Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of Peninsular Malaysia and Indochina

Book Description

"Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of Peninsular Malaysia andIndochina" offers a beautifully illustrated overview of the twentythree species of pitcher plant (Nepenthes) from Cambodia, SouthernChina, Laos, Myanmar (Burma), Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand, andVietnam.A number of species featured in this work are newly discoveredrecently, and the images featured are among the first to bepublished.This fully illustrated field guide includes a short introductionto Nepenthes, along with an overview of all the species known fromPeninsular Malaysia and Indochina. Each species is then profiledover two pages with three representative images, and a concisesummary of key features written in clear and accessible English.Concluding sections cover Nepenthes hybrids, conservation ofpitcher plants from Peninsular Malaysia and Indochina,Bibliography, Index and About the Authors.The species documented in this work are: N. alba, N.albomarginata, N. ampullaria, N. andamana, N. benstonei, N.bokorensis, N. chang, N. gracilis, N. gracillima, N. holdenii, N.kampotiana, N. kerrii, N. kongkandana, N. macfarlanei, N.mirabilis var. globosa, N. mirabilis var. mirabilis, N.rafflesiana, N. ramispina, N. sanguinea, N. smilesii, N.suratensis, N. thai, and N. thorelii.

Pitcher Plants of the Old World

Book Description

Pitcher plants include the largest and most spectacular of all carnivorous plants. So-called because they produce highly specialised foliage that takes the form of hollow, water-filled "pitchers", these extraordinary plants lure and prey upon arthropods and other small animals. The pitcher plants of the Old World also trap the largest prey of all carnivorous plants, including on rare occasions, vertebrates as large as frogs, mice and even rats. This two volume work examines both genera of Old World pitcher plants (Nepenthes and Cephalotus) and documents the ecology and natural diversity of every known species for the first time and in unparalleled detail... Pitcher Plants of the Old World Volume Two comprises Nepenthes of the Philippines, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Java, Nepenthes of Sulawesi, Nepenthes of New Guinea and the Maluku Islands, Nepenthes of the Outlying Areas, Nepenthes Hybrids, Cephalotus follicularis, Habitat Loss and the Threat of Extinction and Cultivation and Horticulture, Appendix, Glossary, Bibliography, Index.

Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of Sulawesi

Book Description

"Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of the Sulawesi" is a beautifuland colourful overview of the eleven species of Sulawesian pitcherplants (Nepenthes). Several species featured in this work havebeen discovered only in the last two years and are documented herefor the very first time.This lavishly illustrated guide book consists of a shortintroduction to Nepenthes, followed by an overview of the speciesknown from Sulawesi (complete with full page map). Each species isthen profiled over two pages with the use of three images (most ofwhich have never been published before) and a brief, but detailedtext summary written in clear, easy-to-understand English.Concluding sections cover Nepenthes hybrids, conservation ofSulawesian pitcher plants, Bibliography, Index and About theAuthors.The species documented in this work are:N. eymaeN. glabrataN. gracilisN. hamataN. maximaN. mirabilisN. nigra ined.N. pitopangiiN. tentaculataN. tomorianaN. undulatifolia ined.

Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of the Philippines

Book Description

"Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of the Philippines" is a beautiful and colourful overview of the twenty seven species of Philippine pitcher plants (Nepenthes). Several species featured in this work have been discovered only in the last two years and are documented here for the very first time. This lavishly illustrated guide book consists of a short introduction to Nepenthes, followed by an overview of the species known from the Philippines (complete with full page map). Each species is then profiled over two pages with the use of three images (most of which have never been published before) and a brief, but detailed text summary written in clear, easy-to-understand English. Concluding sections cover Nepenthes hybrids, conservation of Philippine pitcher plants, a bibliography, and an index.

Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of Australia and New Guinea

Book Description

"Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of Australia and New Guinea"offers a portable and lavishly illustrated overview of the fifteenspecies of pitcher plants (Nepenthes and Cephalotus) found inAustralia and New Guinea. A number of species featured in thiswork have been discovered only very recently, and the imagesincluded in this work are among the first to be published.This visually beautiful field guide consists of a shortintroduction to Nepenthes, followed by an overview of the speciesknown from Australia and New Guinea. Each species is then profiledover two pages with three images, most of which have never beenpublished before, and a concise summary of key features written inplain English. Concluding sections cover Nepenthes hybrids,conservation of Australian and New Guinea pitcher plants,Bibliography, Index and About the Authors.The species documented in this work are:Nepenthes:N. ampullaria, N. danseri, N. insignis, N. klossii, N. lamii, N.maxima, N. mirabilis, N. monticola, N. neoguineensis, N.paniculata, N. papuana, N. rowanae, N. tenax, N. treubiana, and N.sp. Misool. Cephalotus:C. folliculata

Australian Carnivorous Plants

Book Description

"Australian Carnivorous Plants" is a beautifully produced coffeetable book with extensive colour photographs of all carnivorousplant genera found in Australia (Aldrovanda, Byblis, Cephalotus,Drosera, Nepenthes, and Utricularia). Incorporating 180 images ofover 150 species taken over the past two decades by acclaimedwildlife photographers and carnivorous plant experts, Greg Bourkeand Richard Nunn, this visually striking book is the first workdedicated to highlighting the beauty of Australian carnivorousplants in the wild through high-quality photographs.The selection of breathtaking images featured in this lavishlyillustrated work was carefully chosen to highlight theextraordinary diversity of carnivorous plants found in Australia,an assemblage that is greater than on all other continents onEarth. The spectacular images and detailed captions, written inaccessible English, offer a uniquely informative portrait of someof the Southern Hemisphere's most extraordinary and beautifulplants. It is a work that will fascinate amateur natureenthusiasts and specialist botanists alike.This beautiful book includes a foreword by Allen Lowrie, a worldauthority on carnivorous plants; a short introductory chapter tothe carnivorous plants of the world with a summary and completelisting of all carnivorous plant species found in Australia;chapters dedicated to each genus of Australian carnivorous plantwith introductory descriptions; a chapter on conservation; andinformation relating to the photographic techniques used by theauthors. Many of the taxa covered here have never been depicted inprint before.Particular highlights include:1. The first complete listing of all currently known carnivorousplants of Australia.2. Many rare, little known and seldom photographed taxa, includingByblis aquatica, B. rorida, Drosera browniana, D. bulbosa subsp.major, D. gibsonii, D. nivea, D. oreopodion, D. radicans, D.zigzagia, Utricularia circumvoluta, U. leptoryncha, U. paulineae,U. singeriana, and many more.

Carnivorous Plants and Their Habitats

Book Description

Growing in some of the most barren and extreme habitats of our world, carnivorous plants are adapted to very specific environmental conditions which must be understood for their successful cultivation. This work profiles the natural habitats and environmental requirements of each genus of carnivorous plants to provide horticulturists with a clear and focused understanding of the specific conditions which these remarkable plants require. By understanding the strange worlds in which these unusual and often spectacular plants naturally grow, horticulturists will be better equipped to successfully cultivate and study them. Volume one covers introductory chapters, chapters on the evolution, distribution and habitat of these plants, and genus accounts of the Snap Traps and Pitcher Plants, including Aldrovanda, Dionaea, Darlingtonia, Heliamphora, Sarracenia, Nepenthes, Cepahlotus, Brocchinia and Catopsis.