Filosofía del daño y su reparación.

Book Description

"Hay un ejemplo clásico de teoría jurídica que, no siendo citado ni una sola vez en el texto de esta obra, emplaza las coordenadas que signan todo su horizonte de sentido, expone los desvelos que articulan su indubitable unidad: es el tradicional “ejemplo de la flauta” que Amartya Sen ofrece en La Idea de la Justicia. Anne, Bob y Carla pretenden la misma flauta, dice Sen. Carla la construyó, Bob sabe tocarla, Anne no posee ninguna otra cosa. Cada uno la reclama, argumentando desde su propia posición diferencial; pero ¿a cuál de los tres se la adjudicaríamos? La respuesta que demos a esta incógnita alumbrará nuestra particular idea de la justicia, y en ese alumbramiento dejará ver, además, nuestras expectativas y exigencias frente al derecho. Si sostenemos que “justicia es dar a cada uno lo suyo”, sin entrar en discusiones de equidad ni de optimización, muy probablemente haríamos lugar a los argumentos de Carla. Si, en cambio, entendemos por justicia “dar a cada quien lo que le corresponde” –fórmula meritocrática, que se opone claramente a la anterior– podríamos adjudicársela a Bob. Si, por fin, vemos la justicia como igualación, sería Anne quien se llevaría el instrumento. La conclusión es simple y, aquí, omnipresente: las concepciones retributivas, distributivas o conmutativas de justicia no son más que particularidades de una justicia general que las excede, las justifica y las ampara. Si no se parte del deber irrenunciable de optimizar las posibilidades reales de cada uno –y de todos, en su situación concreta– cualquier afirmación de una cierta idea de justicia será superficial, impracticable, baladí. Y consecuentemente, todo sistema de derecho construido en su referencia estará destinado al fracaso. Nuestras concepciones tradicionales de justicia se originan en perspectivas propias de sociedades no democráticas y no abisales. Son incapaces de concebir la exclusión y los abismos que –retrayendo los espacios de lo legítimo– emplazan límites, declaran grietas, definen guetos. Este libro es un llamado a pensar y a pensarnos desde otro lugar. No pretende ser definitivo, no busca ser concluyente. Es apenas un llamado. Pero si entendemos que no hay derecho sin experiencia de injusticia y que no hay experiencia de injusticia sin daño, veremos en la promesa compartida (el compromiso) de minimizar el dolor, la razón de ser de nuestra convivencia. Entonces este llamado –débil, sin grandes estridencias– no puede ser desoído; y el deber de hacer justicia se torna tan angustiante como urgente. Porque si hay algo que las víctimas ya no tienen, es tiempo".

Procesos de verdad, justicia y reparación a las víctimas de desaparición forzada en el Sahara Occidental

Book Description

La tesis de la investigadora, defendida en 2017 en la Universidad de Deusto y dirigida por los profesores Felipe Gómez Isa y Carlos Martín Beristain, analiza el que califica de “conflicto olvidado” del Sahara Occidental desde la perspectiva de los derechos humanos abordando, en particular, el delito de desaparición forzada. Para ello, la autora, que formó parte del equipo de trabajo de la investigación que desembocó en “El Oasis de la Memoria”, analiza en detalle 95 casos de desaparición forzada, 86 de ellos recogidos en dicha publicación y los nueve restantes, en “Meheris: la esperanza posible”. La investigadora indica que es necesaria “una voluntad política real por transformar la realidad y romper con el pasado de violaciones de derechos humanos” y denuncia que “no se haya respetado el derecho de las víctimas a la verdad”. Los resultados del trabajo, según apunta López, se espera que sirvan para que las personas afectadas puedan defender sus derechos ante las instancias internacionales y la Audiencia Nacional española.

Reward, Punishment, and Forgiveness

Book Description

This book deals with central and universal issues of reward, punishment and forgiveness for the first time in a compact and comprehensive way. Until now these themes have received far too little attention in scholarly research both in their own right and in their interrelationship. The scope of this study is to present them in relation to the foundations of our culture. These and related issues are treated primarily within the Hebrew Bible, using the methods of literary analysis. The centrality of these themes in all religions and all cultures has resulted, however, in a comparative investigation, drawing attention to the problem of terminology, the importance of Greek culture for the European tradition, and the fusion of Greek and Jewish-Christian cultures in our modern philosophical and theological systems. This broad perspective shows that the biblical personalist understanding of divine authority and of human righteousness or guilt provides the personalist key to the search for reconciliation in a divided world.

TPM en industrias de proceso

Book Description

El mejor libro sobre TPM que hemos editado hasta la fecha! El enfoque TPM resulta en mejoras dramaticas en calidad, costo de producci?n y entrega de productos. En este libro, nueve autores le ensenan todos los detalles que usted necesita para implementar el TPM, y ejemplos de industrias textiles, quimicas, de alimentos, entre otras. Una de las grandes ventajas de este libro es que le ayuda a conocer la implementacion del TPM a traves de la perspectiva de consultores especializados y reconocidos.Contenido:Vision general del TPM en las industrias de proceso Maximizacion de la eficacia de la producci?n Mejora orientada Mantenimiento Autonomo Mantenimiento planificado Gestion temprana Mantenimiento de calidad Promocion de tecnicas de operacion y mantenimiento TPM en los departamentos administrativos y de apoyo Creacion de un entorno grato y seguro Actividades de pequenos grupos TPM Medicion de la eficacia del TPM

Safety & Health Program for Rx & General Industry

Book Description

SAFETY & HEALTH PROGRAM FOR RX & GENERAL INDUSTRY This manual is a prevention of occupational induction of injury and illness which could lead in a consequence, and will be given a precedence over operating productivity whenever it’s necessary. To the greatest degree possible, management will provide all mechanical and physical activities required for personal safety and healthy with the highest standard. It will help employees in the medical field to be dedicated in helping individuals who take part in making the workplace safe. They will be able to treat each other with the utmost respect after studying this manual. It may just seem like another job but it’s a healthcare team’s & client’s safety. The author would like to think of this as a project environment of involving human service where we can make a grand impact on someone’s life even in the moment where they believe that their lives can no longer be impacted.

Harm Reduction Psychotherapy

Book Description

This ground-breaking volume provides readers with both an overview of harm reduction therapy and a series of ten case studies, treated by different therapists, that vividly illustrate this treatment approach with a wide variety of clients. Harm reduction is a framework for helping drug and alcohol users who cannot or will not stop completely—the majority of users—reduce the harmful consequences of use. Harm reduction accepts that abstinence may be the best outcome for many but relaxes the emphasis on abstinence as the only acceptable goal and criterion of success. Instead, smaller incremental changes in the direction of reduced harmfulness of drug use are accepted. This book will show how these simple changes in emphasis and expectation have dramatic implications for improving the effectiveness of psychotherapy in many ways. From the Foreword by Alan Marlatt, Ph.D.: “This ground-breaking volume provides readers with both an overview of harm reduction therapy and a series of ten case studies, treated by different therapists, that vividly illustrate this treatment approach with a wide variety of clients. In his introduction, Andrew Tatarsky describes harm reduction as a new paradigm for treating drug and alcohol problems. Some would say that harm reduction embraces a paradigm shift in addiction treatment, as it has moved the field beyond the traditional abstinence-only focus typically associated with the disease model and the ideology of the twelve-step approach. Others may conclude that the move toward harm reduction represents an integration of what Dr. Tatarsky describes as the “basic principles of good clinical practice” into the treatment of addictive behaviors. “Changing addiction behavior is often a complex and complicated process for both client and therapist. What seems to work best is the development of a strong therapeutic alliance, the right fit between the client and treatment provider. The role of the harm reduction therapist is closer to that of a guide, someone who can provide support an

A Scholarly Edition of the Gamaliel (Valencia: Juan Jofre, 1525)

Book Description

A Scholarly Edition of the Gamaliel (Valencia: Juan Jofre, 1525) is a modernized edition of a popular Spanish devotional that appeared in multiple editions until it was banned by the Spanish Inquisition due to its anonymous authorship and apocryphal content.

Human Rights Issues and Vulnerable Groups

Book Description

This volume covers topics related to human rights issues and problems of people who are overwhelmed by hostile situations around them and are subsequently rendered vulnerable. The situations of vulnerability discussed in this book are related to suffering caused by the moral, family, social, economic or political conditions in which the people, and the groups they belong to, live. Readers are guided through a discussion about rights, as an instrument through which civil society and the ‘Rule of Law’ try to curb or even eliminate the suffering of these people. The aim of such efforts is to restore the situation of vulnerable people to a level of normality. Human Rights Issues and Vulnerable Groups presents a discussion of issues surrounding several kinds of vulnerable groups: minorities, children, gender groups, persons with disabilities, migrants, cultural groups, displaced persons, victims of terrorism, linguistic groups, poor people, people in prison and sexual minorities. The book is a detailed reference for graduates and scholars in law, political science, sociology and social psychology. The volume is also recommended for working professionals who operate with human rights groups and general readers (non-experts) who want to understand the discourse about human rights in a holistic (moral, legal, social, economic, and political) framework.