Feynman Motives

Book Description

This book presents recent and ongoing research work aimed at understanding the mysterious relation between the computations of Feynman integrals in perturbative quantum field theory and the theory of motives of algebraic varieties and their periods. One of the main questions in the field is understanding when the residues of Feynman integrals in perturbative quantum field theory evaluate to periods of mixed Tate motives. The question originates from the occurrence of multiple zeta values in Feynman integrals calculations observed by Broadhurst and Kreimer.Two different approaches to the subject are described. The first, a ?bottom-up? approach, constructs explicit algebraic varieties and periods from Feynman graphs and parametric Feynman integrals. This approach, which grew out of work of Bloch?Esnault?Kreimer and was more recently developed in joint work of Paolo Aluffi and the author, leads to algebro-geometric and motivic versions of the Feynman rules of quantum field theory and concentrates on explicit constructions of motives and classes in the Grothendieck ring of varieties associated to Feynman integrals. While the varieties obtained in this way can be arbitrarily complicated as motives, the part of the cohomology that is involved in the Feynman integral computation might still be of the special mixed Tate kind. A second, ?top-down? approach to the problem, developed in the work of Alain Connes and the author, consists of comparing a Tannakian category constructed out of the data of renormalization of perturbative scalar field theories, obtained in the form of a Riemann?Hilbert correspondence, with Tannakian categories of mixed Tate motives. The book draws connections between these two approaches and gives an overview of other ongoing directions of research in the field, outlining the many connections of perturbative quantum field theory and renormalization to motives, singularity theory, Hodge structures, arithmetic geometry, supermanifolds, algebraic and non-commutative geometry.The text is aimed at researchers in mathematical physics, high energy physics, number theory and algebraic geometry. Partly based on lecture notes for a graduate course given by the author at Caltech in the fall of 2008, it can also be used by graduate students interested in working in this area.

Feynman Motives

Book Description

This book presents recent and ongoing research work aimed at understanding the mysterious relation between the computations of Feynman integrals in perturbative quantum field theory and the theory of motives of algebraic varieties and their periods. One of the main questions in the field is understanding when the residues of Feynman integrals in perturbative quantum field theory evaluate to periods of mixed Tate motives. The question originates from the occurrence of multiple zeta values in Feynman integrals calculations observed by Broadhurst and Kreimer. Two different approaches to the subject are described. The first, a OC bottom-upOCO approach, constructs explicit algebraic varieties and periods from Feynman graphs and parametric Feynman integrals. This approach, which grew out of work of BlochOCoEsnaultOCoKreimer and was more recently developed in joint work of Paolo Aluffi and the author, leads to algebro-geometric and motivic versions of the Feynman rules of quantum field theory and concentrates on explicit constructions of motives and classes in the Grothendieck ring of varieties associated to Feynman integrals. While the varieties obtained in this way can be arbitrarily complicated as motives, the part of the cohomology that is involved in the Feynman integral computation might still be of the special mixed Tate kind. A second, OC top-downOCO approach to the problem, developed in the work of Alain Connes and the author, consists of comparing a Tannakian category constructed out of the data of renormalization of perturbative scalar field theories, obtained in the form of a RiemannOCoHilbert correspondence, with Tannakian categories of mixed Tate motives. The book draws connections between these two approaches and gives an overview of other ongoing directions of research in the field, outlining the many connections of perturbative quantum field theory and renormalization to motives, singularity theory, Hodge structures, arithmetic geometry, supermanifolds, algebraic and non-commutative geometry. The text is aimed at researchers in mathematical physics, high energy physics, number theory and algebraic geometry. Partly based on lecture notes for a graduate course given by the author at Caltech in the fall of 2008, it can also be used by graduate students interested in working in this area. Sample Chapter(s). Chapter 1: Perturbative quantum field theory and Feynman diagrams (350 KB). Contents: Perturbative Quantum Field Theory and Feynman Diagrams; Motives and Periods; Feynman Integrals and Algebraic Varieties; Feynman Integrals and GelfandOCoLeray Forms; ConnesOCoKreimer Theory in a Nutshell; The RiemannOCoHilbert Correspondence; The Geometry of DimReg; Renormalization, Singularities, and Hodge Structures; Beyond Scalar Theories. Readership: Graduate students and researchers in mathematical physics and theoretical physics.

Feynman Amplitudes, Periods and Motives

Book Description

This volume contains the proceedings of the International Research Workshop on Periods and Motives--A Modern Perspective on Renormalization, held from July 2-6, 2012, at the Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, Madrid, Spain. Feynman amplitudes are integrals attached to Feynman diagrams by means of Feynman rules. They form a central part of perturbative quantum field theory, where they appear as coefficients of power series expansions of probability amplitudes for physical processes. The efficient computation of Feynman amplitudes is pivotal for theoretical predictions in particle physics. Periods are numbers computed as integrals of algebraic differential forms over topological cycles on algebraic varieties. The term originated from the period of a periodic elliptic function, which can be computed as an elliptic integral. Motives emerged from Grothendieck's "universal cohomology theory", where they describe an intermediate step between algebraic varieties and their linear invariants (cohomology). The theory of motives provides a conceptual framework for the study of periods. In recent work, a beautiful relation between Feynman amplitudes, motives and periods has emerged. The articles provide an exciting panoramic view on recent developments in this fascinating and fruitful interaction between pure mathematics and modern theoretical physics.

String-Math 2011

Book Description

The nature of interactions between mathematicians and physicists has been thoroughly transformed in recent years. String theory and quantum field theory have contributed a series of profound ideas that gave rise to entirely new mathematical fields and revitalized older ones. The influence flows in both directions, with mathematical techniques and ideas contributing crucially to major advances in string theory. A large and rapidly growing number of both mathematicians and physicists are working at the string-theoretic interface between the two academic fields. The String-Math conference series aims to bring together leading mathematicians and mathematically minded physicists working in this interface. This volume contains the proceedings of the inaugural conference in this series, String-Math 2011, which was held June 6-11, 2011, at the University of Pennsylvania.

European Congress of Mathematics, Amsterdam, 14-18 July, 2008

Book Description

The European Congress of Mathematics, held every four years, has established itself as a major international mathematical event. Following those in Paris (1992), Budapest (1996), Barcelona (2000), and Stockholm (2004), the Fifth European Congress of Mathematics (5ECM) took place in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 14-18, 2008, with about 1000 participants from 68 different countries. Ten plenary and thirty-three invited lectures were delivered. Three science lectures outlined applications of mathematics in other sciences: climate change, quantum information theory, and population dynamics. As in the four preceding EMS congresses, ten EMS prizes were granted to very promising young mathematicians. In addition, the Felix Klein Prize was awarded, for the second time, for an application of mathematics to a concrete and difficult industrial problem. There were twenty-two minisymposia, spread over the whole mathematical area. Two round table meetings were organized: one on industrial mathematics and one on mathematics and developing countries. As part of the 44th Nederlands Mathematisch Congres, which was embedded in 5ECM, the so-called Brouwer lecture was presented. It is the Netherlands' most prestigious award in mathematics, organized every three years by the Royal Dutch Mathematical Society. Information about Brouwer was given in an invited historical lecture during the congress. These proceedings contain a selection of the contributions to the congress, providing a permanent record of the best of what mathematics offers today.

Topology of Algebraic Varieties and Singularities

Book Description

This volume contains invited expository and research papers from the conference Topology of Algebraic Varieties, in honour of Anatoly Libgober's 60th birthday, held June 22-26, 2009, in Jaca, Spain.

Quanta of Maths

Book Description

The work of Alain Connes has cut a wide swath across several areas of mathematics and physics. Reflecting its broad spectrum and profound impact on the contemporary mathematical landscape, this collection of articles covers a wealth of topics at the forefront of research in operator algebras, analysis, noncommutative geometry, topology, number theory and physics. Specific themes covered by the articles are as follows: entropy in operator algebras, regular $C^*$-algebras of integral domains, properly infinite $C^*$-algebras, representations of free groups and 1-cohomology, Leibniz seminorms and quantum metric spaces; von Neumann algebras, fundamental Group of $\mathrm{II}_1$ factors, subfactors and planar algebras; Baum-Connes conjecture and property T, equivariant K-homology, Hermitian K-theory; cyclic cohomology, local index formula and twisted spectral triples, tangent groupoid and the index theorem; noncommutative geometry and space-time, spectral action principle, quantum gravity, noncommutative ADHM and instantons, non-compact spectral triples of finite volume, noncommutative coordinate algebras; Hopf algebras, Vinberg algebras, renormalization and combinatorics, motivic renormalization and singularities; cyclotomy and analytic geometry over $F_1$, quantum modular forms; differential K-theory, cyclic theory and S-cohomology.

Combinatorics and Physics

Book Description

This book is based on the mini-workshop Renormalization, held in December 2006, and the conference Combinatorics and Physics, held in March 2007. Both meetings took place at the Max-Planck-Institut fur Mathematik in Bonn, Germany. Research papers in the volume provide an overview of applications of combinatorics to various problems, such as applications to Hopf algebras, techniques to renormalization problems in quantum field theory, as well as combinatorial problems appearing in the context of the numerical integration of dynamical systems, in noncommutative geometry and in quantum gravity. In addition, it contains several introductory notes on renormalization Hopf algebras, Wilsonian renormalization and motives.

Noncommutative Geometry and Physics

Book Description

This collection of expository articles grew out of the workshop ``Number Theory and Physics'' held in March 2009 at The Erwin Schrodinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna. The common theme of the articles is the influence of ideas from noncommutative geometry (NCG) on subjects ranging from number theory to Lie algebras, index theory, and mathematical physics. Matilde Marcolli's article gives a survey of relevant aspects of NCG in number theory, building on an introduction to motives for beginners by Jorge Plazas and Sujatha Ramdorai. A mildly unconventional view of index theory, from the viewpoint of NCG, is described in the article by Alan Carey, John Phillips, and Adam Rennie. As developed by Alain Connes and Dirk Kreimer, NCG also provides insight into novel algebraic structures underlying many analytic aspects of quantum field theory. Dominique Manchon's article on pre-Lie algebras fits into this developing research area. This interplay of algebraic and analytic techniques also appears in the articles by Christoph Bergbauer, who introduces renormalization theory and Feynman diagram methods, and Sylvie Paycha, who focuses on relations between renormalization and zeta function techniques.

Motives, Quantum Field Theory, and Pseudodifferential Operators

Book Description

This volume contains articles related to the conference ``Motives, Quantum Field Theory, and Pseudodifferntial Operators'' held at Boston University in June 2008, with partial support from the Clay Mathematics Institute, Boston University, and the National Science Foundation. There are deep but only partially understood connections between the three conference fields, so this book is intended both to explain the known connections and to offer directions for further research. In keeping with the organization of the conference, this book contains introductory lectures on each of the conference themes and research articles on current topics in these fields. The introductory lectures are suitable for graduate students and new Ph.D.'s in both mathematics and theoretical physics, as well as for senior researchers, since few mathematicians are expert in any two of the conference areas. Among the topics discussed in the introductory lectures are the appearance of multiple zeta values both as periods of motives and in Feynman integral calculations in perturbative QFT, the use of Hopf algebra techniques for renormalization in QFT, and regularized traces of pseudodifferential operators. The motivic interpretation of multiple zeta values points to a fundamental link between motives and QFT, and there are strong parallels between regularized traces and Feynman integral techniques. The research articles cover a range of topics in areas related to the conference themes, including geometric, Hopf algebraic, analytic, motivic and computational aspects of quantum field theory and mirror symmetry. There is no unifying theory of the conference areas at present, so the research articles present the current state of the art pointing towards such a unification.