Financial Dependence and International Trade

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May 2001Does financial development translate into a comparative advantage in industries that use more external finance? Yes, it does.Using industry-level data on firms' dependence on external finance - data for 36 industries and 56 countries - Beck shows that countries with better developed financial systems have higher export shares and trade balances in industries that use more external finance.These results are robust to the use of alternative measures of external dependence and financial development and are not attributable to reverse causality or simultaneity bias.This paper - a product of Finance, Development Research Group - is part of a larger effort in the group to understand the link between financial development and economic growth. The author may be contacted at [email protected].

Financial Dependence and International Trade

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Does financial development translate into a comparative advantage in industries that use more external finance? Yes, it does.

Endowment Versus Finance

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This paper develops a theory of international trade in which financial development and factor endowments jointly determine comparative advantage. We apply the financial contract model of Holmstrom and Tirole (1998) to the Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson (HOS) model in which firms' dependence on external finance is endogenous, and the demand for external finance is constrained by financial development. The theory nests HOS model as a special case. A key result that emerges is what we call the law of a wooden barrel: if the external finance constraint is binding, then further financial development will increase the output of the industry more dependent on external finance, and decrease the output of the other industry. It is shown that financial development makes both labor and unemployed capital better off, but incumbent capital worse off. Therefore, financial development depends on the relative strength of political forces among labor, unemployed capital owners, and incumbent capital owners. If only the capital constraint is binding, on the other hand, the standard HOS predictions will apply.

Trade Finance during the Great Trade Collapse

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On September 15, 2008, Lehman Brothers, the fourth largest U.S. investment bank filed for bankruptcy. Global credit markets tightened. Spreads skyrocketed. International trade plummeted by double digits. Banks were reportedly unable to meet the demand from their customers to finance their international trade operations, leaving a trade finance 'gap' estimated at around US$25 billion. Governments and international institutions felt compelled to intervene based on the information that some 80-90 percent of world trade relies on some form of trade finance. As the recovery unfolds, the time has come to provide policy makers and analysts with a comprehensive assessment of the role of trade finance in the 2008-09 great trade collapse and the subsequent role of governments and institutions to help restore trade finance markets. After reviewing the underpinning of trade finance and interfirm trade credit, 'Trade Finance during the Great Trade Collapse' aims to answer the following questions: - Was the availability and cost of trade finance a major constraint on trade during the 2008-09 global economic crisis? - What are the underpinnings and limits of national and international public interventions in support of trade finance markets in times of crisis? - How effective were the public and private sector mechanisms put in place during the crisis to support trade and trade finance? - To what extent have the new banking regulations under Basel II and Basel III exacerbated the trade finance shortfall during the crisis and in the post-crisis environment, respectively? 'Trade Finance during the Great Trade Collapse' is the product of a fruitful collaboration during the crisis among the World Bank Group, international financial partners, private banks, and academia. 'Trade is the lifeblood of the world economy, and the sharp collapse in trade volumes was one of the most dramatic consequences of the global financial crisis. It was the moment the financial crisis hit the real economy, and when parts of the world far from the epicenter of financial turbulence felt its full fury. This book is extremely timely and full of critical insights into the role of trade finance and the potential damaging impact from the unintended consequences of regulatory changes.' --Peter Sands, CEO, Standard Chartered Bank

Financial Development and International Trade

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This paper studies the industry-level and aggregate implications of financial development on international trade. I set up a multi-industry general equilibrium model of international trade with heterogeneous firms subject to financial frictions. Industries differ in capital-intensity, which leads to differences in external finance dependence. The model is parameterized to match key features of firm-level data. Financial development leads to substantial reallocation of international trade shares from labor- to capital-intensive industries. At the aggregate-level, there are moderate effects under international financial integration, but negligible under international financial autarky. These findings are consistent with estimates from cross-country industry- and aggregate-level data.

Impact of Global Issues on International Trade

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International trade is vital in today’s world; international trade can be affected by a number of issues such as terrorism, economic crises, and pandemics such as COVID-19. It is crucial to understand the impact these global issues have on international trade and what happens to trade when global issues arise. A comprehensive guide of these issues is needed to provide background and understanding about international trade and its relationship with global issues. Global issues occasionally dominate a continuing theme of the international globalized world: global crises, war, security issues, global pandemics such as COVID-19, and trade wars. Global cooperation is required to solve such problems. Economically intellectual thinking will enable the development of guiding policies in solving these global problems. In this book, the effects of global issues on international trade will be evaluated, and policy recommendations will be made for the solution of the global issues. Impact of Global Issues on International Trade is a critical reference source that uses analytic research to analyze the effects of global economic and financial crises as well as global health crises and their impact on international trade. Pandemics such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the global economic crisis, and trade wars are discussed, and political suggestions are made to mitigate negative impacts. Covering a wide range of topics such as financial fragility and trade fairs, it is ideal for trade specialists, policymakers, government officials, managers, executives, economists, academicians, researchers, students, and industry professionals.

Essays on International Trade, Capital Flows and Financial Frictions

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Two particular concerns in international economics motivate this research: I. How are real and financial activities related to each other in a globalized economy? II. What role do financial frictions play in this relationship ? Three essays look at these questions from different perspectives. The first chapter, in collaboration with Jean-Charles Bricongne and SebastianFranco-Bedoya, revises the old question on the relation between FDI and exports on French firms, where theory seems to be at odds with empirical findings. Most FDI and most trade take place between rich markets, where the horizontal investment type is expected to happen. In this sense, empirical studies have almost invariably found a complementarity relation while standard Horizontal FDI models predict substitutability between FDI and exports given the proximity-concentration trade-off. [...]The second chapter empirically examines how external financial needs measured at the sector level- and financial development at the country level interact to shape the aggregate marginal product of capital of a country (MPK) and its foreign direct investment inflows (FDI). First, using new available data we construct annual aggregate MPK for 50 developing and developed countries during 1995-2008; we use industry-level data to construct an annual country-level measure of external financial dependence and assess its effects on MPK conditional on the level of financial development. Our findings imply that financial development seems to be a necessary condition -and certainly not a sufficient one- in order for production in financially dependent sectors to positively affect aggregate MPK in developing countries. Second, using bilateral FDI inflows in developing countries between 2001 and 2010, we analyze how external financial dependence and financial development determine FDI in flows in developing countries. [...]The third chapter, joint research with Jean-Charles Bricongne and Fabrizio Coricelli, studies the transmission of global shocks during the Great Recession and its impact on French employment. Particularly, we explore the role of trade credit in the propagation of cross-border shocks. Using a sub-sample of importing enterprises that were active over 2004-2009,our findings imply that strong pre-crisis sourcing ties with countries that were more resilient to the global crisis, translated into better performance in terms of employment growth over 2008-2009. This effect dramatically varies with trade credit intensity. Strongly relying on trade credit made firms more vulnerable to unanticipated shocks, for which the adverse impact of the crisis was exacerbated. This effect intensified among firms with important sourcing ties with severely shocked countries. While the negative effect of the crisis was mitigated when sourcing relations with countries subject to milder shocks were stronger. Supporting, therefore, the hypothesis that trade credit was an alternative source of financing for enterprises during the crisis, where implicitly borrowing from suppliers helped importers overcoming financial constraints. Our contribution to the literature adds to the debate on the role of trade finance in explaining the real economic downturn across borders.

Financial Dependence and Growth

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Does finance affect economic growth? A number of studies have identified a positive correlation between the level of development of a country's financial sector and the rate of growth of its per capita income. As has been noted elsewhere, the observed correlation does not necessarily imply a causal relationship. This paper examines whether financial development facilitates economic growth by scrutinizing one rationale for such a relationship; that financial development reduces the costs of external finance to firms. Specifically, we ask whether industrial sectors that are relatively more in need of external finance develop disproportionately faster in countries with more developed financial markets. We find this to be true in a large sample of countries over the 1980s. We show this result is unlikely to be driven by omitted variables, outliers, or reverse causality.

Trade credit, financial intermediary development, and industry growth

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Where do firms turn for financing in countries with poorly developed financial markets? One source is trade credit. And where formal financial intermediaries are deficient, industries that rely more on this source of financing grow faster.