Federal Automated Information System of Nuclear Material Control and Accounting

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One of the fundamental regulations of the Russian State System for Nuclear Material Accounting and Control (SSAC), ''Basic Nuclear Material Control and Accounting Rules, '' directed that a uniform report system be developed to support the operation of the SSAC. According to the ''Regulation on State Nuclear Material Control and Accounting, '' adopted by the Russian Federation Government, Minatom of Russia is response for the development and adoption of report forms, as well as the reporting procedure and schedule. The report forms are being developed in tandem with the creation of an automated national nuclear material control and accounting system, the Federal Information System (FIS). The forms are in different stages of development and implementation. The first report forms (the Summarized Inventory Listing (SIL), Summarized Inventory Change Report (SICR) and federal and agency registers of nuclear material) have already been created and implemented. The second set of reports (nuclear material movement reports and the special anomaly report) is currently in development. A third set of reports (reports on import/export operations, and foreign nuclear material temporarily located in the Russian Federation) is still in the conceptual stage. To facilitate the development of a unified document system, the FIS must establish a uniform philosophy for the reporting system and determine the requirements for each reporting level, adhering to the following principles: completeness--the unified report system provides the entire range of information that the FIS requires to perform SSAC tasks; requisite level of detail; hierarchical structure--each report is based on the information provided in a lower-level report and is the source of information for reports at the next highest level; consistency checking--reports can be checked against other reports. A similar philosophy should eliminate redundancy in the different reports, support a uniform approach to the contents of previously developed and new reports within the FIS, as well as identify the main priorities for the direction of the FIS.

Proposals for the Future Development of the Russian Automated Federal Information System for Nuclear Material Control and Accounting

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Development of the automated Russian Federation Federal Information System for Nuclear Material Control and Accounting (FIS) started in 1996. From the beginning, the creation of the FIS was based on the concept of obtaining data from the material balance areas of the organizations, which would enable the system to collect detailed information on nuclear material. In December 2000, the organization-level summarized reporting method was mandated by the Russian Federation and subsequently implemented for all organizations. Analysis of long-term FIS objectives, reporting by all the MBAs in Russia, showed that the present summarized reporting approach decreed by regulations posed a fair number of problems. We need alternative methods that allow the FIS to obtain more detailed information on nuclear material but which accurately reflect the technical and economic resources available to Russian organizations. One possible solution is the universal reporting method. In August 2003, the proposals of the FIS working group to transition to the universal reporting method were approved at the fourth meeting of the Joint Coordinating Committee for Implementation of the Russian Federation and U.S. Government-to-Government Agreement on Cooperation in the Area of Nuclear Material Physical Protection, Control and Accounting (JCC). One of the important elements of universal reporting is that organizations handling nuclear material will establish 'reporting areas' in cooperation with MinAtom of Russia. A reporting area may consist of one MBA, several MBAs, or even an entire organization. This paper will discuss the universal reporting concept and its major objectives and methods for the FIS.

The Russian Federal Information System for Nuclear Material Control and Accounting

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Most enterprises in the Russian Federation are not prepared to report to the Russian Federal Nuclear Material Control and Accounting Information System (FIS) by the full function reporting method. The full function reporting method requires reporting inventory listings on a schedule based on nuclear material category, submission of individual inventory change reports, and reconciliation and closeout at the end of each reporting period. Most Russian enterprises do not have automated systems and do not have the resources to develop and implement such systems. Over the last two years, MinAtom put the regulations and national level nuclear material control and accounting (MC & A) software in place to require all enterprises in the Russian Federation to report summarized inventory listings to the FIS in January 2002. Enterprises do not need automated systems to comply with summarized reporting requirements. Along with the approximately 25% of the total Category 1 Material Balance Areas (MBAs) using full function reporting, the addition of this complete summarized inventory makes the FIS a more valuable tool for MinAtom management. The FIS is now poised to complete the work by improving the integrity and reliability of the data through increasing the number of enterprises and MBAs using full function reporting. There are obstacles and issues that must be dealt with along the way to achieving the final goal of every MBA sending inventory and inventory change reports using the full function reporting method. Summarized reporting is a major step toward this final goal. Currently all MBAs using full function reporting are doing so under a U.S. contract. FIS management recognized full function reporting could not be implemented in the near-term and prepared a plan with immediate, intermediate, and long-term FIS tasks. To address the major obstacles and optimize implementation, two paths need to be followed in parallel: developing the regulatory basis and overcoming obstacles for enterprises reporting by the full function method. This paper will discuss what can be done to support this endeavor, what is within the capability of the Russian government to support and what U.S. assistance will be needed.

Minatom of Russia Situation and Crisis Center and the Automated Federal Information System for Nuclear Material Control and Accounting

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Under the Situation and Crisis Center (SCC) management, the Information Analytical Center (IAC) of the Ministry of Atomic Energy (Minatom) of Russia was created to oversee the operation of the Federal Nuclear Material Control and Accounting Information System (FIS). During 2000, the FIS achieved an important milestone in its development: the basic functions of the information system were implemented. This includes placing into operation the collecting and processing of nuclear material control and accounting (MC & A) information from the enterprises reporting to the FIS. The FIS began working with 14 Russian enterprises to develop and implement full-function reporting (i.e., reporting inventory and inventory changes including closeout and reconciliation between the FIS and enterprises). In 2001, the system will expand to include enterprise-level inventory information for all enterprises using nuclear materials in Russia. For this reason, at the end of 2000 through the beginning of 2001, five separate training sessions were held for over 100 enterprise personnel responsible for preparation and transfer of the reports to the FIS. Through the assistance of the Nuclear Material Protection, Control and Accounting (MPC & A) program, information systems for the accounting of nuclear materials are being installed at Russia enterprises. In creating the program for modernization of the Russian Federation State System of Accounting and Control (SSAC) of nuclear material, the SCC conducted a survey of the enterprises to determine the readiness of their internal MC & A systems for reporting to the FIS. Based on the information from the survey and the results of the projects on creation of local information systems at Russian enterprises, the analysis of information and the technical aspects of MC & A systems identified deficiencies that were analyzed and recommendations for eliminating these deficiencies were proposed. The concentration of analytical and administrative functions at the IAC allows the changing needs of the users to be met. The activities of the SCC follow the policies of the Russian Federation in the area of nonproliferation and meet the requirements of the SSAC for tracking nuclear material.

Use of Nuclear Material Accounting and Control for Nuclear Security Purposes at Facilities

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Nuclear material accounting and control (NMAC) works in a complementary fashion with the international safeguards programme and physical protection systems to help prevent, deter or detect the unauthorized acquisition and use of nuclear materials. These three methodologies are employed by Member States to defend against external threats, internal threats and both State actors and non-State actors. This publication offers guidance for implementing NMAC measures for nuclear security at the nuclear facility level. It focuses on measures to mitigate the risk posed by insider threats and describes elements of a programme that can be implemented at a nuclear facility in coordination with the physical protection system for the purpose of deterring and detecting unauthorized removal of nuclear material.