. Can she trust any of them? Or is one of them a murderer?

False Pretenses

Book Description

When her father’s coworker is murdered, Nancy sets out to find the killer. The victim has left a long list of enemies to work from, but the people in River Heights have their own ideas about who is responsible—Nancy’s father! Desperate to find the truth, Nancy sets out to find the culprit before her father takes the blame.

Public Apology between Ritual and Regret.

Book Description

Since the 1990s we witness a rise in public apologies. Are we living in the ‘Age of Apology’? Interesting research questions can be raised about the opportunity, the form, the meaning, the effectiveness and the ethical implications of public apologies. Are they not merely a clever and easy device to escape real and tangible responsibility for mistakes or wrong done? Are they not at risk to become well-rehearsed rituals that claim to express regret but, in fact, avoid doing so? In a joint interdisciplinary effort, the contributors to this book, combining findings from their specific fields of research (legal, religious, political, linguistic, marketing and communication studies), attempt to articulate this tension between ritual and sincere regret, between the discourse and the content of apologies, between excuses that pretend and regret that seeks reconciliation.

False Pretenses

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False Pretenses (Secrets of Roux River Bayou Book #1)

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Zoe Broussard loves the life she and her husband Pierce have built in her beloved Louisiana hometown--especially their popular brasserie Zoe B's, to which folks drive all the way from Lafayette for lunch or dinner. It seems like heaven. But it's about to become hell. A series of anonymous notes is making her life a misery--because Zoe has a secret so terrible it could leave the business in shambles and tear her marriage apart. Can she find the courage to face her past? The first in a new series from Kathy Herman, False Pretenses is a gripping suspense novel that leaves a lasting impression about honesty and accountability.


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The fundamental difference that sets the Mormon Church apart from all truly Christian churches is the sinister and self-serving distortion of the very personality and character of the Lord Jesus Christ. For Mormonism to be true, Christ Himself must be corrupted into one who authorized horrible behaviour, thus rendering the past Mormon Prophets completely blameless concerning the motivations for their unspeakable actions.Within the formal teachings of the Mormon Church, Jesus Christ Himself, and not the Mormon Prophets, is the author of polygamy, polyandry, and blood atonement. Under His direction alone, Joseph Smith Jr. was "commanded" to take some thirty wives, two as young as fourteen years of age. Mormons are instructed that it was the Lord, and no one else, who required Joseph to take the wives of eleven other men as his own (known as polyandry), as well as two sets of sisters and a mother and her daughter as his wives, while at the same time attempting to become president of the United States of America.Brigham Young, as the living prophet of God, taught through "Divinely inspired revelation from the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, the core values of blood atonement. Reportedly under direction from the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, Brigham instructed that some sins of this world require the neck of the sinner to be slit from ear to ear so that the sinner's blood could atone for certain violations of Mormon doctrine. Mormons are taught that Brigham young also was commanded by the Lord to take fifty-five wives, including some previous wives of Joseph Smith.Defense of these disgusting misrepresentations of the very nature and character of the Lord continues today within the walls of Mormon chapels and Mormon temples throughout the world. This book examines real-world examples of how these beliefs are covered up so that the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints might better hide among true believers in the compassionate Savior of all mankind, Christ Jesus. He and His holy name have been disgracefully used so that self-centered men might gain some measure of power, prestige, and perversion.This book recounts the true-life experiences of a Mormon Bishop, who for thirty years was a High Priest, Elders Quorum, and a member of three High Counsels for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Mormons. He has participated in hundreds of Mormon Temple Endowments and witnessed firsthand the practices of ceremonial rituals in which the taking of human life was mimicked, all in the name of Jesus Christ.

False Pretenses

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935 Lies

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Facts are and must be the coin of the realm in a democracy, for government "of the people, by the people and for the people," requires and assumes to some extent an informed citizenry. Unfortunately, for citizens in the United States and throughout the world, distinguishing between fact and fiction has always been a formidable challenge, often with real life and death consequences. But now it is more difficult and confusing than ever. The Internet Age makes comment indistinguishable from fact, and erodes authority. It is liberating but annihilating at the same time. For those wielding power, whether in the private or the public sector, the increasingly sophisticated control of information is regarded as utterly essential to achieving success. Internal information is severely limited, including calendars, memoranda, phone logs and emails. History is sculpted by its absence. Often those in power strictly control the flow of information, corroding and corrupting its content, of course, using newspapers, radio, television and other mass means of communication to carefully consolidate their authority and cover their crimes in a thick veneer of fervent racialism or nationalism. And always with the specter of some kind of imminent public threat, what Hannah Arendt called "objective enemies.'" An epiphanic, public comment about the Bush "war on terror" years was made by an unidentified White House official revealing how information is managed and how the news media and the public itself are regarded by those in power: "[You journalists live] "in what we call the reality-based community. [But] that's not the way the world really works anymore. We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality . . . we're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do." And yet, as aggressive as the Republican Bush administration was in attempting to define reality, the subsequent, Democratic Obama administration may be more so. Into the battle for truth steps Charles Lewis, a pioneer of journalistic objectivity. His book looks at the various ways in which truth can be manipulated and distorted by governments, corporations, even lone individuals. He shows how truth is often distorted or diminished by delay: truth in time can save terrible erroneous choices. In part a history of communication in America, a cri de coeur for the principles and practice of objective reporting, and a journey into several notably labyrinths of deception, 935 Lies is a valorous search for honesty in an age of casual, sometimes malevolent distortion of the facts.

False Pretenses 27

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