Financial and Enterprise Restructuring in Emerging Market Economies

Book Description

This paper examines alternative approaches to building sound financial structures in emerging market economies. The foremost task is to resolve the bad loan problem and to recapitalize insolvent state banks. By restoring an incentive for banks to price accurately the risks of new lending, this effort would be an important first step in strengthening financial control. However, we argue that this endeavor is only part of the task at hand; the remainder is to provide financing that facilitates the economic restructuring of SOEs. A comprehensive strategy may involve combining discipline derived from enforcing existing loans to SOEs with adequate funding for new forms of ownership, including financing for enterprise sell-offs and leasing.

Financial and Enterprise Restructuring in Emerging Market Economies

Book Description

This paper examines alternative approaches to building sound financial structures in emerging market economies. The foremost task is to resolve the bad loan problem and to recapitalize insolvent state banks. By restoring an incentive for banks to price accurately the risks of new lending, this effort would be an important first step in strengthening financial control. However, we argue that this endeavor is only part of the task at hand; the remainder is to provide financing that facilitates the economic restructuring of SOEs. A comprehensive strategy may involve combining discipline derived from enforcing existing loans to SOEs with adequate funding for new forms of ownership, including financing for enterprise sell-offs and leasing.

Corporate Debt Restructuring in Emerging Markets

Book Description

Corporate debt restructurings in the emerging markets have always presented special challenges. Today, as the global economy emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic and businesses look to pick up the pieces, this is even more true. For many, the financial hangover of the lockdowns and market disruptions linger and threaten their independence, even their survival. This peril is more acute in the emerging and frontier markets. Weaker economic fundamentals and institutional resiliency often intensify the challenge to return to pre-COVID-19 operating levels and financial sustainability. In this context, borrowers invariably must address the imbalance of substantial existing debt with the “new reality” of their business operations and revenues. This book, using case studies, presents a full, detailed narrative of a fictitious troubled bank in an emerging market, with characters, dialogues, and negotiations. It also includes a series of discussion questions with suggested answers, to draw out key issues from the case. In doing so, this initial narrative offers a substantive analysis of the five main phases and principles of a restructuring: (1) pre-restructuring, (2) the decision to restructure, (3) the case set-up, (4) structuring and negotiation, and lastly (5) implementation. In each chapter, the book outlines the main elements of the phases and shows how the elements are applied in practice. The book also presents separate chapters on exogenous shocks (with a focus on the COVID-19 pandemic as an example of such shocks), macroeconomics, and legal issues present in cross-border restructurings. It will be of interest to the international professional financial and legal community, primarily junior-to mid-level financiers, business people, and lawyers.

Restructuring and Managing the Enterprise in Transition

Book Description

A wide gap still exists between Western concepts and their application in the ex-socialist countries during transition. Most Western models in financial management make assumptions about the efficiency and stability of markets and the signals that can be obtained and also assume that traditional accounting information is available and can be used for management purposes. A new paradigm is needed to manage the finance function in a transition economy experiencing hyperinflation since stamdard assumptions are not valid in most ex-socialist countries. This book describes the adaptations of financial techniques as it reviews standard financial concepts and tools, adjusts them when necessary to the unique conditions in the ex-socialist enterprises, and then presents the restructuring context and some strategies that are based on the application of these tools.

Emerging Financial Markets In The Global Economy

Book Description

The rapid emergence of active financial markets in a number of developing and transition countries during the 1990s is a momentous phenomenon. Until recently, most developing countries severely manipulated and repressed their financial markets. The dramatic increase in the influence of neo-liberal thinking and laissez-faire governance in developing countries has recently led to serious capital market reform in scores of countries. Most countries without financial market reform are anxiously studying their successful neighbors in order to adopt policies, programs, and regulations that have a proven track record.This collection of papers addresses many of the important issues raised by these dramatic changes, including restructuring pension systems, organizing new equity markets, designing financial systems to deal with systemic risk, dealing with the overhang and bad debts, and attracting foreign direct investments. Several papers deal with informal credit markets, examining the effect of informal finance on economic development and the exponential growth in microfinance by private financial institutions in Latin America and in the United States.The book is intended for policy makers and scholars interested in capital markets in developing and transition economies. It is also suitable for use as a supplementary text in upper level undergraduate and graduate courses in development finance.

The Determinants of Enterprise Restructuring in Transition

Book Description

Over the last decade, more than one hundred fifty thousand large enterprises in twenty seven transition countries have encountered revolutionary changes in every aspect of their political and economic environments. Some enterprises have responded to the challenge, entering world markets with great dynamism and becoming indistinguishable from their competitors in mature market economies. Others remain mired in their past, undergoing protracted deaths, delayed at times by their slippage into a netherworld of barter and ersatz money. Thus the revolutionary changes in transition countries have been matched by great variation in the degree to which enterprises have responded successfully to events. To assess the effectiveness of the different reform and privatization strategies, empirical research on transition countries has examined enterprise level data to ascertain whether enterprises have responded productively to changes in ownership and to other reform measures. This volume provides a general assessment of the evidence generated by these studies. In providing the assessment, it: discusses the general context of the studies; assesses the evidence on whether state-owned or privatized firms undertake more economic restructuring; studies the effects of restructuring on different types of owners; focuses on the role of managers; analyzes the effect of greater discipline in the government's reaction to enterprises in distress; examines how variations in product market competition affect enterprise restructuring; and examines the role of the institutional and legal framework. This publication will be of interest to policy makers and readers interested in gaining an overview of the current state of the evidence.

Economic and Financial Crises in Emerging Market Economies

Book Description

In the late 1990s, economic and financial crises raged through East Asia, devastating economies that had previously been considered among the strongest in the developing world. The crises eventually spread to Russia, Turkey, and Latin America, and impacted the economies of many industrialized nations as well. In today's increasingly interdependent world, finding ways to reduce the risk of future crises—and to improve the management of crises when they occur—has become an international policy challenge of paramount importance. This book rises to that challenge, presenting accessible papers and commentaries on the topic not only from leading academic economists, but also from high-ranking government officials (in both industrial and developing nations), senior policymakers at international institutions, and major financial investors. Six non-technical papers, each written by a specialist in the topic, provide essential economic background, introducing sections on exchange rate regimes, financial policies, industrial country policies, IMF stabilization policies, IMF structural programs, and creditor relations. Next, personal statements from the major players give firsthand accounts of what really went on behind the scenes during the crises, giving us a rare glimpse into how international economic policy decisions are actually made. Finally, wide-ranging discussions and debates sparked by these papers and statements are summarized at the end of each section. The result is an indispensable overview of the key issues at work in these crises, written by the people who move markets and reshape economies, and accessible to not just economists and policymakers, but also to educated general readers. Contributors: Montek S. Ahluwalia, Domingo F. Cavallo, William R. Cline, Andrew Crockett, Michael P. Dooley, Sebastian Edwards, Stanley Fischer, Arminio Fraga, Jeffrey Frankel, Jacob Frenkel, Timothy F. Geithner, Morris Goldstein, Paul Keating, Mervyn King, Anne O. Krueger, Roberto Mendoza, Frederic S. Mishkin, Guillermo Ortiz, Yung Chul Park, Nouriel Roubini, Robert Rubin, Jeffrey Sachs, Ammar Siamwalla, George Soros