Federal Antitrust Policy

Book Description

Policy and Measurement: Basic Economics of Antitrust; History and Ideology in Antitrust Policy; Market Power and Market Definition; The Substance of Antitrust: Antitrust Policy Toward Collusion and Oligopoly; Joint Ventures of Competitors, Concerted Refusals, Patent Licensing, and Rule of Reason; Exclusionary Practices and the Dominant Firm: Basic Doctrine of Monopolization and Attempt; Exclusionary Practices in Monopolization and Attempt Cases; Predatory Pricing; Vertical Integration and Vertical Mergers; Tie-Ins, Reciprocity, Exclusive Dealing and the Franchise Contract; Intrabrand Restraints on Distribution; Mergers of Competitors; Conglomerate Mergers; Price Discrimination and the Robinson-Patman Act; Antitrust as a Regulatory Institution: Public Enforcement of the Federal Antitrust Laws; Private Enforcement; Damages; Antitrust and the Process of Democratic Government; Antitrust and Federal Regulatory Policy; Antitrust Federalism and the "State Action" Doctrine; Reach of the Federal Antitrust Laws.

Federal Antitrust Law

Book Description

The first chapter of this book provides an historical review of antitrust law in terms of the political and economic ideas which have shaped it throughout its development. In the successive chapters, the authors provide a sense of the manner in which changes in the underlying economic analysis have shaped the application of the statutes by the enforcement agencies and the courts. The authors have addressed the antitrust issues raised by recent changes in technology, in the rise of global markets, and in the structure of health care markets by devoting three separate chapters to Intellectual Property, International Trade, and Health Care. Author Commentaries throughout the book are designed to probe the doctrinal and policy issues raised by the case excerpts. In keeping with the objective of providing the economic analysis that may amplify and clarify the legal and policy issues, the authors have also taken into account recent trends in the relevant economic literature. Professors and adjunct professors may request complimentary examination copies of LexisNexis law school publications to consider for class adoption or recommendation. Please identify the book(s) you wish to receive, provide your institutional contact information, and submit your request here.

Federal Antitrust Laws

Book Description


Book Description

Increasing the Odds of a Creditor's Judgment; Judgment Liens; Enforcing Judgments Through Execution; Finding Property of the Debtor; Garnishment; Fraudulent Conveyances; Bulk Sales; Shielding Exempt Property; Special Rights Under State Law; Federal Tax Lien; Attachment; Replevin; Lis Pendens; Fourteenth Amendment Protection; Other Sources of Due Process Protection; Overview of Bankruptcy; Commencement and Dismissal of a Bankruptcy Case; Stay of Collection Activities; Property of the Estate; Exemptions in Bankruptcy; Avoiding Pre-Bankruptcy Transfers; Post-Bankruptcy Transfers; Effect of Bankruptcy on Secured Claims; Chapter 7 and Unsecured Claims; Leases and Executory Contracts; Discharge; Chapter 11; Chapter 13; Allocation of Judicial Power Over Bankruptcy Matter.

U.S. Antitrust Law and Enforcement

Book Description

U.S. Antitrust Law and Enforcement provides readers with a unique and accessible introduction to United States Antitrust law. This book aims to deliver a one-stop introduction to the entire field, allowing law firm and in-house practitioners who do not specialize in antitrust, foreign attorneys, and newly-minted lawyers starting a career in antitrust practice to quickly gain an understanding of the wide variety of issues and policies affected by U.S. antitrust laws. U.S. Antitrust Law and Enforcement helps attorneys develop the ability to spot and analyze antitrust law issues by providing an approachable overview of the statutes and regulations that make up the law, the leading Supreme Court decisions that create the framework for analysis found in lower court cases, the elements that must be proved to make out a claim under the various antitrust laws, and the guidelines and policy statements that describe antitrust enforcement at the federal agency level.

Federal Antitrust Law

Book Description

Federal Antitrust Decisions

Book Description