Fifteenth report of session 2009-10

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Fifteenth report of Session 2009-10 : Documents considered by the Committee on 17 March 2010, including the following recommendations for debate, EU policies until 2020, report, together with formal Minutes

Regulation of Medical Implants in the EU and UK

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EU regulations on the safety of medical implants-such as metal-on-metal hip replacements-must be urgently tightened in response to evidence that manufacturers are seeking approval for devices in Member States with the least stringent regulatory regimes. Much greater transparency is needed about the approval process so patients and doctors can have full confidence in the implants they are using. Manufacturers and regulators must also publish more rigorous clinical data on the safety of new implants and be subject to greater scrutiny. The clinical data requirements for high-risk medical devices to be sold on the European Market are much less stringent than for new medicines. There appears to be reliance on equivalence-similarity to an existing implant-rather than clinical investigations of the implant being approved. The Committee calls for all clinical data used in the approval of a medical implant to be published without identifying patients or clinical trial participants. For products currently on the market, such data should be published immediately. There should also be a public record of every approach from a manufacturer to any notified body in the EU so that 'forum shopping' can be identified. UK regulatory body the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is criticised for its slow reaction to reports of problems with metal-on-metal hip replacements in Australia. The withdrawal of PIP breast implants also highlights the need for frequent and unannounced spot-checks of medical implant manufacturers to identify and prevent similar problems. The Committee is supportive of the proposed legislative changes from the European Commission to improve transparency

The Census and Social Science

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The Committee undertook an inquiry to consider the use of the data from the census by the Government, whether there were elements of the census that would be irreplaceable by other means and if the business of Government would be seriously impacted if census data was lost or changed. The Committee is concerned that there is no chief advisor as with other sciences, or a Minister who could answer for Government as a whole whether social science provision was adequate and whether the data from the census and other sources was fit for purpose. The key disadvantage of the census is the timeliness of the data. Yet census data provides a snapshot of the whole country at a moment in time. It enables detection of trends in the recent past, allows comparisons to be made of different areas in the country more accurately and provides a means to recruit to longitudinal studies. Good use is being made of non-census surveys to provide equivalent data in a number of areas in a much shorter timescale, but these do not have the same breadth as the census and do not provide a national coverage or standard. Social science could suffer if the census was to be discontinued without serious consideration as to how this data would be replaced. Though the absence of a census would also potentially stimulate a considerable amount of innovation in social science and examination of how to produce social data of an equivalent standard

Sessional Returns

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On cover and title page: House, committees of the whole House, general committees and select committees

Wales and Whitehall

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The effective operation of devolution stands the best chance of success if both the UK and Welsh governments share knowledge and understanding, concludes the Welsh Affairs Committee in this report. The Committee makes a number of recommendations to improve the relationship between Wales and Whitehall. A broad review of how intergovernmental relationships are coordinated is required. The Joint Ministerial Committee should meet on a regular basis and ministers at all levels should be alert to the consequences of policy and legislation on devolved areas. The Cabinet Office should take lead responsibility for devolution strategy in Whitehall. Whitehall has lost a focus on the devolution settlement and too often has displayed poor knowledge and understanding of the specificities of the Welsh settlement. The Civil Service needs more consistent training and clear department-by-department focus on retaining devolution knowledge and understanding. The Welsh Assembly Government should have the confidence to interact with Whitehall and to promote areas of good practice. The Cabinet Secretary and the Permanent Secretary to the Welsh Assembly Government should give evidence annually to the Welsh Affairs Committee. Finally, reform of the Barnett Formula is required. The current financial settlement does not appear sustainable and a new arrangement needs to be built on an agreed and enduring basis which is demonstrably fair and sensitive to the particular circumstances of Wales.

Equality and Human Rights Commission

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Incorporating HC 1842-i and ii of session 2008-09

Too Soon to Scrap the Census - HC 1090

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At the start of this Parliament, the Minister for the Cabinet Office indicated the ten-yearly census should be axed and the 2011 census should be the last. But in this report the Public Administration Select Committee urges the government not to scrap the 2021 census. Good figures on the people in the country are of fundamental importance to the statistical system, policy makers and society more widely, and the ten-yearly census gives detailed information on small areas. This report follows the National Statistician's announcement in March 2014 that she recommends that Government keep the Census in 2021, but that it should be conducted largely online, and that the Government should make much greater use of the data which it already holds in order to improve the accuracy of population estimates. The Committee supports the recommendation from the National Statistician, but urges the Office for National Statistics to do much more to make the best use of the data which the Government already collects, for example through the Department for Work and Pensions, HM Revenue and Customs and the Department of Health. The Committee says that the Office for National Statistics' work on the future of the Census has, to date, been limited, and recommends that the Office for National Statistics now sets out a much more ambitious vision for the use of this data to provide rich and valuable population statistics.

Legislative scrutiny

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Legislative Scrutiny : Crime and Security Bill; Personal Care at Home Bill; Children, Schools and Families Bill, twelfth report of session 2009-10, report, together with formal minutes and written Evidence

Counter-terrorism policy and human rights (seventeenth report)

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The Joint Committee on Human Rights calls for a fundamental, independent review of the necessity for and proportionality of all counter-terrorism measures adopted since September 11 2001. It questions the way that the policy imperatives of national security and public safety have been used to justify squeezing out human rights considerations. Since September 11 2001, the Government has continuously claimed that there is a "public emergency threatening the life of the nation". The Committee questions whether the country has really been in this state for over eight years. A permanent state of emergency skews public debate about the justification for rights-limiting counter-terrorism measures. It is unacceptable that the Director General of the Security Service refuses to appear before it to give public evidence - despite giving public lectures and media interviews. The Committee finds the Government's narrow definition of complicity in torture significant and worrying and calls for an urgent independent inquiry into the allegations of complicity in torture. The Government should drop the draft bill still being held in reserve to allow pre-charge detention to be extended to 42 days. And more work should be done on measures - such as bail and the use of intercept evidence - that could reduce the use of pre-charge detention. The Intelligence and Security Committee should become a proper Parliamentary committee with an independent secretariat and legal advice and appointing an independent reviewer of counter-terror legislation who reports directly to Parliament not the Government.

Communicating statistics

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In this report the Public Administration Select Committee recommends that departmental press officers and government statistics staff should work together much more closely to ensure that press releases give an accurate and meaningful picture of the truth behind the figures. Government statistics press releases do not always give a true and fair picture of the story behind the statistics, sometimes going too far to create a newsworthy headline. And the Committee says the ways that statistics are presented can be a challenge even for expert users. The lay user is left confused and disengaged. The Office for National Statistics website makes figures hard to find and statistics are often presented in a confusing way, for example, in formats which are not easily understandable. Other recommendations include: the UK Statistics Authority should work proactively to bring together and clearly present key statistics, from various sources, around common themes or events, such as elections and referendums, as well as broader topics such as the labour market and economic trends; the ONS website must be improved; the Statistics Authority should find more creative ways of communicating statistics, for example, through interactive guides; publication of more raw data in machine-readable format for experts who want the full results, not just the edited highlights presented in releases for a mass audience; government statisticians produce thousands of pieces of data on demand, known as 'ad hoc statistics' and these should be published proactively, rather than simply in reaction to requests.