FAO Yearbook

Book Description

This publication contains a compilation of statistics on nominal catches of fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic animals, residues and plants from capture fisheries worldwide, with the exclusion of aquaculture production. The statistics are presented by country or territory, species, major fishing area and various aggregations, for a varying series of recent years ending in 2002. The data are based on officially reported national statistics, or where these are lacking or are considered unreliable, from FAO estimates based on the best information available. A separate volume is also available with fishery statistics relating to aquaculture production (ISBN 9250051530).

FAO Yearbook

Book Description

This publication contains data on world production of fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic animals and plants from aquaculture practices for the years 1993-2002. The statistics, in quantity and value, are presented by country or territory, species, culture environment and year, and for various aggregations. The data are based on officially reported national statistics, or where these are lacking or are considered unreliable, from FAO estimates based on the best information available. A separate volume is also available with statistics on capture production (ISBN 9250051395).

FAO Yearbook

Book Description

This volume of the 'Yearbook of Fishery Statistics: Capture production' presents the annual statistics, for a varying series of recent years ending in 2005, on a worldwide basis, on nominal catches of fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic animals, residues and plants, taken for all purposes (commercial, industrial, recreational and subsistence) by all types and classes of fishing unites (fishermen, vessels, gear etc.) operating both in inland, fresh and brackish water areas, and in inshore, offshore and high seas fishing areas, with the exclusion of aquaculture production. The statistics are presented by country or territory, species, major fishing area and year, and for various aggregations. - Dans ce volume de l' "Annuaire statistiques des peches: Captures" figurent, pour diverses periodes recentes prenant fin en 2005 les statistiques etablies sur une base mondiale des captures nominales de tous poissons, crustaces, mollusques et autres animaux aquatiques, residus et plantes aquatiques, effectuees a toutes fins (commerciales, industrielle, recreatives ou de subsistance) par tous les types et categories d'unite de peche (pecheurs, bateaux, engins, etc.) operant tant dans les eaux continentales, douces et saumatres que dans les zones de peche du littoral, du large et de la haute mer, a l'exclusion de la production aquacole. Les statistiques sont presentees par pays ou territoires, espece, principale zone de peche et annee, et pour divers niveaux d' agregats. - En el presente volumen del "Anuario estadisticas de pesca: Capturas" se presentan las estadisticas mundiales, para diversas series de los ultimos anos que terminan en 2005, de las capturas nominales de peces, crustaceos, moluscos y demas animales acuaticos, residuos y plantas, hechas con cualquier fin (comercial, industrial, recreativo y de subsistencia), por unidades de pesca de todos los tipos (pescadores, barcos, artes, etc.) en aguas continentales, dulces y salobres y en areas de pesca de bajura, media altura o altura, con exclusion de la produccion de acuicultura. Las estadisticas se presentan desglosadas por paises o territorios, especies, principales zonas de pesca y por diversos conceptos."

FAO Yearbook [of] Fishery Statistics

Book Description

The FAO Yearbook of Fishery Statistics - Capture production is a compilation of statistics on nominal catches of fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic animals, residues and plants. The statistics are presented by country or territory, species, major fishing area and year, and for various aggregations. In order to provide complete coverage of catch statistics throughout the world, where officially reported national statistics are lacking or are considered unreliable, FAO makes estimates based on the best information available.

FAO Production Yearbook

Book Description

FAO Yearbook:Fishery Statistics

Book Description

In English, French and Spanish. Parallel title: Statistiques des pãches: produits. FAO fisheries series no. 41

FAO Yearbook. Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics 2017/FAO annuaire. Statistiques des pêches et de l'aquaculture 2017/FAO anuario. Estadísticas de pesca y acuicultura 2017

Book Description

The FAO Yearbook of fishery and aquaculture statistics is a compilation of statistical data on capture fisheries and aquaculture production, employment, commodities production and trade, apparent fish consumption and fishing fleets. It is structured into a booklet (containing summary tables, notes on major trends, concepts, classifications and a map of FAO major fishing areas) and a USB card presenting the full yearbook package with the complete set of statistical tables. L’Annuaire des statistiques des pêches et de l’aquaculture de la FAO est une compilation de données statistiques sur les captures, la production de l’aquaculture, l’emploi, la production et le commerce des produits halieutiques, les bilans alimentaires et les flottes. L’Annuaire est composé d’un fascicule (contenant des tableaux résumés, des notes sur les tendances principales, une description des concepts et des classements, ainsi qu’une carte des principales zones de pêche de la FAO) et d’une clé USB incluant la collection complète des tableaux statistiques de l’Annuaire. El Anuario de estadísticas de pesca y acuicultura de la FAO es una compilación de datos estadísticos sobre las capturas, la producción de acuicultura, el empleo, la producción y el comercio de los productos pesqueros, las hojas de balance de alimentos y las flotas. El Anuario se compone de un cuadernillo (con cuadros resúmenes, notas sobre las tendencias principales, conceptos básicos y clasificaciones, así como un mapa de las principales zonas de pesca de la FAO) y de una tarjeta USB que incluye toda el conjunto completo de los cuadros estadísticos del Anuario.

Economic Botany

Book Description

The strength of this book is that it is written by someone who has spent a lifetime devoted to the science of economic botany. The author has brought together his vast experience in the field in Africa with his studies of arid land plants at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. The result is an informative and reliable text that covers a vast range of topics. It is also firmly based upon the author's research and interest in plant taxonomy and therefore fully acknowledges the importance of correct naming and classification in the field of science of economic botany. The coverage is of economic botany in its broadest sense. I was delighted to find such topics as ecophysiology, plant breeding, the environment and conservation are included in the text. This gives the book a much more comprehensive coverage than most other texts on the subject. I was also glad to see that the book covers the use of various organisms that are no longer considered part of the plant kingdom such as various species of fungi and algae. It is indeed a broad ranging book that will be of use to many people interested in the uses of plants and fungi. Economic botany is once again being given more prominence as a discipline because of its enormous relevance to both conservation and sustainable development. Those people involved in those topics shOUld find this a most useful resource.