Federal Habeas Corpus

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Federal habeas corpus is a procedure under which a federal court may review the legality of an individual's incarceration. It is most often the stage of the criminal appellate process that follows direct appeal and any available state collateral review. The law in the area is an intricate weave of statute and case law. Current federal law operates under the premise that with rare exceptions prisoners challenging the legality of the procedures by which they were tried or sentenced get "one bite of the apple." Relief for state prisoners is only available if the state courts have ignored or rejected their valid claims, and there are strict time limits within which they may petition the federal courts for relief. Moreover, a prisoner relying upon a novel interpretation of law must succeed on direct appeal; federal habeas review may not be used to establish or claim the benefits of a "new rule." Expedited federal habeas procedures are available in the case of state death row inmates if the state has provided an approved level of appointed counsel. The Supreme Court has held that Congress enjoys considerable authority to limit, but not to extinguish, access to the writ. This report is available in an abridged version as CRS Report RS22432, "Federal Habeas Corpus: An Abridged Sketch," by Charles Doyle.

Federal Habeas Corpus Relief

Book Description

Federal habeas corpus is the statutory procedure under which state and federal prisoners may petition the federal courts to review their convictions and sentences to determine whether they are being held contrary to the laws or the Constitution of the United States. In 1996, Congress passed legislation that restricted a prisoner's ability to seek relief through the writ of habeas corpus. The 109th Congress is considering legislation that would further restrict a state prisoner's access to federal habeas corpus relief (S. 1088/H.R. 3035). At issue for Congress is whether it should further restrict state prisoners' access to federal habeas corpus relief by limiting the federal role in policing constitutional violations in the states' criminal justice systems. Two issues have emerged as Congress considers such legislation -- trial finality and adequate representation. Proponents of habeas corpus reform contend that restricting state prisoners' access to federal habeas corpus relief is necessary due to many prisoners filing excessive and frivolous claims that result in a backlog in the system and substantial delays in the processing of these cases. Critics contend, however, that many states' criminal justice systems are flawed, with many indigent defendants lacking proper representation throughout all stages of the criminal justice system. They argue that for many defendants, the writ of habeas corpus plays a key role in restoring justice when the system fails. The current debate over whether to reform the federal habeas corpus law is centered around state capital cases. As of December 31, 2004, there were 3,282 prisoners on death row in state prisons. These cases experience some of the lengthier delays that have been highlighted in congressional testimony, and for many this is where the concern rests. The issue of trial finality becomes apparent in these cases because the mandated outcome -- execution -- is suspended pending the outcome of the habeas corpus proceeding. An analysis of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts' (AOUSC) data, however, does not fully support the claim that state capital habeas corpus cases take excessively long to process. AOUSC data reveals that although the median time for state capital cases to make their way through a federal habeas corpus proceeding is twice as long as state non-capital cases, the rate of filing for habeas relief for both types of cases has remained constant. Since 1988, prisoners serving a federal capital sentence are entitled to counsel during all post-conviction proceedings. Unlike the federal criminal justice system, most states do not afford prisoners the same right. Critics contend that by not having a mandatory system of post-conviction representation, many states ignore the reality that indigent death row prisoners are not able to competently engage in postconviction litigation. A study that was conducted over a 23-year period raised the question of whether the delays commonly associated with federal habeas corpus review are necessary to make sure that justice is administered fairly. The research also raised the possibility that the errors found in capital cases may be the result of poor representation. Until the issue of adequate representation is fully addressed in the states' criminal justice systems, habeas corpus reform efforts will continue to be debated. This report will be updated as legislation warrants.

Smith's Guide to Second Or Successive Federal Habeas Corpus Relief for State and Federal Prisoners

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For those seeking to file a second or successive habeas petition under 2244 or 2255, based on newly discovered evidence or retroactive effect of a U.S. Supreme Court case, this book provides detailed instructions for preparing the application. WISDOM IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS Get Wise; Get a Smith's Guide(TM) All Smith's Guides are designed for the beginning pro se prisoner and the practicing pro se litigator alike and are complete with example pleadings from successful cases. Let Smith guide you step-by-step through the courts and do it right the first time--every time.

Federal Habeas Corpus

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Federal Courts

Book Description

This book concentrates on federal court authority to entertain habeas corpus petitions filed by state prisoners who claim that they were convicted or sentenced in violation of their federal constitutional rights. Lower federal courts have no appellate jurisdiction to review state court judgments in criminal cases. Nevertheless, federal courts revisit state convictions and sentences indirectly when they adjudicate federal claims in habeas corpus proceedings. Federal court authority under this heading has theoretical implications for the federal system, as well as practical significance for the implementation of constitutional standards in criminal cases, particularly in capital cases.

Smith's Guide to Habeas Corpus Relief for State Prisoners Under 28 U. S. C. 2254

Book Description

Smith's Guide to Habeas Corpus Relief provides a complete reference for the entire process of filing Habeas Corpus appeals for state prisoners. It includes example documents and full information on time limits for every step of the process. Designed to be used by prisoners working on their own behalf, it also serves as a guide to monitor the progress and diligence of attorneys working for prisoners who may be less attentive to deadlines than desired. Blank forms and fully-detailed example forms are included. Step by step instructions walk anyone through the process from start, to the last form and addendum to be sent to the US. Supreme Court.

In Re Habeas Corpus Cases

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Smith's Guide to State Habeas Corpus Relief for State Prisoners

Book Description

Provides detailed information and instructions for seeking relief via state habeas petition and for exhausting state-court remedies before proceeding to federal court to file a 2254 petition or an application to file a second or successive habeas petition. Includes state habeas rules and statutes for all 50 states.