Unwinding Financial Sector Interventions

Book Description

As the financial crisis abates, governments are faced with the challenge of balancing the withdrawal of fiscal support with reestablishing sound public finances and sustainable growth. This volume presents papers from an IMF-sponsored conference of senior policymakers, academics, and senior representatives of the private sector on unwinding public interventions initiated during the crisis. There was broad agreement that the main goal of any strategy for unwinding such interventions should be to create price stability, fiscal sustainability, and a new economic landscape that is much safer than currently exists. Different perspectives on the timing and sequence of the exit process are presented and some guiding principles for exit strategies are discussed. Policy objectives, unwinding public support to banks, and dealing with risky assets purchased by central banks are among topics discussed in detail. The volume also presents views on what the new financial landscape will look like.

International Liquidity and the Financial Crisis

Book Description

Explains how the financial crisis spread across the world, how damage was contained and how the monetary world has changed.

Financial Crises, Unconventional Monetary Policy Exit Strategies, and Agents' Expectations

Book Description

This paper considers a model with financial frictions and studies the role of expectations and unconventional monetary policy response to financial crises. During a financial crisis, the financial sector has reduced ability to provide credit to productive firms, and the central bank may help lessen the magnitude of the downturn by using unconventional monetary policy to inject liquidity into credit markets. The model allows parameters to change according to a Markov process, which gives agents in the economy expectations about the probability of the central bank intervening in response to a crisis, as well as expectations about the central bank's exit strategy post-crisis. Using this Markov regime switching.

Managing the Exit

Book Description

In responding to the global crisis, central banks in several advanced economies ventured beyond traditional monetary policy. A variety of unorthodox measures, including purchases of public and private assets, have significantly enlarged their balance sheets. As recoveries take hold, focus will increasingly shift from countering the Great Recession to orchestrating an exit and returning to a more normal monetary framework. Five years ago, as its economy recovered from a severe financial crisis, Japan attempted just such an exit. This note revisits the Bank of Japan’s experience and draws potential lessons for managing an orderly exit today, with a focus on technical aspects, practicalities, and communication strategies. While the nature of the assets acquired during the present crisis could pose additional complications, parts of Japan’s arsenal—communication, flexibility, a sufficient set of policy tools and a strategy for using them, safeguards against potential losses, the revival of risk appetite through decisive restructuring of balance sheets, and refinements to the monetary framework upon exit—also could be important this time around.

Financial Crises and Recession in the Global Economy

Book Description

In this incisive fifth edition of Financial Crises and Recession in the Global Economy, Roy E. Allen examines the major financial instabilities, crises, and evolutionary trends since the 1970s and through the recent Covid-19 pandemic.

The Financial Crisis Reform and Exit Strategies

Book Description

The financial crisis required governments to make massive interventions in their financial systems. This book sets out priorities for reforming incentives in financial markets as well as for phasing out these emergency measures.

Lessons of the Financial Crisis for Future Regulation of Financial Institutions and Markets and for Liquidity Management

Book Description

This paper seeks to draw lessons for financial sector regulation and supervision and central bank liquidity management from the ongoing crisis, focusing principally on implications for the future rather than on immediate crisis management policies. Inadequacies in macroeconomic policies and the design of the international financial architecture exposed in the crisis will also have to be addressed to make the suggested changes in the regulatory framework effective.

Global Financial Flows in the Pre- and Post-global Crisis Periods

Book Description

This book covers many aspects of excessive expansion of cross-border capital flows underlying the global financial crises that occurred in succession in the form of the subprime mortgage crisis, the collapse of Lehman Brothers, and the European debt crisis. Obtaining a broader picture of financial flows at the global level from various perspectives is essential to comprehensively understand the fundamental causes for a series of global-scale financial crises and to formulate effective policy responses in the future. The topics addressed here include a basic concept and overview of global liquidity in a broad sense, domestic and international credit activities of financial institutions in both advanced and emerging countries, and global demand for US dollars. Offshore bond issuance in BRICs countries, including its implications for the Chinese shadow banking sector, uncovered interest rate parity puzzle, and related policies such as capital controls are covered as well. This book is highly recommended to readers who seek an in-depth and up-to-date integrated overview of the dynamics of today’s globalized financial markets.

Global Impact and Challenges of Unconventional Monetary Policies

Book Description

This paper takes stock of unconventional monetary policies (UMP) and their impact so far, and looks ahead towards exit and prospects for policy coordination. It synthesizes earlier staff work on UMP,1 the findings of a substantial and growing academic and central banking literature, as well as further staff analysis contained in the Background Paper. While some widely accepted conclusions have emerged from the large and growing number of studies on UMP, many important questions remain unsettled, as enough time has not elapsed to draw definitive conclusions. In those cases, the paper will pose the relevant questions and provide possible nswers, while recognizing the uncertainty that remains.