Financial Markets for Small Enterprises in Urban and Rural Northern Thailand

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This study examines the demand for and supply of financial services for small entrepreneurs in Northern Thailand. Particular emphasis is placed on credit technologies deployed by formal and informal institutions and on determinants of credit access and borrower transaction costs. The study complements and expands on existing research into micro-finance by adding a specific regional dimension. A remarkable situation of -urban bias in reverse- has been detected as far as access to formal finance is concerned. Conventional access variables (such as education and the level of household income and assets) do not explain <I>rural households' access to institutional credit sources, while these factors turned out to be powerful determinants in explaning <I>urban households' access to formal finance. This can be explained by the efforts on the part of the Thai government to improve access to credit for small rural enterprises. The author concludes that the neglect of rural finance and the lack of innovative financial approaches is, to a significant extent, also the result of political priority-setting and decision-making; it cannot be attributed to unattractive investment possibilities alone."

Financing SMEs and Entrepreneurs 2020 An OECD Scoreboard

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The 9th edition of the Scoreboard on Financing SMEs and Entrepreneurs report provides data from 48 countries around the world on SME lending, alternative finance instruments and financing conditions, as well as information on policy initiatives to improve SME access to finance.

Rural Development Through Carbon Finance

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In a timely contribution to the international discussion of the post-Kyoto climate regime this study hypothesizes that Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects in the land use and forestry sector are an efficient instrument for climate change mitigation that contributes to rural development and poverty alleviation at the same time. To this end, the study analyzes socio-economic aspects of a forestry project established under the CDM rules considering an East African case study exemplarily. An agricultural household survey in Tanzania delivered the empirical data for the structural equation model at the center of the analysis. Looking at different farm assets it is shown that the benefits of land use-related climate projects go way beyond pure mitigation. They also have a positive impact on a very broad asset base on which poor farm households depend. Hence, the current CDM only allowing for afforestation and reforestation projects is far too restricted to deliver on its twin objective.

Sustainable Land Use in Mountainous Regions of Southeast Asia

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This book creates a scientific base for the development and testing of sustainable production and land use systems in ecologically fragile and economically disadvantaged mountainous regions in Southeast Asia; to develop concepts for rural institutions that can reduce rural poverty and food insecurity, and improve livelihoods in mountainous regions in Southeast Asia; and to explore methods for analyzing complex ecosystems and their interactions with the socio-cultural, economic and institutional environment.

An Economic Analysis of Public Good Provision in Rural Russia

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Adequate access to public goods plays an important role in the economic and rural development of any country. For the transition countries, however, providing public goods is particularly problematic owing to several factors associated with the transition process itself, e.g. economic recession and a change in ownership of local public goods. Taking Russia as an example, this study examines the effect of the transition process on rural household's access to public goods. With reference to education and health care, household access to public goods is addressed in terms of community availability and economic access. The analysis is taken a step further, through an examination of the role of informal institutions in public good provision. Multiple regression analysis was used to test for the significance of income as a determinant of private expenditures on public goods. The results indicate that, contrary to expectations, neither income nor informal payments are important determinants of access to public goods. Informal institutions continue to exert a strong influence on the provision of public goods.

Chronicles from the Field

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Lessons learned in the process of designing and implementing one of the longest-running panel data surveys in development economics.

Determinants of Bank Lending in Thailand

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Thailand experienced some of the world's fastest economic growth rates over the past four decades until the 1997 Baht devaluation and subsequent financial crisis. The dramatic financial collapse has raised doubts about the general efficiency of the Thai financial system. Until now, empirical knowledge about the lending process or behaviour in emerging markets has been extremely thin due to the lack of appropriate and reliable data. This study, which uses micro level bank data, examines systematic analysis of risk, relationships, and other factors in Thai bank lending decisions to assess the pre-crisis health of the lending process. Specifically, it investigates factors that affect interest rates, degree of lending volume and collateral setting in the loan decision of Thai banks between 1992 and 1996. The results show that Thai banks' lending decisions follow a similar manner as in developed countries. There are sufficient systematic structures in place, not chaos as speculated by many. Thai banks partly consider borrower's risk in their lending decision, especially the degree of lending volume but do not make use of these risk indicators in the pricing of loans. Relationship factors are important in Thai bank's lending decisions. The evidence is more resounding in Thailand than in the developed countries. However, lending to more closely related firms is neither the cause of nor related to bad loan outcome.

Financing SMEs and Entrepreneurs 2019 An OECD Scoreboard

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The 8th edition of the Scoreboard on SME and Entrepreneurship Finance report provides data from 46 countries around the world on debt finance, alternative finance instruments and financing conditions, as well as information on policy initiatives to improve their access to finance.

Toward the Rural-based Development of Commerce and Industry

Book Description

A traditional paradigm in development economics assumes that the process of modern economic growth is associated with a major shift in labor from rural hinterlands to urban industrial centers. However, the logic of economic development does not dictate that industrialization and urbanization are intertwined and inseparable, as assumed in the traditional paradigm. The studies reported in this volume examine whether an alternative route of economic development might exist in which the modern production base also moves into the rural sector instead of the rural labor force alone moving into the urban sector. Part I focuses on historical experiences in Japan such as technical and institutional innovations in rice marketing, and the formation of Toyota's relationship with suppliers. Part II reports on current developments in East Asia including the rural garment and weaving industries in Northern Thailand, and rural entrepreneurship and industrial development in Korea.