Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Building HVAC Systems

Book Description

Building HVAC systems account for more than 30% of annual energy consumption in United States. However, it has become apparent that only in a small percentage of buildings do HVAC systems work efficiently or in accordance with design intent. Studies have shown that operational faults are one of the main reasons for the inefficient performance of these systems. It is estimated that an energy saving of 5 to 15 percent is achievable simply by fixing faults and optimizing building control systems. In spite of good progress in recent years, methods to manage faults in building HVAC systems are still generally undeveloped; in particular, there is still a lack of reliable, affordable, and scalable solutions to manage faults in HVAC systems. Modeling limitations, measurement constraints, and the complexity of concurrent faults have made the diagnosis of these problems as much an art as a science. The challenge is how to evaluate system performance within the boundaries defined by such limitations. This thesis focuses on a number of issues that, in our opinion, are crucial to the development of reliable and scalable diagnostic solutions for building HVAC systems. Diagnostic complexity due to modeling and measurement constraints, the pro-activeness of diagnostic mechanisms, bottom-up versus top-down diagnostic perspectives, diagnosis-ability, and the correlation between measurement constraints and diagnostic capability will be discussed in detail. We will develop model-based and non-model-based diagnostic algorithms that have the capability of dealing with modeling and measurement constraints more effectively. We will show how the effect of measurement constraints can be traced to the information entropy of diagnostics assessments and how this can lead to a framework optimizing the architecture of sensor networks from the diagnostic perspective. In another part of this study, we focus on proactive diagnostics. In the past, the topic of proactive fault diagnostics has not been given enough attention, even though the capability of conducting and supervising automated proactive testing is essential in terms of being able to replace manual troubleshooting with automated solutions. We will show how a proactive testing problem can be formulated as a decision making problem coupled with a Bayesian network diagnostic model. The algorithms presented in this thesis have been implemented and tested in the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) using real and synthetic data.

Online-learning-based Fault Detection and Diagnosis for HVAC Systems in Commercial Buildings

Book Description

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems account for a significant portion of the energy consumption in buildings. Faults in HVAC systems, such as equipment degradation, failure in sensors and controllers, if not detected at early stages, can raise the maintenance costs, occupant discomfort, and a significant amount of wasted energy, around 15% to 30% of the total energy consumed in the building. Such a significant energy impact introduced by various faults demonstrates substantial potential for energy saving in buildings by implementing automatic fault detection and diagnosis (AFDD) systems. Despite the extensive research on AFDD of HVAC systems, there is a lack of an AFDD method which is capable of handling the unexplored states in systems. The unexplored states may arise in HVAC systems as the data for training the AFDD algorithm of such complicated nonlinear systems is usually limited. Most of the conventional AFDD methods are only capable of diagnosing the faults for which the prior information is available during the training process, but cannot diagnose an unseen fault in systems. Other possibilities of unexplored states are a new operational mode in the system, change in the control setpoints, and change in the system components due to retrofit and maintenance. The challenge is how to evolve the AFDD algorithm to learn the information about the new faults or new dynamics in the HVAC systems. In this study, to address the problems above, the online-learning-based AFDD algorithm is developed which allows the adaptation of both the structure and the parameters of the AFDD algorithm when a new state in the system is recognized. The proposed AFDD algorithm relies upon an evolving Gaussian mixture modeling approach and has the ability to diagnose any of the already-known faults in the system, reveal an unknown state in the system, and learn the information of the new states. The performance evaluation of the proposed evolving AFDD algorithm is illustrated in detection and diagnosis of various faults in a chiller plant and a variable air volume (VAV) system as they are two common HVAC systems in commercial buildings. The AFDD algorithm is evaluated using both simulation studies and an experiment using an actual VAV system. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed AFDD algorithm in detecting and diagnosing common faults as well as unseen states in the HVAC systems.

A Dictionary of Business Research Methods

Book Description

This accessible new dictionary provides clear and authoritative definitions of terms, approaches, and techniques in the area of business research methods. It covers research philosophies including research design and qualitative and quantitative methods, types of data and data collection techniques, and organizing and reporting research finding. It is an invaluable resource for students, academics, and professionals learning about research methods as part of a business degree, and undertaking research in many fields including sociology, psychology, and marketing.

Automated Diagnostics and Analytics for Buildings

Book Description

With the widespread availability of high-speed, high-capacity microprocessors and microcomputers with high-speed communication ability, and sophisticated energy analytics software, the technology to support deployment of automated diagnostics is now available, and the opportunity to apply automated fault detection and diagnostics to every system and piece of equipment in a facility, as well as for whole buildings, is imminent. The purpose of this book is to share information with a broad audience on the state of automated fault detection and diagnostics for buildings applications, the benefits of those applications, emerging diagnostic technology, examples of field deployments, the relationship to codes and standards, automated diagnostic tools presently available, guidance on how to use automated diagnostics, and related issues.

Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Industrial Systems

Book Description

Early and accurate fault detection and diagnosis for modern chemical plants can minimize downtime, increase the safety of plant operations, and reduce manufacturing costs. This book presents the theoretical background and practical techniques for data-driven process monitoring. It demonstrates the application of all the data-driven process monitoring techniques to the Tennessee Eastman plant simulator, and looks at the strengths and weaknesses of each approach in detail. A plant simulator and problems allow readers to apply process monitoring techniques.

Model-based Fault Diagnosis in Dynamic Systems Using Identification Techniques

Book Description

Safety in industrial process and production plants is a concern of rising importance but because the control devices which are now exploited to improve the performance of industrial processes include both sophisticated digital system design techniques and complex hardware, there is a higher probability of failure. Control systems must include automatic supervision of closed-loop operation to detect and isolate malfunctions quickly. A promising method for solving this problem is "analytical redundancy", in which residual signals are obtained and an accurate model of the system mimics real process behaviour. If a fault occurs, the residual signal is used to diagnose and isolate the malfunction. This book focuses on model identification oriented to the analytical approach of fault diagnosis and identification covering: choice of model structure; parameter identification; residual generation; and fault diagnosis and isolation. Sample case studies are used to demonstrate the application of these techniques.

Data-driven Whole Building Fault Detection and Diagnosis

Book Description

Residential and commercial buildings are responsible for more than 40% of the primary energy consumption in the United States. Energy wastes are estimated to reach 15% to 30% of total energy consumption due to malfunctioning sensors, components, and control systems, as well as degrading components in Heating, Ventilation, Air-conditioning (HVAC) systems and lighting systems in commercial buildings in the U.S. Studies have demonstrated that a large energy saving can be achieved by automated fault detection and diagnosis (AFDD) followed by corrections. Field studies have shown that, AFDD tools can help to reach energy savings by 5-30% from different systems such as HVAC systems, lighting systems, and refrigeration systems. At the same time, the deployment of AFDD tools can also significantly improve indoor air quality, reduce peak demand, and lower pollution. In buildings, many components or equipment are closely coupled in a HVAC system. Because of the coupling, a fault happening in one component might propagate and affect other components or subsystems. In this study, a whole building fault (WBF) is defined as a fault that occurs in one component or equipment but causes fault impacts (abnormalities) on other components and subsystems, or causes significant impacts on energy consumption and/or indoor air quality. Over the past decades, extensive research have been conducted on the development of component AFDD methods and tools. However, whole building AFDD methods, which can detect and diagnose a WBF, have not been well studied. Existing component level AFDD solutions often fail to detect a WBF or generate a high false alarm rate. Isolating a WBF is also very challenging by using component level AFDD solutions. Even with the extensive research, cost-effectiveness and scalability of existing AFDD methods are still not satisfactory. Therefore, the focus of this research is to develop cost-effective and scalable solutions for WBF AFDD. This research attempts to integrate data-driven methods with expert knowledge/rules to overcome the above-mentioned challenges. A suite of WBF AFDD methods have hence been developed, which include: 1) a weather and schedule based pattern matching method and feature based Principal Component Analysis (WPM-FPCA) method for whole building fault detection. The developed WPM-FPCA method successfully overcome the challenges such as the generation of accurate and dynamic baseline and data dimensionality reduction. And 2) a data-driven and expert knowledge/rule based method using both Bayesian Network (BN) and WPM for WBF diagnosis. The developed WPM-BN method includes a two-layer BN structure model and BN parameter model which are either learned from baseline data or developed from expert knowledge. Various WBFs have been artificially implemented in a real demo building. Building operation data which include baseline data, data that contain naturally-occurred faults and artificially implemented faults are collected and analyzed. Using the collected real building data, the developed methods are evaluated. The evaluation demonstrates the efficacy of the developed methods to detect and diagnose a WBF, as well as their implementation cost-effectiveness.

Applied Change of Mean Detection Techniques for HVAC Fault Detection and Diagnosis and Power Monitoring

Book Description

A signal processing technique, the detection of abrupt changes in a time-series signal, is implemented with two different applications related to energy use in buildings. The first application is a signal pre-processor for an advanced electric power monitor, the Nonintrusive Load Monitor (NILM), which is being developed by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A variant form of the generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) change-detection algorithm is determined to be appropriate for detecting power transients which are used by the NILM to uniquely identify the start-up of electric end-uses. An extension of the GLR change-detection technique is used with a second application, fault detection and diagnosis in building heating ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems. The method developed here analyzes the transient behavior of HVAC sensors to define conditions of correct operation of a computer simulated constant air volume HVAC sub-system. Simulated faults in a water-to-air heat exchanger (coil fouling and a leaky valve) are introduced into the computer model. GLR-based analysis of the transients of the faulted HVAC system is used to uniquely define the faulty state. The fault detection method's sensitivity to input parameters is explored and further avenues for research with this method are suggested.