Fast Facts: Smoking Cessation

Book Description

Cigarette smoking is one of the most significant preventable causes of death and illness in the world. Given the wide-ranging effects smoking has on many disease processes, it is essential that clinicians understand: • the short- and long-term effects of smoking on the body • the benefits of smoking cessation • why smokers find it difficult to stop • the role of clinicians in promoting and supporting smoking cessation • the treatments available to help smokers overcome their addiction. 'Fast Facts: Smoking Cessation' meets these needs: here, in one place, you will find all the information you need on smoking, tobacco addiction and how best to treat the addiction. Ultimately, the best reason for reading this book is to help your patients who smoke to change their behavior for the better and sustainably. Every GP and support clinic will benefit from this edition, filled with tips, advice and treatment aids for the clinical team. Contents: • Cigarettes as a nicotine delivery system • Smoking patterns • Social, psychological and economic influences on smoking • Effects of smoking and smoking cessation • Addiction to cigarettes • The clinician and smoking • Treatments to aid smoking cessation • Future trends

Smoking Cessation

Book Description

Gives practical advice for interventions in a clear and eloquent style, along with current information about the effects of smoking, the consequences of smoking cessation and the myths about smoking and quitting.

How Tobacco Smoke Causes Disease

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This report considers the biological and behavioral mechanisms that may underlie the pathogenicity of tobacco smoke. Many Surgeon General's reports have considered research findings on mechanisms in assessing the biological plausibility of associations observed in epidemiologic studies. Mechanisms of disease are important because they may provide plausibility, which is one of the guideline criteria for assessing evidence on causation. This report specifically reviews the evidence on the potential mechanisms by which smoking causes diseases and considers whether a mechanism is likely to be operative in the production of human disease by tobacco smoke. This evidence is relevant to understanding how smoking causes disease, to identifying those who may be particularly susceptible, and to assessing the potential risks of tobacco products.

Fast Facts

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Fast Facts: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Book Description

Patients with COPD often make few complaints despite experiencing considerable disability. As well as the characteristic shortness of breath, the disease is associated with a number of comorbidities that can present major clinical problems. However, with early recognition and intervention, further deterioration can be prevented, and lung function, general health status and functional ability improved. In this fully updated third edition of 'Fast Facts: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease', the authors take a comprehensive look at: • the disease process, its causes and progression • the relationship between asthma and COPD • the investigations used to assess the severity and stage of COPD • the interventions that may reduce the risk of developing COPD • individualized patient management based on clinical features and comorbidities • current clinical guidelines from an international perspective • treatments that reduce symptoms and improve lung function in stable disease • the prevention and management of acute exacerbations • risk factor reduction, primarily through smoking cessation • future diagnostic and therapeutic developments. The easy-to-read, highly accessible format of this practical resource has been designed so that all primary care providers, specialist nurses, junior hospital doctors, paramedics, medical students and other allied healthcare professionals involved in the diagnosis and management of COPD can get up to speed on this multifaceted disease, fast! With clear take-home messages, it will also serve as a useful overview for researchers and specialists reading outside their subject area.

The Easy Way to Stop Smoking

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The author offers a step-by-step approach to stop smoking without the use of nicotine substitutes.

How to Quit Smoking and Save Your Life

Book Description

Book Description Publication Date: Feb 1, 2015 What would it mean to your life if you could quit smoking forever? For starters it would mean an extra 7 to 15 years of life itself due to the elimination of a very high risk of lung cancer, heart disease and emphysema. It would also mean a lot more money in your pocket. Every smoker I know knows that and they wish more than anything that they could become... an ex-smoker. We all know that quitting smoking is hard to do but did you know that over 90% of the people who try to quit, don't make it - that smoking kills half the people who do it. But... the fact that you smoke is not your problem... As a smoker, what do you think your real problem is? Your problem is not the fact that you smoke. Sure, that will cause you some other problems if you do not quit smoking but a smoker's most pressing problem is the fact that, they can't quit smoking. Solve that problem and the rest of the problems go away. Why can't smokers quit? Most smokers think they can't quit because they've got a bad habit or they're addicted to doing it. But that's not why they can't quit smoking. That's why they smoke! They can't quit smoking because they don't know how to quit smoking. Think about it for a second. Just about everything you have ever done in your life, you had to learn how to do before you could actually succeed at doing it. From walking to driving a car, from learning how to count to getting around 18 holes of a golf course in less than 100 strokes... these are all things you had to learn how to do in order to achieve any measure of success at doing them. And when it comes to quitting smoking you have to succeed at the 100% level: you either do it or you fail... completely. So what should a smoker who wants to quit do? That's easy. Learn how to quit smoking before you try to do it! That's right... quitting smoking is a learnable skill... just like every other skill you have learned and developed over the years. "Caveat emptor..". You weren't ready man! During the years I smoked and tried to quit, I became frustrated by the universal "caveat" that came with the smoking cessation products and programs that I wasted my time and money on. They all stated something like, "In order for this product or program to be effective, you need to be 'ready' to do it." That way when I failed - as I always did - they could say, "Hey - you just weren't ready to do it and see - it says right here in the fine print that you have to be ready to do it or it won't work. Too bad you just didn't get yourself ready to succeed at quitting smoking forever or it would have worked." But sadly, there was very little real-world, street-smart advice about how to actually do that. Until now... Here's the first thing a smoker needs to know about succeeding at quitting smoking forever... There is nothing - have you got that? Nothing! - more essential to your success at quitting smoking forever than the act of preparing yourself to do it. I see smokers make the mistake of not being well prepared to quit smoking all the time. Heck I did it over 70 times myself. Until I finally learned how to get myself ready to quit, I was like a guy who really wanted to win the Masters Golf tournament and thought I could do it by just buying a great set of clubs. Then when I failed, I blamed the clubs and not the fact that I had absolutely no idea about how to use them. Before you try to quit smoking, take some time to learn how to do it. My book, "How To Quit Smoking and Save Your Life" will teach the five easy-to-learn but very necessary skills to prepare yourself to succeed at quitting smoking forever. It will also give you the confidence and motivation to use your new skills. Remember this: One of the hardest decisions you'll ever make in your life is deciding whether to walk away or try harder. You'll never regret the fact that you decided not to walk away from quitting smoking.

Growing Up Tobacco Free

Book Description

Tobacco use kills more people than any other addiction and we know that addiction starts in childhood and youth. We all agree that youths should not smoke, but how can this be accomplished? What prevention messages will they find compelling? What effect does tobacco advertisingâ€"more than $10 million worth every dayâ€"have on youths? Can we responsibly and effectively restrict their access to tobacco products? These questions and more are addressed in Growing Up Tobacco Free, prepared by the Institute of Medicine to help everyone understand the troubling issues surrounding youths and tobacco use. Growing Up Tobacco Free provides a readable explanation of nicotine's effects and the process of addiction, and documents the search for an effective approach to preventing the use of cigarettes, chewing and spitting tobacco, and snuff by children and youths. It covers the results of recent initiatives to limit young people's access to tobacco and discusses approaches to controls or bans on tobacco sales, price sensitivity among adolescents, and arguments for and against taxation as a prevention strategy for tobacco use. The controversial area of tobacco advertising is thoroughly examined. With clear guidelines for public action, everyone can benefit by reading and acting on the messages in this comprehensive and compelling book.

Fast Facts: Acute Coronary Syndromes

Book Description

All patients arriving at hospital with chest pain suggestive of myocardial ischemia require an immediate 12-lead ECG and medical assessment. Management will depend on the type of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) diagnosed. 'Fast Facts: Acute Coronary Syndromes' is an international evidence-based primer that focuses on optimizing patient outcomes via accurate initial diagnosis, appropriate risk stratification and proper therapeutic decision-making in line with both American and European management guidelines. This refreshingly readable handbook simplifies the complexities involved in the care of patients with ACS by: • Familiarizing readers with the common pathophysiology underlying all ACS • Detailing the specifics of clinical assessment (targeted history, symptom-oriented physical exam, electrocardiography, cardiac biomarkers and imaging) • Assisting best practice in ischemic risk stratification and assessment of bleeding risk • Outlining coronary revascularization techniques, reperfusion strategies and preventive measures • Providing an update on potent antithrombotic therapy (antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants) • Clearly explaining the latest developments that are likely to be implemented in the near future. In this fast-changing field it is difficult for healthcare professionals to remain current and virtually impossible to fully understand all of the subtle nuances of the available clinical trial data. This comprehensive handbook is therefore the essential resource for all healthcare professionals looking for up-to-date, easy-to read information that will assist best practice in the identification and management of all patients with ACS. Contents: • Pathophysiology • Diagnosis • Risk stratification and decision-making • Coronary revascularization • Unstable angina/non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction • ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction • Secondary prevention of coronary artery disease • Developments • Useful resources