Far-from-equilibrium Dynamics

Book Description

This book is devoted to the study of evolution of nonequilibrium systems. Such a system usually consists of regions with different dominant scales, which coexist in the space-time where the system lives. In the case of high nonuniformity in special direction, one can see patterns separated by clearly distinguishable boundaries or interfaces. The author considers several examples of nonequilibrium systems. One of the examples describes the invasion of the solid phase into the liquidphase during the crystallization process. Another example is the transition from oxidized to reduced states in certain chemical reactions. An easily understandable example of the transition in the temporal direction is a sound beat, and the author describes typical patterns associated with thisphenomenon. The main goal of the book is to present a mathematical approach to the study of highly nonuniform systems and to illustrate it with examples from physics and chemistry. The two main theories discussed are the theory of singular perturbations and the theory of dissipative systems. A set of carefully selected examples of physical and chemical systems nicely illustrates the general methods described in the book.

Open Quantum Systems Far from Equilibrium

Book Description

This monograph provides graduate students and also professional researchers aiming to understand the dynamics of open quantum systems with a valuable and self-contained toolbox. Special focus is laid on the link between microscopic models and the resulting open-system dynamics. This includes how to derive the celebrated Lindblad master equation without applying the rotating wave approximation. As typical representatives for non-equilibrium configurations it treats systems coupled to multiple reservoirs (including the description of quantum transport), driven systems and feedback-controlled quantum systems. Each method is illustrated with easy-to-follow examples from recent research. Exercises and short summaries at the end of every chapter enable the reader to approach the frontiers of current research quickly and make the book useful for quick reference.

Condensed-Matter and Materials Physics

Book Description

The development of transistors, the integrated circuit, liquid-crystal displays, and even DVD players can be traced back to fundamental research pioneered in the field of condensed-matter and materials physics (CMPP). The United States has been a leader in the field, but that status is now in jeopardy. Condensed-Matter and Materials Physics, part of the Physics 2010 decadal survey project, assesses the present state of the field in the United States, examines possible directions for the 21st century, offers a set of scientific challenges for American researchers to tackle, and makes recommendations for effective spending of federal funds. This book maintains that the field of CMPP is certain to be principle to both scientific and economic advances over the next decade and the lack of an achievable plan would leave the United States behind. This book's discussion of the intellectual and technological challenges of the coming decade centers around six grand challenges concerning energy demand, the physics of life, information technology, nanotechnology, complex phenomena, and behavior far from equilibrium. Policy makers, university administrators, industry research and development executives dependent upon developments in CMPP, and scientists working in the field will find this book of interest.

Non-Linear Dynamics Near and Far from Equilibrium

Book Description

This text gives a detailed account of various techniques that are used in the study of dynamics of continuous systems, near as well as far from equilibrium. The analytic methods covered include diagrammatic perturbation theory, various forms of the renormalization group, and self-consistent mode coupling.

Non-Equilibrium Phase Transitions

Book Description

“The importance of knowledge consists not only in its direct practical utility but also in the fact the it promotes a widely contemplative habit of mind; on this ground, utility is to be found in much of the knowledge that is nowadays labelled ‘useless’. ” Bertrand Russel, In Praise of Idleness, London (1935) “Why are scientists in so many cases so deeply interested in their work ? Is it merely because it is useful ? It is only necessary to talk to such scientists to discover that the utilitarian possibilities of their work are generally of secondary interest to them. Something else is primary. ” David Bohm, On creativity, Abingdon (1996) In this volume, the dynamical critical behaviour of many-body systems far from equilibrium is discussed. Therefore, the intrinsic properties of the - namics itself, rather than those of the stationary state, are in the focus of 1 interest. Characteristically, far-from-equilibrium systems often display - namical scaling, even if the stationary state is very far from being critical. A 1 As an example of a non-equilibrium phase transition, with striking practical c- sequences, consider the allotropic change of metallic ?-tin to brittle ?-tin. At o equilibrium, the gray ?-Sn becomes more stable than the silvery ?-Sn at 13. 2 C. Kinetically, the transition between these two solid forms of tin is rather slow at higher temperatures. It starts from small islands of ?-Sn, the growth of which proceeds through an auto-catalytic reaction.

Far-from-equilibrium Dynamics Of Chemical Systems - Proceedings Of The Second International Symposium

Book Description

The proceedings discuss the theoretical methods used to describe a chemical system which is far from the equilibrium state, and this is illustrated by selected applications. Special attention is paid to very fast chemical reactions and systems in which external or internal noise is present. In particular, the following topics are covered:-the generalized Boltzmann/ Enskog equation for nonequilibrium systems,-stochastic methods for description of noise in chemical systems,-numerical simulations of systems far from equilibrium.

Critical Dynamics

Book Description

A comprehensive and unified introduction to describing and understanding complex interacting systems.

Non-equilibrium Dynamics of One-Dimensional Bose Gases

Book Description

This work presents a series of experiments with ultracold one-dimensional Bose gases, which establish said gases as an ideal model system for exploring a wide range of non-equilibrium phenomena. With the help of newly developed tools, like full distributions functions and phase correlation functions, the book reveals the emergence of thermal-like transient states, the light-cone-like emergence of thermal correlations and the observation of generalized thermodynamic ensembles. This points to a natural emergence of classical statistical properties from the microscopic unitary quantum evolution, and lays the groundwork for a universal framework of non-equilibrium physics. The thesis investigates a central question that is highly contested in quantum physics: how and to which extent does an isolated quantum many-body system relax? This question arises in many diverse areas of physics, and many of the open problems appear at vastly different energy, time and length scales, ranging from high-energy physics and cosmology to condensed matter and quantum information. A key challenge in attempting to answer this question is the scarcity of quantum many-body systems that are both well isolated from the environment and accessible for experimental study.

Far from Equilibrium

Book Description

Statistical Thermodynamics of Nonequilibrium Processes

Book Description

The structure of the theory ofthermodynamics has changed enormously since its inception in the middle of the nineteenth century. Shortly after Thomson and Clausius enunciated their versions of the Second Law, Clausius, Maxwell, and Boltzmann began actively pursuing the molecular basis of thermo dynamics, work that culminated in the Boltzmann equation and the theory of transport processes in dilute gases. Much later, Onsager undertook the elucidation of the symmetry oftransport coefficients and, thereby, established himself as the father of the theory of nonequilibrium thermodynamics. Com bining the statistical ideas of Gibbs and Langevin with the phenomenological transport equations, Onsager and others went on to develop a consistent statistical theory of irreversible processes. The power of that theory is in its ability to relate measurable quantities, such as transport coefficients and thermodynamic derivatives, to the results of experimental measurements. As powerful as that theory is, it is linear and limited in validity to a neighborhood of equilibrium. In recent years it has been possible to extend the statistical theory of nonequilibrium processes to include nonlinear effects. The modern theory, as expounded in this book, is applicable to a wide variety of systems both close to and far from equilibrium. The theory is based on the notion of elementary molecular processes, which manifest themselves as random changes in the extensive variables characterizing a system. The theory has a hierarchical character and, thus, can be applied at various levels of molecular detail.