Faults and Subsurface Fluid Flow in the Shallow Crust

Book Description

Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 113. This volume offers a sample of the diversity of research on faults and fluid flow in the late 1990s. It describes detailed surface and subsurface characterization of fault-zone structure and diagenesis with implications for hydrology and petroleum geology; the role of faults in geothermal systems; laboratory studies of rock mechanics, permeability, and geochemistry of faults and fault rocks; and mathematical modeling of fluid flow through faulted and fractured rocks. The most striking and appealing feature of the volume, as well as the general research topic of faults and subsurface fluid flow, is its interdiscplinary nature. The authors are drawn from the fields of structural geology, engineering geology, geohydrology and hydrogeology, sedimentology, petroleum geology, geothermal geology, rock mechanics, and geochemistry. Likewise, the emphasis on faults rather than simple open fractures raises issues not addressed in much of the literature on flow through fractured rocks. Although faults are a type of fracture and semantics can confuse the issue, faults are generally more complicated than the simple fractures that are the focus of most work in fractured rock hydrology. Most notably, faults can have very large displacements (up to many kilometers) and develop complicated tectonic fabrics, gouge zones, and juxtaposition of rocks or sediments of different types.

Structurally Complex Reservoirs

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Flow Processes in Faults and Shear Zones

Book Description

Faults and their deeper level equivalents, shear zones, are localized regions of intense deformation within the Earth. They are recognized at all scales from micro to plate boundary, and are important examples of the nature of heterogeneous deformation in natural rocks. Faults and shear zones are significant as they profoundly influence the location, architecture and evolution of a broad range of geological phenomenao The topography and bathymetry of the Earth's surface is marked by mountain belts and sedimentary basins that are controlled by faults and shear zoneso In addition, faults and shear zones control fluid migration and transport including hydrothermal and hydrocarbon systems. Once faults and shear zones are established, they are often long-lived features prone to multiple reactivation over very large time-scales. This collection of papers addresses lithospheric deformation and the rheology of shear zones, together with processes of partitioning and the unravelling of fault and shear zone histories.

Involvement of Fluids in Earthquake Ruptures

Book Description

This book furnishes state-of-the-art knowledge about how earthquake faulting is coupled with fluid flow. The authors describe the theoretical background of modeling of faulting coupled with fluid flow in detail. Field and laboratory evidence to suggest the fluid involvement in earthquake faulting is also carefully explained. All of the provided information constitutes together a basic framework of the fault modeling for a comprehensive understanding of the involvement of fluids in earthquake ruptures. Earthquake generation is now widely believed to be significantly affected by high-pressure fluid existing at depths. Consequently, modeling study of earthquake faulting coupled with fluid flow is becoming increasingly active as a field of research. This work is aimed at a wide range of readers, and is especially relevant for graduate students and solid-earth researchers who wish to become more familiar with the field.

The Nature and Tectonic Significance of Fault Zone Weakening

Book Description

Many faults appears to form persistent zones of weakness that fundamentally influence the distribution, arichitecture and movement patterns of crustal-scale deformation and associated processes in both continental and oceanic regions. They act as conduits for the focused migration of economically important fluids and also constitute one of the most important global geological hazards. This book brings together papers by an international group of Earth Scientists to discuss a broad range of topics centred upon the controls of fault weakening and the role of such faults during lithosphere deformation.

The Evaluation of Subsurface Fluid Migration Using Noble Gas Tracers and Numerical Modeling

Book Description

Fluid flow in the subsurface is a complex phenomenon, significantly affected by geologic characteristics such as porosity and permeability, temperature, compaction, sedimentation, and tectonic processes. The upper crust is often faulted and fractured, and these structural features will alter the inherent geophysical properties of the formations in which they are contained. Because individual techniques used to evaluate crustal fluids, paleo-temperature conditions of formations, and migration pathways each have their own limitations, multidisciplinary approaches must be developed to infer geologic history and past events of fluid flow accurately. In order to interrogate migration pathways and sources of crustal fluids, noble gases have been used to identify mechanisms of fluid flow, hydrocarbon origin, and constrain the temperature conditions of physical processes and chemical reactions. The inert nature and well-constrained sources of noble gases allows them to retain information about geologic history of fluids and rocks over time. Specific isotopic signatures and changes to ratios can distinguish styles of mixing or deformation that occurs during the development of sedimentary basins and orogenic fluid flow. Here, samples collected from the Karoo Basin in South Africa provide an opportunity to analyze the geochemistry of groundwater prior to petroleum exploration. In the Karoo Basin, a field study of the water geochemistry of groundwaters collected before industrial activity showed that naturally-occurring methane was present in the majority of samples and was associated with high salinity and high concentrations of crustal noble gases. The presence of atmospheric noble gases in these samples also suggests fractionation as the natural gas migrated from its source and was emplaced in shallow aquifers. Areas with higher intensity of faulting and fracturing in the Karoo served as preferential pathways during this fluid migration and may still operate that way at present. The effects of faults on fluid flow are further studied in this work by assessing the noble gas distributions along the damage zone of a thrust fault in the Northern Appalachian Basin in New York. Near the fault plane, the 4He concentrations display ~90% loss of the amount predicted and measured in samples further from the fault. The noble gas distribution supports previous fault assessments determined by calculations based on the geometry of the fault core, damage zone, and displacement and suggests that this fault served as a conduit during multiple episodes of fluid flow in the past. Numerical simulations are also beneficial to determine the rates of fluid migration over time and predict advection and diffusion of subsurface fluids based on observed data. By calculating diffusive loss of 4He from quartz grains, predictions can be made regarding the temperature history and permeability of the fault and local system. The formation of gas hydrates in porous sediments beneath the seafloor requires methanogenesis of organic matter and migration of natural gas into appropriate depths where pressure and temperature conditions lead to stability. Calculations based on noble gas observations along the fault damage zone can be used to evaluate retention or release of noble gases in crustal rock and simulations of methane production and migration processes based on input parameters from real world data can be used to predict the occurrence of gas hydrate in Blake Ridge using the flow and transport simulator, PFLOTRAN. By combining field, laboratory, and computational approaches, the results from these interdisciplinary studies offer greater understanding of subsurface flow and can be used to emplace more realistic constraints on geologic inferences.

The Geometry and Growth of Normal Faults

Book Description

Normal faults are the primary structures that accommodate extension of the brittle crust. This volume provides an up-to-date overview of current research into the geometry and growth of normal faults. The 23 research papers present the findings of outcrop and subsurface studies of the geometrical evolution of faults from a number of basins worldwide, complemented by analogue and numerical modelling studies of fundamental aspects of fault kinematics. The topics addressed include how fault length changes with displacement, how faults interact with one another, the controls of previous structure on fault evolution and the nature and origin of fault-related folding. This volume will be of interest to those wishing to develop a better understanding of the structural geological aspects of faulting, from postgraduate students to those working in industry.

Geocomplexity and the Physics of Earthquakes

Book Description

Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 120. Earthquakes in urban centers are capable of causing enormous damage. The January 16, 1995 Kobe, Japan earthquake was only a magnitude 6.9 event and yet produced an estimated $200 billion loss. Despite an active earthquake prediction program in Japan, this event was a complete surprise. Similar scenarios are possible in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, and other urban centers around the Pacific plate boundary. The development of forecast or prediction methodologies for these great damaging earthquakes has been complicated by the fact that the largest events repeat at irregular intervals of hundreds to thousands of years, resulting in a limited historical record that has frustrated phenomenological studies. The papers in this book describe an emerging alternative approach, which is based on a new understanding of earthquake physics arising from the construction and analysis of numerical simulations. With these numerical simulations, earthquake physics now can be investigated in numerical laboratories. Simulation data from numerical experiments can be used to develop theoretical understanding that can be subsequently applied to observed data. These methods have been enabled by the information technology revolution, in which fundamental advances in computing and communications are placing vast computational resources at our disposal.