Fast-Track Tax Reform

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The economy of Maldives faced two very challenging episodes traced to the 2004 tsunami and the 2008-2009 global financial crisis. To develop alternative sources of funding and to improve services delivery, the government, with the help of partners like the Asian Development Bank and others, succeeded in transforming the country's revenue system into a modern, e-enabled system for effective tax collection and development of a broader tax base. Find out more about Maldives' fast-track approach to tax reforms which can serve as a guide for other developing countries.

Reconciling Congress to Tax Reform

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Tax law constantly churns, somehow avoiding the molasses of the legislative process. A common critique levied against tax law is that there is too much legislative action, resulting in ever-changing rules. In reality, congressional gridlock, the theme of the symposium for which this piece is written, is ever-present in the tax context. Although Congress increasingly enacts a high volume of temporary, patchwork tax provisions, it fails to accomplish fundamental tax reform, which is a necessary part of any solution to the looming budgetary crisis. As a result, recent proposals to enact tax reform through an existing fast-track framework, the reconciliation process, or through an entirely new process aimed specifically at tax reform have gained popularity. These fast-track processes are more flexible than is often assumed and increasingly so, potentially offering relief from the filibuster in a variety of tax contexts, among other benefits. For instance, in 2010 and contrary to popular thought, Democrats had numerous procedural options available to them to enact middle-class tax cuts through reconciliation; the political will was simply not there. Despite the growing flexibility of existing fast track processes, however, their truncated timelines and production of polarizing, unstable policies are antithetical to fundamental tax reform. A simple majority's ability to shape such processes to its ends also threatens the precarious Senate truce over the filibuster by degrading the source of its staying power -- the filibuster's potential application to future, unknown legislative minorities. From an institutional perspective, this nontransparent, piecemeal approach to filibuster reform destabilizes Senate rules generally and contributes to partisan politics that make the achievement of tax reform even more remote. For these reasons, existing fast track processes should primarily be relegated to meeting annual deficit targets once tax reform is achieved. Learning from the undesirable features of these processes, this Essay proposes a set of framework procedures that have the potential to assist Congress in achieving fundamental tax reform over the next two years. In the near-term, a commitment to such a process may also help bridge the impasse over the fiscal cliff.

Designing a Tax Administration Reform Strategy

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Building on previous FAD work in the tax administration field, this paper defines broad criteria for diagnosing the problems in a country’s tax administration and formulating an appropriate reform strategy. To be effective, this strategy should be based on the size of the tax gap and the country’s particular circumstances. This paper discusses some guiding principles which have provided the basis for successful reforms, including: reducing the tax system’s complexity, encouraging taxpayers’ voluntary compliance, differentiating the treatment of taxpayers by their revenue potential, and ensuring the reform’s effective management. Also discussed are specific bottlenecks that hinder the effectiveness of the tax administration’s operations.

Tax Administration Reform in China

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Tax administration improvements have contributed significantly to a doubling of China’s tax-to-GDP ratio and the substantial reduction in taxpayers’ compliance costs since the mid-1990s. This paper describes the key features of China’s tax administration and their evolution over the last 20 years. It also identifes emerging challenges to the tax system and areas where further tax administration improvements are needed to sustain tax revenue and reduce taxpayers’ compliance costs in the future.

Tax Reform Proposals

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Comprehensive tax reform

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Taxing Wages 2021

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This annual publication provides details of taxes paid on wages in OECD countries. It covers personal income taxes and social security contributions paid by employees, social security contributions and payroll taxes paid by employers, and cash benefits received by workers. Taxing Wages 2021 includes a special feature entitled: “Impact of COVID-19 on the Tax Wedge in OECD Countries”.

Russia Rebounds

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Russia Rebounds analyzes Russia’s dramatic economic recovery since the country’s 1998 financial crisis, emphasizing macroeconomic issues and fiscal and banking sector reforms. The crisis was a massive shock to the system and a considerable surprise to both Russians and foreign investors, who a year before had come to think that the worst of the transition from a centrally planned to a market economy was over. Macroeconomic performance since the crisis has been impressive. The book assesses the contribution of various factors underlying this recovery and highlights key policy challenges to ensure its sustainability.

Tax Policy Reforms in the OECD 2016

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This first edition of Tax Policy Reforms in the OECD focuses on the tax reforms that were introduced in 2015 and identifies the most significant tax policy reforms as well as common tax policy trends across groups of countries.