Financial System Standards and Financial Stability

Book Description

The relationship between the observance of financial system standards and financial stability is complex owing to the multitude of macroeconomic and structural factors affecting stability. Therefore, assessments of standards in terms of technical criteria for compliance needs to be reinforced with additional information on other factors affecting risks in order to assess financial stability. Preliminary evidence from country data on observance of Basel Core Principles (BCPs) suggests that indicators of credit risk and bank soundness are primarily influenced by macroeconomic and macroprudential factors and that the direct influence of compliance with Basel Core Principles on credit risk and soundness is insignificant. BCP compliance could, however, influence risk and soundness indirectly through its influence on the impact of other macro variables.

Financial System Standards and Financial Stability: the Case of Basel Core Principles

Book Description

The relationship between the observance of financial system standards and financial stability is complex owing to the multitude of macroeconomic and structural factors affecting stability. Therefore, assessments of standards in terms of technical criteria for compliance needs to be reinforced with additional information on other factors affecting risks in order to assess financial stability. Preliminary evidence from country data on observance of Basel Core Principles (BCPs) suggests that indicators of credit risk and bank soundness are primarily influenced by macroeconomic and macroprudential factors and that the direct influence of compliance with Basel Core Principles on credit risk and soundness is insignificant. BCP compliance could, however, influence risk and soundness indirectly through its influence on the impact of other macro variables.

Financial System Standards and Financial Stability

Book Description

The relationship between the observance of financial system standards and financial stability is complex owing to the multitude of macroeconomic and structural factors affecting stability. Assessments of standards need to be interpreted using information on other factors affecting risks. Preliminary evidence from data on observance of Basel Core Principles (BCP) suggests that credit risk and bank soundness are primarily influenced by macroeconomic and macroprudential factors and that direct influence of compliance with BCP on credit risk and soundness is insignificant. Compliance could, however, have a sizable indirect influence through its impact on the marginal effect on soundness of macro factors.

Basel Core Principles and Bank Risk

Book Description

This paper studies whether compliance with the Basel Core Principles for effective banking supervision (BCPs) is associated with bank soundness. Using data for over 3,000 banks in 86countries, we find that neither the overall index of BCP compliance nor its individual components are robustly associated with bank risk measured by Z-scores. We also fail to find a relationship between BCP compliance and systemic risk measured by a system-wide Zscore.

2024 Revised Basel Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision

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The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) recently revised the Basel Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision (BCP). The BCP are the de facto minimum standards for the sound prudential regulation and supervision of banks and banking systems and are universally applicable. This comprehensive update, the first since 2012, reflects the evolving financial landscape and incorporates feedback from a wide range of stakeholders including BCBS members, nonmember countries, the IMF, and the WBG. After extensive consultation, the revised BCP were approved by the BCBS in February 2024, and endorsed by the International Conference of Banking Supervisors in April 2024. The revised BCP document is a response to regulatory developments and structural changes within the banking industry over the last decade. It addresses the lessons learned over the last 10 years, including from the pandemic and the March 2023 banking turmoil; key findings from assessments under the Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP); and new challenges posed by ongoing structural transformations, notably digitalization and climate change. The revisions emphasize the importance of operational resilience, systemic risk management, and the adoption of a proportional approach to supervision, catering to the global diversity of banks and banking system.

Basel Compliance and Financial Stability

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The paper provides robust evidence that compliance with Basel Core Principles (BCPs) has a strong positive effect on the Z-score of conventional banks, albeit less pronounced on the Zscore of Islamic banks. Using a sample of banks operating in 19 developing countries, the results appear to be driven by capital ratios, a component of Z-score for the two types of banks. Even though smaller on Islamic banks, individual chapters of BCPs also suggest a positive effect on the stability of conventional banks. The findings support the effective role of BCP standards in improving bank stability, whose important implications led to the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) publication of new recommendations in 2015 to bring BCP standards in line with the Core Principles for Islamic Finance Regulation (CPIFRs) standards. Our findings suggest that because Islamic banks are benchmarked closely to BCPs, the implementation of CPFIRs should also positively affect their stability.

Creating a Safer Financial System

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The U.S., the U.K., and more recently, the E.U., have proposed policy measures directly targeting complexity and business structures of banks. Unlike other, price-based reforms (e.g., Basel 3 and G-SIFI surcharges), these proposals have been developed unilaterally with material differences in scope, design and implementation schedules. This may exacerbate cross-border regulatory arbitrage and put a further burden on consolidated supervision and cross-border resolution. This paper provides an analysis of the potential implications of implementing different structural policy measures. It proposes a pragmatic and coordinated approach to development of these policies to reduce risk of regulatory arbitrage and minimize unintended consequences. In doing so, it also aims to identify a set of common policy measures that countries could adopt to re-scope bank business models and corporate structures.

Financial Sector Assessment

Book Description

The experience of many countries around the world clearly shows that while financial sector development can spur economic growth, financial fragility and instability can seriously harm growth. Following the financial crises of the late 1990s, there has been increasing interest in the systematic assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of financial systems, with the ultimate goal of formulating appropriate policies to foster financial stability, and stimulate financial sector development. Consequently, there has been an increased demand from financial sector authorities in many countries, as well as from the Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) staff for information on key issues, and sound practices in the assessment of financial systems, and in the design of policy responses. This Handbook of Financial Sector Assessment is a response to this demand. The Handbook presents an overall analytical framework for assessing financial system stability and developmental needs, providing broad guidance on approaches, methodologies, and techniques of assessing financial systems. Although the Handbook draws substantially on Bank and IMF experience with the financial sector assessment programs (FSAPs), and from the broader policy and operational work in both institutions, it is designed for generic use in financial sector assessments, whether conducted by country authorities themselves, or by Bank and IMF teams. It is, therefore, hoped the Handbook will serve as an authoritative source on the objectives, analytical framework, and methodologies of financial sector assessments, as well as a comprehensive reference book for training on the techniques of such assessments.